Good to know. It’s not gay if it’s in the Garage.
Great movies from the 80's
The Goonies
Conan the Barbarian (just the first, but I thought the others & Red Sonja were ok)
Blade Runner
Back to the Future series
Red Dawn
Short Circuit
Transformers the Movie
GI Joe the Movie
The Running Man (also an excellent RiffTrax treatment)
The Princess Bride
A Christmas Story(tried not to repeat any, sorry if I did)
Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan
The Princess Bride
Raiders of The Lost Ark
Indiana Jones and The Last Crusade
Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back
The Terminator
Big Trouble in Little China anyone?
“Time Bandits”… awesome movie.
Throw Mama from the train
Dream Team
Night Shift
Johnny Dangerously
Waynes world
Planes Trains and Automobiles -
Platoon was another good one.
I have been meaning to say that for days now Toblerone! Is certainly my favourite Vietnam film (with FMJ a close second).
Yes… Toblerone, Platoon, and Full Metal Jacket are all great Vietnam movies from the 80’s, but lets not forget about “Hamburger Hill”. If you haven’t seen it… look it up.
I think I only watched it once, unlike the other two. Did not like it as much.
Yes… Toblerone, Platoon, and Full Metal Jacket are all great Vietnam movies from the 80’s, but lets not forget about “Hamburger Hill”. If you haven’t seen it… look it up.
Worcester: We had a short-timer once. Johnny I-forget-his-name. He wore a flak jacket, two helmets and armor underwear. Ashau Valley… your time’s up, your time is up.
The Final Countdown, Das Boot, Star Wars V & VI to add a few…
Thought about it, but did not watch it enough for it to be a favorite.
I can say Dark Crystal though.
I used to think they were called the Sexies when I was about 6 yrs old. Definitely not…
Out of the way, Peck!
Return to Oz was seriously disturbing.
Look at this bit - a talking hen!
Return to Oz was seriously disturbing.
Oh my God… I forgot about that one. Yeah, I have some vague memories of seeing that at my aunt’s house late one night… made absolutely no sense to me. I just recall monkeys on unicycles.