Woops, if that’s correct, then my table might be accidentally playing by a houserule. It also sounds like kind of a bad rule.
We play that a plane must have a possible landing spot at the end of its combat phase. Say a battle goes horribly, and you decide not to move in the carrier, you can just let the plane crash and burn (or sink). The limitation is that you cannot plan for a carrier to be the valid landing position for two planes in two different positions. You must declare your intention to move the carrier as part of your combat movement. Whether or not you actually ever do is up to you.
I got this interpretation from a J1 summary, actually. There, you fight a naval battle off of the Philippines. On your non-com phase, you move your carrier from Caroline, through the SZ around the Philippines, and one further. If you were to lose the naval battle in the Philippines, this would be invalid movement, and therefore your plane must die. However, you could still move your carrier anywhere else that you wished, no?