@jkprince indeed 🙂
Thank you both for your interest!
Looking for any groups interested in playtesting Okinawa game for me. PM me for details.
This sounds awesome. I’m in!
We should clarify:
US only.
I will mail a map for playtesting.
When we receive the paytest marks and make any changes we will mail you a final map for free printed on vinyl.
This gets expensive so I must limit it to the US to save on postal charges. I will also supply some Marines and painted pieces.
Thanks for all the replies to this post. We have all the testers needed. We hope to have this game out in the next few weeks!!
Okinawa Game Video
Okinawa Game Video
From this video it appears that we will have to come up with some units to represent forts for the play testing.
Hey guys, here is a suggestion, use the block houses from D-Day to rep your required forts.
That’s what I use in any game for a firtification
just wondering, does america get any more troops, then what are shown on the map? also can japan win?
just wondering, does america get any more troops, then what are shown on the map? also can japan win?
Yes there are reinforcements that can come on later as needed. We will have to see during the play test if Japan can win. This is my first test game.
ohh, hopefully japan can win :).
Japan cannot win, but there is damage and holding the Americans objectives that give in essence a Japanese victory. Really the Axis cannot win in a Global Axis & Allies game but the scenario must warrant situations where they can achieve some sort of victory. I have played Okinawa, both sides, and it was fun whether I played the Japanese or Americans. As the japanese, I made the AMerican pay for every inch of Island they advanced on.
so your going to make alternate victory conditions for japan? IE hold X amount of land for X time or something else?
so your going to make alternate victory conditions for japan? IE hold X amount of land for X time or something else?
Still a work in progress! I am sure that Tigerman will have many changes when the testing is done.
Japan cannot win, but there is damage and holding the Americans objectives that give in essence a Japanese victory. Really the Axis cannot win in a Global Axis & Allies game but the scenario must warrant situations where they can achieve some sort of victory. I have played Okinawa, both sides, and it was fun whether I played the Japanese or Americans. As the japanese, I made the AMerican pay for every inch of Island they advanced on.
maybe selling the game on the premise of playing 2 games (one as each side) then comparing relative losses for ‘who won’ would be an interesting way to do it. if its set up where the axis CAN’T win then its essentially, who can damage the allies the most. There are a lot of video games like this, left4dead2 comes to mind first for me, you play both sides, with whom ever did best as survivors winning the round.