I’m down!
Its a bit more rules intensive than we be my preference, but if some kind of “Island Advantage” cards, or some other tracking mechanism could be devised, so its not too onerous on players, I think the idea could be cool.
I really do think though, that if we are willing to go this far to make the IPC-less islands relevant on the Pacific side of the board, we should do something similar for the Europe side of the board.
Sicily, Sardinia, Malta, Crete, Cyprus etc, are all worthy of attention and currently don’t get much love in the game. Malta sometimes gets into the action, but I’ve never seen Allies invade Sicily, or seen the Germans invade crete, which seems kind of a bummer. No Aegean action like in the Guns of the Navarone. No race to Palermo like in Patton. Alas. You know, if we could bring all worthless islands into play at the same time, using the same basic concepts, that would be ideal.
We have right now 18 island groups in the Pacific that need some help, but 18 distinct advantages would be major overkill. How about something more like 3 or maybe 6 at the upper limit? What sort of ideas might be cool to bring an otherwise valueless island into play?
Trying of course not to make it too terribly complex, but still providing some novelty to the island hopping game. Thinking about it in gameplay terms, what would be interesting enough for a player to go out of their way and take an island territory worth no ipcs…?
I say we figure out which advantages like that might work, but reserve a +1 ipc NO if needed, to really seal the deal on it, as a compliment to whatever advantages we can come up with.