Global 1940 and 1943 Expansion for use with TripleA

  • 2024 '23 '22 '21 '20 '19 '18

    The latest triplea prerelease has fixed a lot of issues. The biggest one, imo, is you can check History and the Objectives Tab won’t disappear. :)

    Big Thanks to asvitkine for fixing it. :+1:

    Can’t overproduce and wipe out your entire Purchase, another Biggie :)

    Screenshot from 2023-08-22 01-07-40.png
    A lot of other Cool Beans too:)

    DL here

  • The map looks awesome - I’m very impressed about the boxes for Armies and Army Groups.

    Great work :muscle:

  • Thanks to jdimeo and GenerationKill who made this Cool WWI game

    We’ll be using the Kills image for “Naval Mines”


    I’m going to recolor the roundel so they work similar to “Land Mines”

  • @barnee

    But that… but that’s a World War 1 flag!!!

  • 2024 '23 '22 '21 '20 '19 '18

    Naval Mines are almost done. :) Here’s a few shots showing how they work.
    Screenshot from 2023-09-03 08-49-19.png

    There are 3 Naval Mines for Purchase.
    NavalMine which is 1 NM and cost 1 PU

    NavalMine2 which designates 2 NMs and cost 2 PUs

    and NM3 which designates 3 NMs and cost 3 PUs

    Here they are in the Purchase screen Far Right
    Screenshot from 2023-09-03 07-44-57.png

    The reason there are 3 types of NMs, is that triplea defaults to loading non Transports with transport ability first. Which can be kind of annoying. Idk how or if one can change that.

    Anyway, each NM has a transport cost of 1 and the Escorts have a transport capacity of 1. So they can only load NMs. Triplea will still ask if you want to load on the Trprt but will default to the Escort.
    JPN DDs are only other Unit that has trprt ability and I haven’t checked to see what it defaults to yet. So it’s Player Enforced to Only load them on Escorts.

    In this shot, we have 2 NM3s in Germany, which is the only place they can be built. We also have an Escort and a Escort Convoy in SZ 113.
    Screenshot from 2023-09-03 07-53-00.png

    NMs can move 1 in NCM only in order to load on the Escorts. Once again, Player Enforced not to move them any other way.
    We load both NM3s on the Escort and EscortConvoy.

    It asks us which Transport Vessel we want to load on with it defaulting to the Escort. If you already know that you are going to lay the 3 NMs from the EscCnvy first, then switch and load it first. Otherwise when you go to delete the NMs and EscortConvoy, it will make you delete the first loaded trprt vessel first, which would be the ESC
    Screenshot from 2023-09-03 08-13-12.png

    Here they are fully loaded.
    Screenshot from 2023-09-03 08-13-57.png

    Now the Fleet moves to 112 SZ
    Screenshot from 2023-09-03 08-16-49.png

    The EscortConvoy is going to lay 3 NMs against 110 SZ and the Escort is going to keep it’s NMs on board.
    Orange is used to designate Southwest direction, so AFTER NCM, we Edit 3 Orange Changer NMs to 112 SZ.
    Screenshot from 2023-09-03 08-20-38.png

    Screenshot from 2023-09-03 08-24-56.png

    The ONLY way to remove the NMs that were on the EscortConvoy is to remove it along with it’s cargo. You then have to Edit the EscCnvy back in.
    And to make matters worse, since triplea defaults to the Escort as the first one loaded, you have to delete it and it’s cargo before it allows you to delete the Convoy. That’s why you want to load the Convoy first as stated above.
    Pita right ? Heh heh not too bad when you get used to it :)
    Screenshot from 2023-09-03 08-29-35.png

    So now we have 3 Orange NMs defending against 110 SZ with 3 NMs still loaded on the Escort.

    If needed, you can document in the Comment Log.
    Screenshot from 2023-09-03 08-33-35.png

    Screenshot from 2023-09-03 08-34-26.png

    I have a few other things todo before the next update. Hopefully I can get it out sooner than later :)

    Edit 11-20-24
    SZ 112 Defending @ SZ 110 is now SZ specific and actually has been for a while :)

    Screenshot from 2024-11-20 12-15-31.png

  • @barnee


  • 2024 '23 '22 '21 '20 '19 '18

    Naval Mines are done. Yay lol and more Good news too :)

    I revisited the Take Over of Italy and was just going to add it for 1940 only, but in the process of doing so, I found out why 1943 wasn’t working. A single trigger had been accidentally deleted uggh :)

    Anyway it’s working now too and i even made a minor improvement to it. :)

    Since I’m on a bit of a roll, I’m gonna take a crack at D-Day. Pretty sure I can have all US units in the D-Day Box auto change ownership to UK control.

    Anyway, it’ll be a bit yet before we update :) Confidence is High tho :)

  • @barnee

    :+1: :+1:

  • 2024 '23 '22 '21 '20 '19 '18

    We’re going to switch to how Boxes work and explain how “Take Over of Italy” and “D-Day” work in the future.

    Updated 11-20-24 at Bottom of Post

    Using the Boxes will take some getting used to, but like anything, it’ll get easier the more you use them :)

    In this example, we have Army Group North in Belarus, which consists of 3rd Waffen, 2nd Panzer, 6 Infantry, 2 Artillery and 2 Panzer Grenadiers. 2nd Panzer is “Active”. Meaning it gets it’s bonus shots.

    There are also 2 Waffen Paras present. The minefields have already been crossed and will not play a part in the battle.

    Screenshot from 2023-09-19 19-47-41.png

    You MUST move the Defender in Edit with “Perform Move or Other Actions” before the Attacker or the Defender will not defend correctly.

    At the start of russia’s Combat Move, we move AG North to belarus.
    Click on Edit Mode “Perform Move or Other Actions” . Use “Ctrl e” or click on “Game” top left.

    Screenshot from 2023-09-19 20-21-48.png

    Screenshot from 2023-09-19 20-24-41.png

    Now we move AG North.

    Screenshot from 2023-09-19 20-28-39.png

    2nd Panzer and 3rd Waffen need to move as well.

    Screenshot from 2023-09-19 20-30-18.png

    Screenshot from 2023-09-19 20-31-27.png

    Screenshot from 2023-09-19 20-31-08.png

    Germany has All of it’s defending units in belarus, so now we move russia’s.

    They’re going to send 1st AG and 3rd Corps from Bryansk, along with 1st Tank from moscow.

    Screenshot from 2023-09-19 20-40-46.png

    I’m not certain on this point, but I believe I asked @The-Captain previously, that the AG must have one of it’s Corps/Armies “Active” to be an AG, so we will deactivate 1st Tank in this instance.

    We click on Edit again so it will deactivate the moving and replace “Tank_General3” with “Tank_General” so they won’t get the bonus.

    Now we click on "Perform Move … " again and move the rest of the godless communists from there Boxes to belarus.

    Screenshot from 2023-09-19 20-50-53.png

    We’ll pause before the Battle as i don’t wanna get timed out :)

    So, if you are using the “2.6” prerelease, you will notice at the bottom of screen the units in the territory that the cursor is on are listed.
    Unfortunately, our Ginormous battle doesn’t show them all. I guess it depends on monitor size :)

    Screenshot from 2023-09-19 21-08-30.png

    All right. Time for battle :)

    So Big battles like these require a lot of attention. Especially with the Armies and Corps. Triplea will show the AG/Corps/Armies as potential hits.

    Obviously don’t select them. That may be a reason not to send them into the battle, but I like the information purpose it provides.

    A matter of personal preference.

    Almost forgot, gonna send 10 bullet stoppers for the commies too. It’s just a learning tool not a strategic guide :) The Captain has those here

    Hmm … somewhat disappointing for russia.

    Screenshot from 2023-09-19 21-21-43.png

    So we can’t take any of the Tokens as hits, so we deselect those.

    Screenshot from 2023-09-19 21-23-44.png

    The AG is no longer functional, so we off it’s Flag and kill the Panzer General as well, so he won’t keep giving his bonus.

    You can add a PG/TG/ etc … if needed, after battle with edit, and switch it out for a different casualty.

    Jerry isn’t gonna have to worry about that in this example lol

    Screenshot from 2023-09-19 21-26-01.png

    They still got the Badass 5 hittin Waffen Panzer though lol

    Pretty solid comeback. His 4 hitters kinda sucked but those 2 boys were all over it :)

    Screenshot from 2023-09-19 21-33-11.png

    This is where it requires you to be on it. I can’t remember for sure, but I think ivan had 10 Inf in his AG.
    Sadly, we can’t access History while in Battle :(

    So, i dusted 10 Inf and the AG. Rather keep the Tanks I’m thinking.

    The AG is Disbanded but the Active component of it, Commisar 3, retains his bonus shots, as he still has all of his dudes.

    Screenshot from 2023-09-19 21-36-42.png

    Another solid strike by ivan and Jerry is toast. Note we have to whack the Tokens and will still need one more rd to finish him.

    Screenshot from 2023-09-19 21-42-00.png

    Screenshot from 2023-09-19 21-42-00.png

    Not too bad, got the rest of the Inf anyway.

    Screenshot from 2023-09-19 21-44-54.png

    Need to B double E double RUN back in a bit :)

    So machine froze and had to rerun battle. Jerry got his ass kicked Big time this go. So any discrepancies from the previous example are due to that :)

    Non Combat Move time. 1st Tank remained intact and moves back to his Box.

    Screenshot from 2023-09-19 22-47-17.png

    1st, 2nd and 3rd Corps Reform with all Tank units and move to there Boxes.

    Screenshot from 2023-09-19 22-49-25.png

    1st AG Reforms with 1st Tank and 1st Corps, as well as 5 Inf from Bryansk and 5 from Smolensk.

    Screenshot from 2023-09-19 22-49-25.png

    1st Tank is now Active in the AG, so we want to deactivate the commiesar in 3rd Corps. We already moved units to the 3rd Corps Box, so it won’t let us.

    Screenshot from 2023-09-19 22-54-42.png

    You must change Units Before moving any of them or it won’t let you.

    In this case, we just say F it, and edit the change in the next phase.

    Screenshot from 2023-09-19 22-59-22.png

    Anyway, should be helpful. Victory and I have only played one game with Boxes and we’re on rd 4 or 5 I think, so still in the testing phase :)

    Hmm … looks like I need to change the Smolensk place.
    No biggie, will do :)


    So thanks to @VictoryFirst 's astuteness, we now fight large battles in edit mode.

    This isn’t nearly problematic as it looks, as you generally need to change what triplea picks as casualties in a big battle anyway.

    One of the cool things that we’ve discovered, is that the AG and Army/Corps tokens stay in their box. We just move the units. And playing in edit allows us to take the AG flag as an additional casualty, since triplea would give it a hitpoint otherwise.

    The big thing to remember, besides being deliberate and double checking the casualties taken, just as you would in a Face to Face game :) is to kill off any bonus units first.

    So once the AG is no longer active, we take it as an additional hit. When a Panzer Army or Corps will no longer be active, we need to take the PG and Commisar as hits first, so they don’t continue to give their bonus.

    After the battle, you can edit them back in if needed.

    Try and move as many units as you can in edit during NCM, especially if you are going to reform a AG or Army/Corps at End Turn.
    It will save you some edit remove and place time.

    During Combat Move, Some Territories will be incorrectly conquered. While still in edit, just switch back to the proper owner.
    This usually happens with Poland and sometimes Soviet Far East and China.

    While to read this it may seem complicated, after a few games it becomes quite natural. Victory and @Panzerstahl-Helm and myself find it to play quite smoothly. :)

    Screenshot from 2024-11-20 21-12-12.png

  • @barnee

    This seems to be more or less the same way as we do it on the game board.

    All units in each Army, Army Corps and Army Group are placed at the Army Boards next to the game board.

    And it needs a lot of attention, when for example two Army Groups etc. are fighting against eachother.

    And - as in TripleA - we use the Combat Board to display all units during the Combat phase.

    IMG_6704.JPG IMG_6711.JPG

  • @The-Captain :grin:

  • @barnee that’s a lot of Panzers :)

  • This post is deleted!
  • B barnee referenced this topic on Sep 20, 2023, 11:10 PM

  • @barnee

    Seems complicated. Very nice though!

  • 2024 '23 '22 '21 '20 '19 '18

    This Example will Explain How U-boats work.

    This is now out of date as of 2-13-24. It will be updated in the near future. Latest DL explains in Game Notes.


    It is Reccommended to Roll All Wolfpack Battles in Edit Mode Using the Intended Rules

    Currently they work like this:

    “Wolfpack” units are A0 D0 C0 units with unlimited movement. They give 1 AA shot of +1 on offense and +2 on defense to each U-Boat in it’s sea zone for 1 round only. Any hits will not be able to fire back, regardless of enemy Destroyers being present.

    You may place Wolfpack units in any sea zone next to German controlled territories. Use edit if needed to place elsewhere. Place them in the First place phase so they can be used that turn. They have unlimited movement but will still be blocked by Destroyers, so use “Perform Move Or Other Actions” in edit if needed. Otherwise, you must place before starting your combat move.

    Do not take as casualties. They will auto die if they are the only units left. They still need to be hit though, so if you get tired of rolling, simply submerge Wolfpack and he will auto die at End of Turn.

    After combat, triplea will remove any Wolfpack units that are in the Atlantic Ocean or Mediterranean Sea that no longer meet the requirement for a Wolfpack, before the Germans non combat move. You will need to use edit to remove any additional Wolfpacks before Germany’s next combat move, if enemy attacks have done the same.

    @VictoryFirst and I have determined that it is Best to use Edit and be completely rule compliant. If you don’t want to use Edit, then it will play with the above rules.

    The Kriegsmarine Buys 3 U-boats and since they will all be placed in same Sea Zone, a Wolfpack as well.

    Screenshot from 2023-09-23 15-57-58.png

    U-boats in 103, 108 and 117 SZs, are going to Attack the British DD and Trprt in 106 and Form a Wolfpack.

    Screenshot from 2023-09-23 16-02-33.png

    Screenshot from 2023-09-23 16-06-50.png

    We go to Edit Mode and add a Wolfpack to 106.

    Screenshot from 2023-09-23 16-12-42.png

    If this were to be the Only Battle this turn, you would need to edit the Wolfpack at the Start of Combat Move or you will not be able to add it before Battle, as the Battle will start immediately during the Combat phase.

    Also, you will need to have Edit on at the End of CM, so you can Fight the Battle in Edit.

    If you forget, let the Battle play out and then use Dicebot and edit the results or you can redo your turn as long as you keep it the same.

    If multiple Battles, then place at the Start of CM.

    The Battle

    Ignore the first set of Dice as they are the “AA Shot” triplea uses for Non Edit play.

    Screenshot from 2023-09-23 16-33-42.png

    So Hit OK or Space bar, since no casualties have been selected. That is the default while in Edit.

    Screenshot from 2023-09-23 16-39-56.png

    The next set of Dice are the U-boats normal First Round attack. Remember U-boats Attack at 3 for the First rd.

    Screenshot from 2023-09-23 16-41-59.png

    Select the correct amount of casualties. Also, the Trprt has to be selected last, so the DD is sunk.

    Screenshot from 2023-09-23 16-46-16.png

    The DD doesn’t go down without a Fight and sinks a U-boat.

    Screenshot from 2023-09-23 16-47-47.png

    The Wolfpack has now Disolved, so we sink it too.

    Screenshot from 2023-09-23 16-51-34.png

    We then continue the Battle or since this is a Defenseless Trprt, we can submerge and sink it with Edit at the start of NCM.

    Actually, since you are already fighting the battle in Edit, simply kill the Trprt when it’s the last unit left. So, in the above, the 1 U-boat hit and you would sink them both.

    Screenshot from 2023-09-23 16-56-42.png

    We then continue our turn and when we are ready to Place, we place all U-boats and Wolfpack in 112 SZ.

    Screenshot from 2023-09-23 16-59-11.png

    In Naval Battles that have Vessels other than just U-boats, especially Large Battles, you may want to Fight the 1st Rd with Dicebot,

    Do your Combat Move. Then do 1st rd of any Wolfpack Battles in Dicebot. Undo your CM and edit casualties. Then continue with your normal CM.

    Any Units that have moved from the same originating TTy, will have to have there moves undone in order to use edit to remove units that started there as well.

    If possible and not too mind blowing, try and move all units from the TTy that will be sending U-boats to the Wolfpack Attack in one CM or Moves. That way you only need to undo that move or moves, if attacking from more than one TTy, and not the ones that are attacking a different zone.

    If you start the Battle in Edit, you will have to Fight All of it in Edit.


    When Defending, they basically work the same way. It is Important to remember that if they have no DD present with them, any Enemy Subs that hit that are with a DD, will sink them with there First Strike Shot and they will be unable to Fire back.

    Do your Combat Move. Then do 1st rd of any Wolfpack Battles in Dicebot. Undo your CM and edit casualties. Then continue with your normal CM.

    Any Units that have moved from the same originating TTy, will have to have there moves undone in order to use edit to remove units that started there as well.

    If you start the Battle in Edit, you will have to Fight All of it in Edit.

    Anyway, that’s basically how they work. Sometimes you will need to Edit to remove Wolfpacks as well. If it’s at the End of Germany’s turn, they should auto remove, but they don’t always.

    If after an Allied turn, you will need to Edit.

    Remember, it’s up to you to select the correct amount of casualties while in Edit the same as if you were playing on the physical board.

    U-Boat Rules page 41

  • B barnee referenced this topic on Sep 23, 2023, 10:26 PM
  • B barnee referenced this topic on Oct 26, 2023, 2:07 PM
  • 2024 '23 '22 '21 '20 '19 '18

    This will show an Example of “Army Groups” in Battle.


    When Attacking a Territory that has an Army Group, you must move the Defenders Units From the Boxes First"

    Turn on Edit and go to “Perform Move or Other Actions”.

    Screenshot from 2023-10-26 09-31-00.png

    Go to the appropriate Boxes and move the Units to the Defending TTy. In our Example, AG Center is Defending in Berlin. It consists of 1st and 2nd Panzer with 1st and 2nd Waffen as well as 2 Waffen INF who are unattached making up the required 10 Land Units.
    Since the AG is Defending in Berlin, Both of it’s Armies are Active. In this case that means Both Panzer Armies.

    Screenshot from 2023-10-26 09-39-32.png

    Screenshot from 2023-10-26 09-40-08.png

    “Panzer_General3” is what Activates the Panzer Army. Since both Panzer Armies are Active, we have 2 of them.

    Now move the Attacking Units.
    Note Once you are in “Perform Move or Other Actions” you can keep moving Units from different TTys without having to click on it every time the way you do with “Add Units”.

    Screenshot from 2023-10-26 09-52-37.png

    It’s Important to remember the Makeup of the AGs, so you will know when to Deactivate them in Battle. Once Battle is joined, you won’t be able to access history, so a separate window containing a screenshot or simply jot it down on paper etc … as long as you remember :)

    In our example, 1st AG is comprised of 1st Tank and 1st Corps with 2nd and 3rd Corps plus 2 Guard INF for the required 10 Land Units.

    Screenshot from 2023-10-26 09-58-24.png

    2nd Tank is also attacking, but he is Inactive, thus they are being led by a “Tank General” instead of a “Tank General3”.

    When using the Battle Calculator, you need to remove any non Hit Point Units for a more accurate result.
    In this case that would be both AG symbols and 2nd Tank.

    Also, if you were Attacking a TTy without a Defending AG, you need to edit a “Inactive” AG Flag in case it is needed as a HP to even out the Attackers Flag.
    Do Not take as casualty until After the Attackers Flag has been killed. If the Attacker’s Flag survives it will auto die at end of battle.

    I will pause here so the post doesn’t time out

    All Right ! On to Battle !
    It’s important to communicate with your opponent the correct order of loss before starting.
    I think some triplea players know how to do it by round but I do not. You can’t save mid battle but you can take a screenshot. Maybe they try to be online at the same time Idk :)

    At any rate, our Battle, while large, is still rather straight forward. Both players want to keep there AGs alive for as long as possible, although if the Battle gets skewed, that could change.
    Hence, once again, why you want a clear line of communication with your opponent.

    Ok here we go :)

    Only 1 AA hit. Bummer for Jerry.
    Screenshot from 2023-10-26 10-34-29.png

    31 hits for ivan. Slightly above average. His “2s” did pretty good.

    Screenshot from 2023-10-26 10-36-51.png

    We can’t take the AG symbol as a casualty, so we dust the Engineer instead. The AG is still intact.

    Screenshot from 2023-10-26 10-39-09.png

    Screenshot from 2023-10-26 10-41-04.png

    Jerry delivers a Massive blow to ivan as his counterattack is well above average.

    Screenshot from 2023-10-26 10-43-29.png

    They are able to keep 1st AG intact though. The Battle continues :)

    Pretty close to average for the commies. Tick above maybe.

    Screenshot from 2023-10-26 10-48-25.png

    Screenshot from 2023-10-26 10-52-35.png

    Unfortunately for the reich, AG Center is disbanded as well as 2nd Panzer. If they had taken 1 less hit, they could have killed there FTRs to keep 2nd Pnzr intact.
    Both Active Armies in the AG keep there Active status as long as they are complete. It does not matter if the AG is disbanded.
    It’s not to be though. Let’s see if they can get one more big lick in against the russians.

    Looks about average. Same number of hits as ivan.

    Screenshot from 2023-10-26 10-56-52.png

    Screenshot from 2023-10-26 10-59-54.png

    1st AG is disbanded but 1st Tank remains active. This should do it.

    The Reich is Defeated. They put up strong resistance till the end.

    Screenshot from 2023-10-26 11-10-11.png

    Screenshot from 2023-10-26 11-25-03.png

    We’ll break before Non Combat Move. :)

    It was a close Fight. Not a lot of russians left.

    Screenshot from 2023-10-26 11-26-32.png

    Tank General 3 is Edited to Tank General. This is done first, as if we move Units in Edit from the same TTy before editing him, it doesn’t work.

    Screenshot from 2023-10-26 11-41-52.png

    1st AG and 2nd Tank move back to there Boxes.

    Screenshot from 2023-10-26 11-37-43.png

    The rest of the now defunct 1st AG move to there Boxes as well.

    Screenshot from 2023-10-26 11-39-01.png

    2 Paras move from Eastern Poland to Germany. As this is Non Combat Move and the russians have conquered Berlin, they are able to use there Air movement ability.
    They aren’t allowed to on an Attack of a Capital.

    Screenshot from 2023-10-26 11-49-42.png

    The 2 Paras and one of the TGs reform 1st Corps with the surviving commiesar.

    Screenshot from 2023-10-26 11-46-03.png

    It says “Tank units” in the rulebook can be in a Corps, so I’m gonna assume that means TGs too. I will ask @The-Captain for clarification when I’m done here, just to make sure.

    The above is incorrect. Tank Generals can not be part of a Corps
    I will make a Note for that in the Game Notes.

    Screenshot from 2023-10-26 11-53-31.png

    An Elite also moves in from Poland, but they are not allowed to be in a Corps.

    russia finishes the rest of there moves and places there units.

    Screenshot from 2023-10-26 12-04-33.png

    I will provide additional examples in the future concerning the use of Boxes.

  • B barnee referenced this topic on Oct 26, 2023, 5:45 PM
  • B barnee referenced this topic on Oct 26, 2023, 5:50 PM

  • Just because it looks Cool lol

    Screenshot from 2023-10-30 23-35-47.png

  • B barnee referenced this topic on Nov 2, 2023, 8:15 PM
  • B barnee referenced this topic on Nov 4, 2023, 5:47 AM

  • Combat Engineers have been updated. Had to make a new Unit.


    For Combat Use “German_EngineerAttack” Russian etc…

    You will need to Edit before Combat replacing it’s counterpart. It will only conduct Combat Operations of “Blitz with Tank” and A2 when paired with Artillery.
    This is only needed for Attacking. The othe Engineers will defend correctly as well as the “Attack” Engineer. Use Edit to replace as needed.

  • B barnee referenced this topic on Nov 11, 2023, 12:26 AM

  • Here is Latest Update:

    Update to 1.875

    Change Log UHD Boxes:

    Version 1.875
    Change “aaGun” Transport Cost to Same as “Armour”.
    Made German Air Transport the only one that can Carry Tank Units.
    Allow Germany to Build Total War Units in Italy.
    Add “Luftwaffe” and “Fighter Aces”.
    Escorts and Convoys Now Auto Change in Most Situations.

    DL Instructions

    DL link, always same,

    Here’s the new Fighter Aces




  • B barnee referenced this topic on Dec 21, 2023, 3:22 AM

  • Update to 1.876

    Change Log UHD Boxes:

    Version 1.876
    Add “Fighter Aces” to the Timetable.

    DL Instructions

    DL link, always same,

  • B barnee referenced this topic on Dec 21, 2023, 8:41 PM
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