After reading the threads, I figured maybe this way would be best to find an artist who can help. I’m looking for someone to help our monastery finish it’s customization of AA Global 40 and possible help, with what is necessary, on the pieces for Global War 1936…… the more intricate, the more monks like games like this. We have lots of pieces that are donated and pretty interesting. We would be more than willing to give the leftovers away. The “Ratte” Landkreuzer P. 1000 tank is my favorite. We have 3
Painting units.
Are there any good websites that have a list of paints and the colors that you need to paint military sets? I am trying to add to my paint collection so i can start painting my A and A guys but don’t know what paints I need.
You could ask @Mr-Kell his stuff looks real good
Vallejo has the most extensive variety of sets. I have no first-hand experience as to what comes in them, but I use and can recommend the paints.
Could try and hit up FineScale Modelers site. Might find links to other manufacturers there.
Thanks barnee
P.S. DMcLaren and folewnik have some good detailing tips and tools in their custom carriers thread. -
I forgot about Micro Mark.
All kinds of supplies and tools there.Cheers
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