@superbattleshipyamato Right. alot more complications introduces longer play. More areas means longer play, More units longer play. I wish their was a light 12 page version with only about 6-10 more units, not 60 more. The map would have about 60% less areas and play would take 2-3 hours but still be buckets of dice concept. That would be my wish plus dedicated piece sets or a version that used counters like nova games edition.
7.1 Official clarification
Will play this out in two weeks.
Not sure on the whole Spain change but most changes I’ve seen so far are for the best. Maybe a “blue division–like one infantry added in Berlin when Germany declares war on Russia to represent Spanish fascists sent by Spain” is needed to assuage the hardship caused by this new requirement to get Franco to commit?
More crazy stuff: how about SS pz gren added I per france / Belgium (Charlemagne) and Holland when they are captured???
Maybe Mongolia goes pro Russia if Japan declares war on Russian unprovoked?
Crazier still: Japan gets Greater Axis co-prosperity sphere NO of 5IPC if DEI, Hong Kong, Philippines, Siam, Singapore and Burma taken? Or 1 infantry to represent Indian National Army if Burma is taken?
Thanks for the set up changes.
Will submit results during play.
Wait a sec, Germany can now take East Poland round 2 and not worry about having to declare on Russia to do so?
General 6 Stars '22 '21 '20 '19 '18 '17 '16 '15 '14 '13 Customizerlast edited by Oct 10, 2014, 11:03 AM
Ok guys. This is what I have for now:
1. � Baltic states are to be treated just like Eastern Poaland…… � If Germany controls Eastern Poland and/or The Baltic States at the end of turn 1 Russia can declare war on Germany.
So if I’m reading this correct, If Germany controls Eastern Poland and/or Baltic States at end of turn 1 Russia declares war and attacks and can collect 48 icp’s at the end of turn 1 ?
Is there a balanced way to add air transports to the game?
Can communist china attack neutrals?
Yes….treat CC and Russia the same.
@ tigerman - the only 1 fort per territory and no allies except Russia might be enough to somewhat even up the game. it could be the magic fix. much more realistic. India can definitely fall now much easier.
Can you put all the “official” changes in 1 paragraph for easy access?
It would be what is stated here so far in this thread, and paratrooper clarifications, and how to roll for pro neutral vs. strict neutral navies
Good idea….ill edit the original at top of the page.
General 6 Stars '22 '21 '20 '19 '18 '17 '16 '15 '14 '13 Customizerlast edited by Nov 1, 2014, 6:12 PM
So these updates now would be in the 7.2 rules that were suppose to get e-mailed ? If they are then no emails comin? I haven’t got an e-mail yet. Just want to be clear.
Thankyou Tigerman.
Sorry guys. I still havent sent them out. Been busy with work and family and just havent had the time.
General 6 Stars '22 '21 '20 '19 '18 '17 '16 '15 '14 '13 Customizerlast edited by Nov 1, 2014, 9:49 PM
Hey, gotta do what ya gotta do. :-)
Bump……I put the actual Pro allied and Strict neutral explanations back up top. This is what will be in the 7.2 rules.
Emails have been sent
I can not find the rule allowing Japan to build a Factory in Siam. Has this been dropped?
EDIT Found it. I was looking in the wrong place.