- The treaties back east were with the British Crown, and when Canada became an autonomous nation (no longer a colony) those treaties are arguably annulled.
Who made that argument? All legal documentation, including the Canadian Constitution states that the Treaties are “Recognised and Affirmed”
You may read those words in your country’s constitution here: http://www.solon.org/Constitutions/Canada/English/ca_1982.html along side your right to work and live anywhere in this country.
Nowhere else on earth, and nowhere else in history, do you see one group of people paying another group of people ‘rent’ for lands they conquered/colonized.
This is probably the root of your misunderstanding. No one was conquered. It was agreed by legal, international treaty that the lands inside Canada could be occupied and used by settlers in exchange for small concessions. If you spent a little time studying history you would know that. You might also know that the Spanish “Colonization of British Columbia” consisted of a single settlement and lasted only 6 years.
I encourage you to look into the legal history of indigenous relations with the Crown. It may help you understand these issues in a legal rather than racial lens. You may also sound more informed in your opinions. You can Start here: Read the 1969 Trudeau/Chretien “White Paper” which tired to abolish the Indian act, Indian status, and the treaties. Then read “The Red Paper” which was a response to the white-paper’s policies and the beginning of the road to having the Treaties Enshrined in the Constitution.
The White paper can be found here: http://epe.lac-bac.gc.ca/100/200/301/inac-ainc/indian_policy-e/cp1969_e.pdf
The red paper can be found here: http://ejournals.library.ualberta.ca/index.php/aps/article/view/11690/8926
Se also, The Unjust Society by Harold Cardinal Who was a Harvard lawyer who also had input into “The Red Paper”
Other articles of interest may be some of the work of Alan Cairns, who was a professor at UBC and worked at length to try and reconcile indigenous rights with a liberal capitalist society.
Happy reading!
The White Paper and Red Paper are about -future- treaties. Which begs the question…
If there are already treaties in place. WHY ARE WE STILL SIGNING MORE?
Excuse me for taking the position of Trudeau, a past prime minister, and excuse me for not -going legal- from the immediate, I didn’t realize we were in a courtroom where we couldn’t speak the truth from our minds.
As for Canada not being ‘conquered’ or ‘colonized’. Why don’t you ask the Theresa Spence, or the AFN if Canada was ‘conquered’ or ‘colonized’ - they sure seem quick to remind us that it was.
Excuse me for noting the phrase “When the white man came”.
However you want to review this, the whole setup is a sham. It’s wrong. One group of people paying permanent tribute to another, legally based on race. With no end to servitude in sight, no end to double-standards, and more minority groups being classified as -indigenous-; or should I say “first” races on a regular basis.
And lets talk about what started this discussion. The blame game. The fact that all the -ills- of first nations are blamed on everyone else.
By your statements Canucks, we should have sent first nations to the residential schools. As they are our responsibility. ;)