• Hi, I’m looking to buy D-Day but the game has been launch 10 years ago and I’m wondering if a 2nd is underway…

    I just dont want to buy it and the 2nd coming…

    Any advises?

  • Hi.
    I am convinced that a second Edition won’t be made of this game.
    It is ok, but not as good or popular as the Global ones.

  • thanks for your reply, I was looking at it because I play with 1941 and D-Day seem fast and easy for an after diner match sometime.

  • It is the fastest of all the  games, as it is structured over a time period (10 turns).
    It is the only game my wife will now play with me!

  • 2nd edition will never come out for that game.

  • Pretty sure we’re not going to get a 2nd edition of this too. Given how we’ve only got new versions of the global games since Guadalcanal the demand for it or at least the perceived demand for it just isn’t there.

  • I hate to say it but i think we have seen the last AA game unless they do a retro reprint with painted pieces. The only other thing would be an AA game in a totally different period

  • Customizer

    You can still find D-Day for a reasonable price online. As for a second edition I don’t see that happening.

  • Ok I bought it, 30$


  • Enjoy it. I think the rules are quite straightforward, but please come back with any questions.

  • I have 1941 and D-Day now.

    Thanks for you reply, I appreciated it

  • @Imperious:

    I hate to say it but i think we have seen the last AA game unless they do a retro reprint with painted pieces. The only other thing would be an AA game in a totally different period

    I certainly think we’ve seen the last of the “single battle” style games. I hold no hope of seeing anything new on the lines of D-Day, Guadalcanal, or Battle of the Bulge.

    I don’t think something more in the lines of Anniversary Edition is out of the question (bigger map and more countries than 41/42 sets but not up to the global size or complexity) or as you say a “totally different period” or on some sort of fictional planet.

    Maybe something “between” the miniatures game and Memoir '44 but that doesn’t seem likely either.

  • While there’s only one edition of D-Day, there are at least two printings of it.  I bought a copy of the game when it first came out ten years ago, then a second copy last year which I saw in a hobby shop.  I bought the seond copy because I wanted more of the “blonde” coloured UK pieces that were in the first copy.  I was suprised to discover, however, that the UK pieces in the second copy were the current pale beige colour rather than blonde.  I don’t have my notes with me, but as I recall there were a few other differences too: the German pieces were black rather than gunmetal grey, and I think all the infantry sculpts were in their current “refreshed” shape (the one introduced in 2009 in the first edition of 1942) rather than the older, slightly different original shape.

  • I bought 2 1941 set to have more pieces because its was a lil limited.

    Should I buy a second D-Day set though?

  • No, don’t. You will not need pieces for that game.

  • Alright thanks

  • @xtrem1337:

    I bought 2 1941 set to have more pieces because its was a lil limited.

    Should I buy a second D-Day set though?

    I guess it depends on how much of a sculpt enthusiast you are.  I certainly had no regrets about getting my second copy of D-Day, even if it didn’t turn out to have any blonde UK pieces, because both printings contain a unit found in no other A&A game: the German blockhouse unit.  It has no official use in any other A&A game, but it’s nice to have just from a collector’s point of view, and it can be put to unofficial use with house rules if one cares to do so.  Because it’s so specialized, however, and only exists for one country, two copies is the highest I’m planning to go.  The 1941 game is another story; I have quite a few of those, because its unique sculpts are much more diversified.

  • '18 '17 '16 '15 Customizer



    I bought 2 1941 set to have more pieces because its was a lil limited.

    Should I buy a second D-Day set though?

    I guess it depends on how much of a sculpt enthusiast you are.  I certainly had no regrets about getting my second copy of D-Day, even if it didn’t turn out to have any blonde UK pieces, because both printings contain a unit found in no other A&A game: the German blockhouse unit.  It has no official use in any other A&A game, but it’s nice to have just from a collector’s point of view, and it can be put to unofficial use with house rules if one cares to do so.  Because it’s so specialized, however, and only exists for one country, two copies is the highest I’m planning to go.  The 1941 game is another story; I have quite a few of those, because its unique sculpts are much more diversified.

    It is kind like the unique American and German mechs, in the Battle of the Bulge game. You can’t them in any other game. :-)

  • Actually I think they might still do a A&A '39 game one day; so Global 39. I own the Variant global '39 by HBG, but as that map is made of vinyl and even larger than A&A global, it’s very difficult to fit onto a random table. If they were to do a '39 game one day similar to global (i.e. split up into Europe and Pacific) and adding in terrain and true French and Polish armies, I’d certainly go for it! Still somewhat more complexity wouldn’t hurt either; what often happens in my games is that the Allies invade straight into Western Germany. For terrain, supply, tactical and air support reasons this was never an option, but is yet often the chosen Allied invasion site foregoing France altogether. I’d also like to see Russian fleets in the Black sea and off the coast of Vladivostok added (to the Pacific side of the map). Finally some more realistic convoy raiding rules!

  • Customizer

    Well I’m not Hasbro or WoTC, Here’s my two cents.

    We just had a whole bunch of new releases for A&A currently. Larry Harris is looking at other projects beyond A&A, Hasbro which owns WOTC, which owns Avalon (WOTC) doesn’t care about A&A. Card games are cheap and a milk cow which is WOTC’s cash cow which is Hasbro the toy company’s cash cow.

    Not to be negative, and as an A&A fan from the beginning, A&A is done for a while or altogether unless someone else picks up the A&A franchise and takes it in a new direction.

    D-Day as new edition IMO will NEVER Happen.

    At best expect WWII Risk!. 1941 is a flop!  If you think I’m being negative look at the You tube reviews of the latest reviews of A&A games in current production. Better yet ask your local brick and mortar game store about A&A.

    I love this game but dark DAYS ARE AHEAD.

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