@Harvard3X1 Thanks for the comment :)
The Panther is the regular panzer. The Tiger 2 is SS-Panzer and the E100 is Heavy SS- Panzer
The SS-Panzer can be produced by a max of 4 from round “late 1942” and cost 2 IPC upgraded from a normal panzer in Berlin. Attack at 4 and defend at 5
The Heavy SS-Panzer can be produced by a max of 2 from round “late 1944” and cost 2 IPC upgraded from a SS-Panzer in Berlin. Attacks and Defends at 5 and uses 2 dice. Its has 2 Hit Points as capital ships.
My Axis & Allies 1942 Room…
Thanks guys - I enjoy scale models too (no pro at it though) - next I think I’m going to build a 1/48 scale B-29 and hang it between the lights - maybe with “Fatman” falling out of it - it will look huge. lol
Aw man, that’s frickin sweet!!!
Absolutely beautiful - it must be a special experience for anyone to play in a room like that. It’s very impressive how you re-created an atmosphere that belongs to that era. Even the woodwork, though I’m far from an expert in that field, gives an impression of being from the 1930’s or 1940’s.
I have one little nagging question, though: how many stars are there on your US flag? There’s only a corner of it in the picture, but the rows seem to alternate like they do on modern flags.
Very nice work indeed, congratulations :)
I was looking at the pieces that you use… seems mainly Classic repainted but I can’t figure out the cruisers, destroyers and artillieries.
how many stars are there on your US flag
I only have 13 on mine ;).
how many stars are there on your US flag
I only have 13 on mine ;).
Is that for a Johnny Reb and Yanks 1862 War Room or for the Continentals and Royals 1776 War Room? ;)
I was looking at the pieces that you use… seems mainly Classic repainted but I can’t figure out the cruisers, destroyers and artillieries.
The pieces are kind of a mix from different game sets - they are more for easy recognition of class than historical. I actually don’t have the 1942 game - only the map. For now I refuse to pay over a dollar per ship for “official” cruisers, like I’ve seen advertised. Mine cost a nickel each. lol
I have one little nagging question, though: how many stars are there on your US flag? There’s only a corner of it in the picture, but the rows seem to alternate like they do on modern flags.
You know what? You’re right - that US flag is probably modern - I didn’t even think about the stars. Now I’ll have to go looking for a 40’s one!
how many stars are there on your US flag
I only have 13 on mine ;).
Is that for a Johnny Reb and Yanks 1862 War Room or for the Continentals and Royals 1776 War Room? ;)
Whichever you find more offensive, naturally. :wink:
I have one little nagging question, though: how many stars are there on your US flag? There’s only a corner of it in the picture, but the rows seem to alternate like they do on modern flags.
You know what? You’re right - that US flag is probably modern - I didn’t even think about the stars. Now I’ll have to go looking for a 40’s one!
You’re not alone there. Quite a few movie directors used the modern flag when it should have been the 48 star flag. Just one of my pet peeves.
wow, just wow! :-o :-o :-o :-o :-o
But a question:
How do you have Artillery, cruisers, and Destroyers? Its the Classic pieces, so how do you have them?
Really nice job on the “Combat Room”.
If you’re going to get another flag you’ll want a 48-Star flag, like here on my I.C.'s to be correct. Again,…great job!
“Tall Paul”
Really nice job on the “Combat Room”.
If you’re going to get another flag you’ll want a 48-Star flag, like here on my I.C.'s to be correct. Again,…great job!
“Tall Paul”
Are those Italian pieces I see back there?! :-o (in your pic)
Very nice room. I just showed the pics to my wife and said when we have the room I would love to do something like this. Job well done.
OK I ordered the 48 star flag on ebay - salute!
I’m kind of embarrassed to answer questions about my game pieces - I admit they are sort of a Frankenstein assortment right now. I ordered the artillery, destroyers, and cruisers from historicalboardgaming.com - very good source and fast service. But my cruisers are actually short battleships from the “Attack” game. They were like 5 cents each. Then when I got them they were molded really low to the table - I couldn’t pick them up with my fingers. So I melted a small finish nail into each of them for a “mast” and spray painted them. The destroyers looked too much like battleships to me- the same length and all, so I clipped them shorter. I didn’t like the way the German 88 artillery looked on the board - it just seemed like they should be AT guns - so I ordered all the same kind of standard looking artillery pieces and painted them five different colors. Works for us but I’ll probably upgrade someday.
Yes, those are the FMG Italian Rifle Infantry. I don’t have a “finished” shot yet, but here’s a pic, below.
My appologies to Der Kuenstler for answering a question on your thread.
“Tall Paul”
No problem - those infantry are amazing!
I’ll throw my .02 in…
That game room looks amazing. It makes me want to come over to your house and play A&A. Great job!
Yes, those are the FMG Italian Rifle Infantry. I don’t have a “finished” shot yet, but here’s a pic, below.
My appologies to Der Kuenstler for answering a question on your thread.
“Tall Paul”
Man, Those are awesome!
Der Kuenstler,
Here’s a “finished” pic of the FMG Italian Infantry you asked about earlier. Hope you enjoy.
Tall Paul"
And a close-up.
“Tall Paul”