What happened on your birthday in WW2?

  • May 14, 1940
    Holland capitulates. 9th Panzer’s Corps commander General Rudolf Schmidt threatens to bomb Rotterdam unless the Dutch garrison surrenders. Although the surrender is agreed, Luftwaffe planes do not get the order to abort & drop 95 tons of bombs destroying most of the city (1000 civilians killed, 85000 made homeless). General Schmidt will be awarded the Knight’s Cross of the Iron Cross on 3 June 1940 for his role in the campaign in Holland.

    Dutch Commander-in-Chief General Winkelman instructs his forces to lay down arms, although sporadic fighting continues for a few days. Dutch have 2300 dead, 7000 wounded (plus 3000 civilians killed). German lose 2900 killed and missing, 7000 wounded and 1300 airborne troops, captured on the first day, imprisoned in Britain.

    Rommel secures his narrow bridgehead at Dinant by personally leading 30 tanks to drive French and Belgian troops back 3 miles to the Belgian border village of Onhaye (his tank is hit & a shell splinter wounds his cheek). 7th Panzer crosses the Meuse in strength. Further South at Sedan, Guderian also has his 3 divisions of Panzers across.

    In central Belgium, General Erich Hoepner rashly sends 3rd & 4th Panzer Divisions in pursuit of Prioux’s Corps de Cavalerie. At Gembloux they come under fire from emplaced French artillery, losing many tanks.

  • May 14, 1943 - The German submarine U-657 is sunk by naval land-based aircraft (VP-84) in the north Atlantic.

  • Free French penetrate German line

    Sunday, May 14, 1944  www.onwar.com

    May 14, 1944
    In Italy… The attacks by forces of the US 5th Army continue. The French Expeditionary Corps advances into the Ausente Valley, capturing Ausonia, and continue to advance over the Aurunci Mountains toward the next German defensive line, which is not occupied in strength at this time. The US 2nd Corps makes progress against the defending German 94th Division.

    Over Britain… The Luftwaffe conducts a night raid on Bristol and southwestern England with 91 planes of which 15 are lost.

    In the North Sea… German E-boats attack Allied landing craft lying off the coast of Britain near the Isle of Wight. The Free French destroyer La Combattante sinks S-141 in which the second son of Admiral Donitz, Klaus Donitz, is serving. The entire crew is lost at sea.

  • Thanks MidnightExpress.
    Those Bomber losses seem high for 1944: 12%.
    Have just been reading about Malta: Italy and UK fighting and supporting the island. Seems remarkable and audacious transporting those planes with the Italians out there with 7 battleships( not all operational of course).

  • Funny what different people think and fear.
    I thought by 1944 the Allies had got the better of the Germans in the Air War bombing.
    Will have to read some more in to that.

  • Crete was invaded on my birthday! (may 20th)

  • Nice Axistiger.
    Was a waste of German resources though.
    Should have tried to take Malta!

  • Liaison TripleA '11 '10


    November 26 1939: At 2.30 PM, Red Army stages a false flag border incident to justify the coming invasion of Finland.

    November 26 1941: The Japanese Hawaii task force leaves the Kurile Islands, bound for Pearl Harbor, Hawaii.

    November 26 1942:
    -The movie Casablanca premières at the Hollywood Theater in New York City.
    -A British SOE team, together with Greek Resistance fighters, blows up the Gorgopotamos viaduct in the first major sabotage act in occupied continental Europe.

    LOL, some real winners there.  And NO ONE is allowed to call me Gorgopotamous…

    You know… in review, I have to say that basically each of these events is a BACKSTAB/SURPRISE move.

    What does that say about me? LOL

  • @Gargantua:


    November 26 1939: At 2.30 PM, Red Army stages a false flag border incident to justify the coming invasion of Finland.

    November 26 1941: The Japanese Hawaii task force leaves the Kurile Islands, bound for Pearl Harbor, Hawaii.

    November 26 1942:
    -The movie Casablanca premières at the Hollywood Theater in New York City.
    -A British SOE team, together with Greek Resistance fighters, blows up the Gorgopotamos viaduct in the first major sabotage act in occupied continental Europe.

    LOL, some real winners there.�  And NO ONE is allowed to call me Gorgopotamous…

    You know… in review, I have to say that basically each of these events is a BACKSTAB/SURPRISE move.

    What does that say about me? LOL

    I don´t know Aleposita ?? I thought you were canadian and not a Greek??! Hellas
    Maybe it means you are a Bridge bomber ,not a backstabber  8-) 8-) count your fingers ,all there lol…

  • August 30th

    1940 – The Second Vienna Award re-assigns the territory of Northern Transylvania from Romania to Hungary.
    1942 – World War II: the Battle of Alam Halfa begins.
    1945 – Hong Kong is liberated from Japan by British Armed Forces.
    1945 – The Supreme Commander of the Allied Forces, General Douglas MacArthur lands at Atsugi Air Force Base.

  • '17 '16 '15

    My ex wife"s b day was on june 22nd

    In retrospect it seems quite appropriate

  • Sorry to hear that Barney.
    That is probably one of the coolest dates i can think of.
    I think if she had been my wife she would have left because I never shut up about what a great birthday she had: she would have tired of my telling everyone we knew and met and eventually got sick of my obsession with it.

  • @wittmann:

    Sorry to hear that Barney.
    That is probably one of the coolest dates i can think of.
    I think if she had been my wife she would have left because I never shut up about what a great birthday she had: she would have tired of my telling everyone we knew and met and eventually got sick of my obsession with it.

    you could have called her by the nick name Barbarossa!

  • '17 '16 '15

    not to be confused with barbarella

  • 1940 - During WW II, German planes destroy most of Coventry, England
    1941 - British aircraft carrier “Ark Royal” sank in Mediterranean
    1941 - Gov-Gen Wouters of Dutch Antilles refuses Jews refugees
    1942 - Japanese/US sea battle at Savo-Island in Guadalcanal
    1942 - Last Vichy-French troops in Algeria surrender

    Nov. 14

  • 26th april

    1944 – Heinrich Kreipe is captured by Allied commandos in occupied Crete.
    1945 – World War II: Battle of Bautzen – last successful German tank-offensive of the war and last noteworthy victory of the Wehrmacht.

  • Thank you for that Kreuzfield.
    Had never heard of that battle. Is nice too see that the Poles and Germans still had good relations by the end of the war! Many atrocities were commited by both sides I see. I alsodid not know that Dresden never fell to the Russians.

  • On my mothers birthday in 1940, hitlers giant western offensive started.

    On my fathers birthday in 1941, the russians attacked the freezing germans just off moscow.

    On my sisters birthday in 1940, british troops started arriving in Greece.

    Pretty nice, isn´t it?

    (My grandparents have some interesting birthdays as well. My grandfather´s birthday is 4 days before the start of kursk, and my grandmother´s birthday is close to the bombing of dresden.)

  • July 20th- Assassination of Hitler by Count Stauffenburg and others failed

  • Liaison TripleA '11 '10

    What a FAILURE baggins!  And you weren’t even brave enough to take the ring to Mordor… pfftp.

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