They may reprint it again, preserving all the errors and the illogicially ordered setup charts.
Comp for WW1 is $350-600 now.
Its a printable flooring material used by plays, film, and dance halls. It does not wrinkle and it wont stain and much better than roll ups. And roll ups are something i have been using since 2004. This is a step up and its not really more expensive
Reminds me of a story told by Ken Adam, the production designer for Doctor Strangelove and for several James Bond films. In the 1970s, he was doing the production design for an Italian movie whose sets were supposed to include a marble-floored office. His initial plan was to use fake marble, which would have been standard operating procedure in Hollywood. Then he found out that in Italy real marble is cheaper than fake marble…so he used the real stuff.
Phone number (818) 784-9846 ask for Ramon tell them to print with ‘Showfloor’… what is it?
Its a printable flooring material used by plays, film, and dance halls. It does not wrinkle and it wont stain and much better than roll ups. And roll ups are something i have been using since 2004. This is a step up and its not really more expensive
I really appreciate the info… so if I went that route, I can also roll it up and store it in a maptube (cylindrical) case? That’s what I do with my other printed maps… i know you mentioned roll ups, but i gotta make darn sure we’re both talking about the same thing here… i’m very interested in doing exactly what you’re talking about if I can roll that sucker up when not in use.
Once again IL, thanks for that info!
They can print it and mail it in a tube to your home. don’t worry. Just tell Ramon maximum DPI on showfloor mailed in tube
Phone number (818) 784-9846 ask for Ramon tell them to print with ‘Showfloor’… what is it?
Its a printable flooring material used by plays, film, and dance halls. It does not wrinkle and it wont stain and much better than roll ups. And roll ups are something i have been using since 2004. This is a step up and its not really more expensive
I tried that website but for the last two days it says down of maintenance.
no. you call speak with ramon, he will get you started
What’s approx cost?
he said to ask him by CALLING HIM.
Two things I thought was odd about North America was the lack of the fifth Great Lake (Lake Ontario) and placing our national capital where Quebec City is located. :-(
It is like placing Washington DC in South Carolina/Paris in Amsterdam or Berlin in Warsaw.
Two things I thought was odd about North America was the lack of the fifth Great Lake (Lake Ontario) and placing our national capital where Quebec City is located. :-(
It is like placing Washington DC in South Carolina/Paris in Amsterdam or Berlin in Warsaw.
Tokyo and Honolulu are also wrong.
For the once liking the OOB map. Here is my scan of the 2nd edition map:
When I have the time (my focus is currently on some Global 1940 customizations) I want to update at least the Iwo Jima and Honolulu mistake.
But looking at geography ‘errors’ don’t get me started on the Dutch East Indies and the fake islands they came up with. :-)