I appreciate the input! The situation has developed some…
Africa is just about secured. The British fleet got really lucky with some dice rolls and completely wiped out the Italian fleet, stemming reinforcements Africa, US has landed some combat power in Africa essentially denying the African Campaign to the Axis.
US has built up a monstorous fleet in the Pacific and is looking within the next two turns or so to wipe out most Japanese combat power, enabling ANZAC to island hop and secure key terrain.
Russia is in a constant retrograde, nearly pushed back to Moscow, though through the German purchases, it looks like Germany is going to let USSR hide in Moscow whilst it blitzes through the rest of the Soviet Union and adds all those additional IPCs.
Japan is in a tough spot now, as some minor sovier forces have pushed in northern Asia and Western China, dividing the Japanese Land forces on 3 fronts, though there is no significant threat to the Japanese forces, their IPCs are under direct threat, and they have to divide combat power while UK-Pacific builds their own.
Japan next turn will likely spend all IPCs on combat power to defend Tokyo and adjacent sea zones, and send a minor blocking force to stop the US fleet from attacking mainland Japan from Hawaii. This will allow Japan to consolidate combat power from it’s southern Pacific fleet near UK-Pacific. This is okay as US will then be able to spend one or two more turns building up combat power completely wipe out Japanese naval forces OR if all things go well, maybe even take Tokyo.
Though at that point, US will be around 80 IPCs, as will Germany, and Moscow will likely have fallen at that point, and London shortly thereafter.
Germany continues to purchase Naval assets now as it’s wave of land forces sweep across the Soviet Union. UK may be able to hold but they are 1/3 the economic power that Germany is.
I (as the US) could get reinforcements there but I’d have to build up a pretty significant Atlantic fleet to.combat the German fleet. Berlin has the logistical advantage of being able to push it’s fleet to UK within one turn where as US takes two turns to get there. Additionally Germany is a near peer economic power so we would essentially have Naval parity in the Atlantic, but if I’m spending money there, I’m not finishing off Japan.
Question is.
Do I focus 100% on Japan for the next 3-4 turns and wipe it out completely and hope UK holds? Or do I shift focus to the Atlantic and just try to contain Japan for the time being while they try to achieve Parity in the Pacific, using that time to reinforce UK?