My play group runs out of Japanese tanks. They usually get two IC’s in Asia, and go for the tank March to Moscow. I scavenged extra tanks and roundels from my original Axis and Allies game.
Poll Question about Anniversary Edition
Just a question of curiosity for all A&A players…
I probably will not be one of the first, but once some of the others here review it and give positive feedback, I will likely be learning a new game…
I’ll buy it man for sure
Depends on reviews… A&A Revised is long enough for my taste, adding a new nation and larger map may slow it down, if that is the case I will probably just play Revised with any Anniversary Edition rules that can be applied :-D
Already pre-ordered 2 :-D
Imperious Leader '17 '16 '15 Organizer '14 Customizer '13 '12 '11 '10last edited by Aug 10, 2008, 4:03 AM
Good man! I got 4 ordered. Care to call or raise?
Good man! I got 4 ordered. Care to call or raise?
Who knows,if i like it enough i might buy another copy to keep forever…sealed of course :lol: :-D
Have 2 pre-ordered as well, and might get one more for the extra units. I certainly wish that Wizards/Hasbro would sell extra unit packs. I am always running short.
I already preordered mine. Can’t wait.
Depends on reviews… A&A Revised is long enough for my taste, adding a new nation and larger map may slow it down, if that is the case I will probably just play Revised with any Anniversary Edition rules that can be applied :-D
I have never understood the “it takes too long to play” argument.
You either allot enough time to play, you continue the game in the next session, or the game just ends at the end of the current session.
There is just no way this kind of game is going to consistently end in two-three hours.
Allot enough time to play: This is what I go for. Usually a good 6 hours, not including setup.
Next session is what I go for when the games last especially long, but there are problems with this (namely, the board takes up a lot of space)
Game ends early? No way! :-P
Obviously no game like this will end in a couple hours (that’s what I own Risk 2210 for!) but some people simply don’t want to spend 14 hours on a board game. For me, a 6 hour session or two 4 hour sessions is about the max I would spend on a single game… not including setup of course.
Depends on reviews… A&A Revised is long enough for my taste, adding a new nation and larger map may slow it down, if that is the case I will probably just play Revised with any Anniversary Edition rules that can be applied :-D
I have never understood the “it takes too long to play” argument.
You either allot enough time to play, you continue the game in the next session, or the game just ends at the end of the current session.
There is just no way this kind of game is going to consistently end in two-three hours.
Allot enough time to play: This is what I go for. Usually a good 6 hours, not including setup.
Next session is what I go for when the games last especially long, but there are problems with this (namely, the board takes up a lot of space)
Game ends early? No way! :-P
Obviously no game like this will end in a couple hours (that’s what I own Risk 2210 for!) but some people simply don’t want to spend 14 hours on a board game. For me, a 6 hour session or two 4 hour sessions is about the max I would spend on a single game… not including setup of course.
That’s why we play… we LIKE THIS BOARD GAME!
The person I play it with,we go for entire weekends,it gets addictive,you always wan’t revenge :x :lol:
I will be cancelling my preorder until such time as I can see the rules, the starting setup, and the entire board.
Imperious Leader '17 '16 '15 Organizer '14 Customizer '13 '12 '11 '10last edited by Aug 22, 2008, 11:59 PM
I bought 2 more to pick up the slack so now i got 6 coming, plus one at full price the day it comes out will be purchased.
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