@blakeadam who are you talking to?
Hey guys,
I just checked on Kickstarter and noticed we passed $30,000. That means we will get those cool Amerika dice. I was really looking forward to those.It would be really cool if we got to the $35 K goal for the Expanded Units sets, but I am very happy we have what we do.
A BIG THANKS to you ALL. I know most of you are reading my updates each night. But I wouldn’t pass up saying thank you again. It’s because of YOU that HBG was even able to do this. I too hope we hit the $35K mark and get those expansion pieces… I want them too! Sorry we have been a bit quiet here but as you can all imagine, this crazy Kickstarter thing has Doug and I up to our eyeballs! I’ve been updating the KS site and answering questions while Doug brings in more Backers and fills all the orders.
Great Job Everyone!
––Well I made sure to add my “backing” to the Kickstarter-Amerika game from HBG.
----As I’m a military historian and NOT a sci-fi fan, this game isn’t exactly “my cup of tea”. But I was happy to help out mainly because I know this will help out HBG in many ways. And a financially healthy HBG can only mean more FUN for ALL of us gamers in the future.
----Secondly,…if we can’t get enough players for a Global-40 or 39 game,…we can now play Amerika.Thanks agian to Doug and all of his staff at HBG for enabling our gaming addictions. :-D
Well, it’s over, and by God, we did it big. LOTS of bonus pieces. Wow, can’t wait.
Thanks to anyone, everyone, whom helped with this.
pledged of $27,250 goal -
Yeah, isn’t that just GREAT!! Big props to Mike and Doug for adding the last 3 new sculpts to the 47,5 goal. They have been really generous with the stretch goals in these last few days.
Now I almost can’t wait until May when we get to see the finished product.
Kudos to HBG !
I am happy for you all. I wanted to give 80$, but did not know how the shipping and taxes would have worked out for me here in England.
I know I will get a worse deal, but I think I am probably going to buy one when it goes on sale, despite not being that bothered at first.
You lot spread enthusiasm and I am sorry I missed out. -
Any idea when the game will be released to the masses?
after you answer the question of when we can buy it can you answer the question: what in the blue hell is kickerstarter? and why does it need funding?
Any idea when the game will be released to the masses?
We should have the game being delivered to Backers around May. Retail available around June or so then. We will be setting up a pre-order system as well at HBG but it will cost more than the KS folks paid. We’ll keep you updated.
after you answer the question of when we can buy it can you answer the question: what in the blue hell is kickerstarter? and why does it need funding?
Kickstarter is a crowd-funding site that allows us to essentially take pre-orders for a game we want to produce to ensure we meet our BEP. If we don’t collect enough money, nobody pays. If we do, everybody who backs us gets cool stuff. Check it out:
I just read tonight about how Larry is thinking of putting something up on Kickstarter to see if there’s an interest
I can’t wait :lol: I do love the idea of doing a Civil War game…That period has always fascinated me! I’ll probably do it one of these days. In the mean time my attention and focus is on the Roman Empire.
GTO http://www.gametableonline.com/ will be featuring my Conquest of the Empire game. I’m seriously considering publishing my own brand new and updated board game version of this old classic. I’ve got some great ideas for this game. Perhaps I’ll put it on Kickstarter to see if there’s any real interest in such a product. If that worked perhaps I could start publishing my own stuff. Interesting.
LHThere’s the whole comment from Larry it’s on his site here’s the link to the conversation:
http://www.harrisgamedesign.com/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=12&t=18451 -
Here’s the real thread:
Also, add in something like this:
to vary the gameplay
and an Eastern expansion for more scenarios and 8 player games
The attack on America comes true, our homes are in danger
The attack on America comes true, our homes are in danger
Great poster. I feel like rushing out to buy war bonds!
Yeah, cool find. Part of the inspiration behind the game I suppose.
I miss the Canadian player
I just checked out the latest Kickstarter update from HBG. Great pictures of the box and components. The outer box, storage boxes, game cards, roundels and map all look absolutely fantastic. Very professional job too. I will love to see this game on the shelves at my local game shop. Excellent job Coach and Variable!!
By the way Coach, do you know if Hobbytown USA here in Wichita will be stocking AMERIKA?