Video interviews of league players by Crockett36

  • @JDOW said in Video interviews of league players by Crockett36:

    @crockett36 said in Video interviews of league players by Crockett36:

    Interview with JDOW. Like no other interview so far, we get into the nuts and bolts of objectives for each of the big nations, benchmarks for measuring success and detailed analysis of the pros and cons of blockers.

    Thanks for having me and for being such a nice host, It was truly delightful conversing with you.

    You are welcome! I thoroughly enjoyed myself and am excited that you shared your thoughts with my community.


    Austin or Oztea: the king of house rules! Flavoring the game with pieces placed just so, telling the story of World War 2 to another generation. Creator of 0ztea’s 41 set up on tripleA.

  • G gamerman01 referenced this topic on Apr 2, 2024, 3:27 PM
  • B barnee referenced this topic on Apr 3, 2024, 10:47 PM

  • @crockett36 I keep thinking I’ll multi task while listening to these but I keep rewinding so much, that I just have to give it my full attention lol

    Good Action here !

  • @barnee Yeah, I’m trying to improve my skills and do screen sharing. This brings in post game analysis. Huge opportunity for growth!

  • @crockett36 I rolled tech dice and got “advanced autopilot” so now the truck drivers of the world can unite and play while they work ;)

  • 2025 2024 '23 '22 '15 '11 '10 Official Q&A Moderator

    @crockett36 Ready when you are
    There are several others who would do an amazing job at this too. This is one of @JDOW s strengths - he watches a lot of games over the years and he quickly sizes up and understands situations in G40, not just BM but OOB.

    But I’d love to do it with you

  • @mikawagunichi niiiiiiiice!

  • @gamerman01 Monday nights work?

  • @crockett36 Monday nights are very good, pretty much always open
    Getting excited!


    Not sure how to classify this. Not an interview, but a commentary by g-man (gamerman01) & myself on a game between AndrewAAgamer and Farmboy.

  • @crockett36 Gotcha covered, added to original post

  • @gamerman01 @crockett36 I went through the video the other night. Skipped around a bit so may have missed some stuff, but appreciate the comments and critique. It was very fun to watch. I thought I would provide a bit of a response to some of the comments there.

    I’ll note the obvious that some moves that look like mistakes are just mistakes. As noted I ultimately lose this game despite being in what seems like a strong position as allies in round 3. A mistake I may have made was not take the same kind of risks in this game that I did in our first. Those risks are often good to take as allies regardless (they seem like risky combats for the allies to offer but the axis can’t actually safely go for them without undermining their own position) but particularly against a player like Andrew who I know plays in a risk averse way. I think my win in game 1 caused me to worry that he might gamble more and so I then played too conservatively. I think you saw some of that in the early game already. But of course I want to be careful explaining my defeat in terms of my mistakes. Its worth thinking through how one might have played differently, but the best explanation for one’s defeat is that one’s opponent just played better. Or just blame it on the dice :)

    Its been a while so I may not remember my thought processes at the time that well anymore.

    Crockett asked around the two chinese in in sikang in round 2. That was just to protect the fighter which I had to leave there since I had just taken Yunnan and was leaving Burma. The Japanese bombers could reach it. When you are commenting in the video, there are still soviet units there, so it may appear defended, but they are leaving before the Japanese turn.

    I think this is caught in the comments but the US build in round 1 on the atlantic side was relatively safe. I was going to knock out the German subs with the UK before the Germans could hit me (and it was pretty unlikely that the Germans were going to want to bring the US into the war at that point anyway) and that was a fairly safe combat (although it turned out closer than it should have been)

    The move to Samoa may seem odd but its one I learned from others here and I think the right move with the Atlantic fleet when you expect that the US will not enter the war until round 3 or 4. The US has to build on the Atlantic side until the DOW because it can only build 3 on the Pacific side. US units on the Atlantic side can be at New Zealand on round 2 and so in range of Java and the Caroline Islands on round 3. So its better to move those units where they can be more quickly utilized when war begins than have them simply wait for it on the Atlantic coast. And once war begins, the US can quite quickly build up on the Atlantic side.

    Gamerman is right of course that in moving so many soviet fast movers and air east is going to hurt me against the Germans. I think the costs of that are relatively small though as there was no way I was going to slow Andrew that much in the early stages. Maybe I save a couple of inf in a couple of counters if more units are back. My aim is to get these units back for round 4/5 to block the Germans in Bryansk. I suspect (though haven’t checked the calculator) that I actually didn’t need so many units in China and was playing too cautiously. So gamerman is probably right that I was overdoing it.

    With the Holland landing I think the goal was just to soften the Germans up and force them to delay sending some units to the Soviets. And Holland had more and higher value units so I went for that. I get worried with all inf amphibious attacks though that if the bombardment messes up, the inf may lose. So I commit all 4 inf and I also need a fig. But if the AA hits the fig, I need a second one. So that is how cautious thinking can take you down a dumb path. In hindsight if I was going to go there, I should have gone for both. Normandy would be an easy win and the bombardment would likely at least softened Holland.

    Just some random comments in response. Again, I enjoyed watching it!

  • Great, I wondered if anyone in the world would actually watch the whole thing, even the participants!

    I haven’t watched it yet,
    I hope I didn’t get carried away too many times, getting caught up in the whole peanut gallery thing.
    We are of course hoping for enjoyment and maybe a tiny bit of learning for all! As you can imagine it sure was fun to do.

    I think in the future the reviews should almost? always involve at least 1 player from the game. Having both players, moderated by @crockett36 would be awesome

    So I’m really happy that you, one of the 2 players, responded with thoughts/explanations on a few of the critiques. That makes it much better.

  • @farmboy said in Video interviews of league players by Crockett36:

    @gamerman01 @crockett36 I went through the video the other night. Skipped around a bit so may have missed some stuff, but appreciate the comments and critique. It was very fun to watch. I thought I would provide a bit of a response to some of the comments there.

    I’ll note the obvious that some moves that look like mistakes are just mistakes. As noted I ultimately lose this game despite being in what seems like a strong position as allies in round 3. A mistake I may have made was not take the same kind of risks in this game that I did in our first. Those risks are often good to take as allies regardless (they seem like risky combats for the allies to offer but the axis can’t actually safely go for them without undermining their own position) but particularly against a player like Andrew who I know plays in a risk averse way. I think my win in game 1 caused me to worry that he might gamble more and so I then played too conservatively. I think you saw some of that in the early game already. But of course I want to be careful explaining my defeat in terms of my mistakes. Its worth thinking through how one might have played differently, but the best explanation for one’s defeat is that one’s opponent just played better. Or just blame it on the dice :)

    Its been a while so I may not remember my thought processes at the time that well anymore.

    Crockett asked around the two chinese in in sikang in round 2. That was just to protect the fighter which I had to leave there since I had just taken Yunnan and was leaving Burma. The Japanese bombers could reach it. When you are commenting in the video, there are still soviet units there, so it may appear defended, but they are leaving before the Japanese turn.

    I think this is caught in the comments but the US build in round 1 on the atlantic side was relatively safe. I was going to knock out the German subs with the UK before the Germans could hit me (and it was pretty unlikely that the Germans were going to want to bring the US into the war at that point anyway) and that was a fairly safe combat (although it turned out closer than it should have been)

    The move to Samoa may seem odd but its one I learned from others here and I think the right move with the Atlantic fleet when you expect that the US will not enter the war until round 3 or 4. The US has to build on the Atlantic side until the DOW because it can only build 3 on the Pacific side. US units on the Atlantic side can be at New Zealand on round 2 and so in range of Java and the Caroline Islands on round 3. So its better to move those units where they can be more quickly utilized when war begins than have them simply wait for it on the Atlantic coast. And once war begins, the US can quite quickly build up on the Atlantic side.

    Gamerman is right of course that in moving so many soviet fast movers and air east is going to hurt me against the Germans. I think the costs of that are relatively small though as there was no way I was going to slow Andrew that much in the early stages. Maybe I save a couple of inf in a couple of counters if more units are back. My aim is to get these units back for round 4/5 to block the Germans in Bryansk. I suspect (though haven’t checked the calculator) that I actually didn’t need so many units in China and was playing too cautiously. So gamerman is probably right that I was overdoing it.

    With the Holland landing I think the goal was just to soften the Germans up and force them to delay sending some units to the Soviets. And Holland had more and higher value units so I went for that. I get worried with all inf amphibious attacks though that if the bombardment messes up, the inf may lose. So I commit all 4 inf and I also need a fig. But if the AA hits the fig, I need a second one. So that is how cautious thinking can take you down a dumb path. In hindsight if I was going to go there, I should have gone for both. Normandy would be an easy win and the bombardment would likely at least softened Holland.

    Just some random comments in response. Again, I enjoyed watching it!

    This is very helpful. And very kind. Very helpful. Are you quite content with the sacrifice of the UKP fighters in Persia t2, defending the factory?

    I’m generally with you that there are few good skirmishes on the Eastern front and that the planes are useful in China to tip the scale.

    I agree that it would be great to have a participant review a game, but I thought the review experience itself emphasized your brilliance! That Italy 3 retreat was actually a moment of great drama! So congratulations on a strong opening!

  • I remember now… the Egypt bastion that could not be attacked… what a sight

  • i vote @JDOW reviews my last game vs adam, i know he was watching it closely and would be great to hear from the master. besides, since he’s not actively playing anymore he has some time to spare in doing reviews instead haha

    altho, this one is 38 rounds so he’d have to focus on some of the key battles and rounds or else that’d be a long video!

  • @crockett36 I think I probably felt I had to do it to make sure Italy didn’t get to set up securely there. I definitely don’t like losing that air but I also don’t mind making a trade of British air for German even if it is not an even trade.

  • @farmboy I was instantly surprised at the airstrike because the German air is so precious
    The 2 hits was… kinda fair

  • @farmboy said in Video interviews of league players by Crockett36:

    @crockett36 I think I probably felt I had to do it to make sure Italy didn’t get to set up securely there. I definitely don’t like losing that air but I also don’t mind making a trade of British air for German even if it is not an even trade.

    Yes. There’s an element of inflation here that could be quantified. You are so right that a German airplane is not equivalent to a British plane. At least until turn 6 or 7.

  • 2025 2024 '23 '22 '15 '11 '10 Official Q&A Moderator

    Continuing commentary of a farmboy(+60) v AndrewAAgamer(x) game,

    Rounds 4 and 5 are observed by 2 non-participants (crockett36 and myself)

    Link is added to orginal post,
    is another 1:45, so it’s fairly in-depth
    So that’s 3:50 that it takes us to dissect 5 rounds of a G40 game between top competition - seems about right!

    Hopefully AndrewAAGamer and/or farmboy will maybe even chip in and tell us what we missed.

    @crockett36 would it be good to copy paste farmboy’s responses to your youtube channel comments connected with the video?
    I mean, if anyone watches us for 2 hours they would probably like to see 2 minutes of one of the player’s responses there too

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