@vodot Thanks!
Additions to my Global game table & room
I’ve always wanted some type of large magnetic IPC chart. Last weekend I finally found the time. My son and I went to Staple Office Supply and picked up magnetic white board, some 1/2" letters & numbers, 1/8" black artist tape and managed to find 12 round magnets. Turns out they’re the exact diameter as the team markers so I was able to glue the markers to a magnet for each country. After crafting the the board together, I mounted in between two dice towers then fastened the towers to the table.
http://i1138.photobucket.com/albums/n534/maddog771/IMG_0148_zpsbeec5094.jpgAfter we finished that, I thought some of the stuff from one of the original Axis & Allies games of mine would make for some decent wall art. Note game board on the wall and the team set-up charts on the ceiling drop down above the bar.
http://i1138.photobucket.com/albums/n534/maddog771/IMG_0145_zps30499986.jpgNow I just need someone to come over and play a game or two! Â :-)
Thats an awesome set up man. Congrats
Very impressive, you really know how to spoil your guests with such a great setup. I like the glass top and the organized bin shelf for units, keeps the playing area clean. I like the dice towers, the “step” where the dice come out will keep them from rolling back under the ramp. I really like the decor of the game room, shows that your passion for the game is at a higher level than most. I like the idea of the magnetic income tracker, however, you could have used the space from 100+ to make bigger value areas that may need to be shared by 3 or 4 nation roundels. A good idea that is definitely worth the effort, but I find that some things need to be rebuilt using lessons learned from building the prototype. Finally, although you have what seems to be a bright, warm, and comfortable atmosphere…. accessibility from chair to washroom looks to be tight for one side of the table, but I understand that we must be creative with the minimal space our wives allow us to have. Not sure you want a rifle around competitive war gamers though… lol.
Over all, 9/10… one of the best table setups I’ve seen.
P.S: Sorry about those fighting Irish on the weekend, I was hoping for a closer game considering the hype.
Fantastic setup. Wish I was close enough to come over and join your games. :mrgreen:
Very impressive setup. An especially nice touch is the beveled frame that encloses the glass top of the map.
Oops. We’re playing a game tonight. My son noticed there’s no number 50. :-o
LOL -I know what I’m fixing when this game is done. Guess I just didn’t want my age on the score chart. :roll:
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