As Panther says, he needs a saved game to diagnose what happened.
Indeed, the scenarios mentioned have been working flawlessly for years and in countless games.
The savegame helps identifying what happened in the specific game.
This is a Triple A question. I am trying it out in the hopes I can soon try games in the forum. I ran into an issue which involves planes taking off from air bases. This should increase the plane movement by 1 space but I can not seem to figure out how to make that happen. If this is the wrong place for this question please forgive my inexperience.
Thanks for any help
I’ve never had that issue. Can you post the file here or post a screenshot of the scenario?
@admiral_eighty_sixed said in Plane movements from Airbase with in Triple A Global 1940:
This is a Triple A question. I am trying it out in the hopes I can soon try games in the forum. I ran into an issue which involves planes taking off from air bases. This should increase the plane movement by 1 space but I can not seem to figure out how to make that happen. If this is the wrong place for this question please forgive my inexperience.
Thanks for any help
Yeah, it should do it automatically as long as the air unit started the Turn on the airbase so it “recognizes” the movement bonus. Have you tried to go 5 or 7 spaces and see if the “red” line lets you go that far?
@admiral_eighty_sixed yea it should show you the movement as you move
So in the example it’s moved 1 out of a possible 5
@colt45554 Thanks for responding. I used the edit mode as a work around and it seemed to work.
@admiral_eighty_sixed this is surprising that the game isn’t working for you. Just checking
a) the aircraft have to start the turn at the airbase
b) the aircraft have to be able to land in friendly territory on the 5th (7th) move.
Using edit mode can allow you to make illegal moves.
@admiral_eighty_sixed yea, as surfer said, you shouldn’t need edit mode. Start a game and move the German ftr one space and see if it shows the “1/5” thingy.
If not … then something’s fckd up :)
It’ll only show the 1/5 thingy while you’re moving. You stop moving and it’ll go away
@barnee must have been a glitch because I stopped and restarted the program and it showed the 1/5 this time.
thanks to all for responding!
@barnee Something else. If you edit a plane in after your turn, it doesn’t get the move bonus. Same with ships. I don’t remember the particulars, but if editing, keep an eye out for incorrect movement of units
Topic moved to the TripelA Support Category.