That one looks great too! Thank you again for sharing these great resources!
Is there any difference between the original anniversary and new anniversary.
I have the original of this game does anyone have both the original and reprint? If so why should I buy the reprint. Thanks guys
Not much worth writing home about, no… there are differences, but they are incredibly minor… some rules errata in the rulebook updated… a few pieces had their sculpts changed/updated… but there’s no meaty difference between the versions… no massive rules change… no massive unit changes… no massive map changes…
The purpose of the new version is little more than to reprint the original AA50 so more people could get their hands on it if they missed the first print run.
If you already own the first AA50 from 2009, the only reason I could see to get the 2017 reprint would be:
- your copy is trashed/worn/falling apart/missing pieces
- you just really want another copy of the same game
- you’re OCD and those little minor changes annoy you and you must have it
There are minor differences between the original and the reprint, but those differences are not enough reason to buy the reprint if you have the original.
There are some sculpt differences (different USSR Battleship, Cruiser, Destroyer, US Fighter, different size Battleship for all powers, different version of the Japanese and the Italian (Japanese in Italian Brown) Artillery, and a different version of the German Cruiser) but in my opinion those sculpt differences are not reason enough to get the reprint if you have the original.
Further, there was a minor change to the board (In the first printing, the territories of Kiangsu and Manchuria had both Chinese and Japanese national symbols printed on the map. In the second printing, those territories only have a Chinese symbol.) and also, Larry and Kreighund attempted to integrate the FAQ from the original into the rule book for the reprint.
If you want to compare the original rule book with the reprint rule book, the pdf of the new rule book is available here:
I hope that addresses your question.
If you already own the first AA50 from 2009, the only reason I could see to get the 2017 reprint would be:
- your copy is trashed/worn/falling apart/missing pieces
- you just really want another copy of the same game
- you’re OCD and those little minor changes annoy you and you must have it
I do have both copies, but that’s because I bought the 2017 reprint first, and then found a steal of a deal on a copy of the 2008 version on eBay. But I also have a collection of almost everything A&A there is (even have the Nova Game Design version, just missing a copy of Guadalcanal).
But that’s me. I don’t recommend walking down the same road unless you absolutely feel you need to.
Like the replys. Thanks guys.
The only edition of the board games that I don’t have are A&A revised and Guadalcanal….now that I have anniversary I don’t feel the need to ever own revised and to be honest, I don’t ever play the small theater games like battle of the bulge and D-Day…
Imperious Leader '17 '16 '15 Organizer '14 Customizer '13 '12 '11 '10last edited by Apr 25, 2018, 1:28 AM
In China that CHANGED the map by adding a Chinese control symbol on a Japanese controlled area, to indicate that its Chinese influence
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