hmm . I think it’s better. I know left to right normally would start with 1, I guess i could still do it that way, idk, in my mind North should be before South, so could go either way with it.
I don’t want North on the left though. Like it being above leningrad, well, it’s a little to the east of it but whatever :)
Need to swap 3rd Panzer and Waffen too so it’ll match the other two. That will be more difficult. I can do it, but Idk if it’ll mess with the borders because Elkstar did some magic stuff on those that Idk how todo.
I can make the line, but it won’t look as good.
Hmm … maybe we’ll just roll with the above for now until Elk comes around again or i actually figure out how todo it. yea right on that last part lol
I forgot to add the Fighter Aces to the Timetable along with a Notification for when they enter the game.
If you don’t mind redoing your G1, we can use latest. :)
Here we go!
Fighter Aces are added - nice! Looking forward to see them in action.
I got used to the roundles under units, but I`ve got the feeling that the roundles were easier o see in past version. Maybe it is because of the UHD design. But this is not bothering me.
Game History
Round: 1
Purchase Units - Germans
Note to players Germans: Mid Battle Game Save The Hot Key "Ctrl S" will Not Work. You will need to use the Mouse.
Note to players Germans: <body><br /><font size="5"><b> 2.6 Prerelease</b><br /></font><font size="3"><br /></font><font size="5"><b>Game Notes are now Listed under the Help Tab.</b></body>
Note to players Germans: IMPORTANT Some Pacific Island Bonuses Do Not Work Correctly.Use Edit as Needed Explained in Game Notes.
Note to players Germans: NOTE If Using Tech You Need to Save Game End of Round 6 and Select in Game Options and Restart
Note to players Germans: IMPORTANT Sometimes triplea will not allow you to make a legal landing on a Carrier. Use edit to replace Units as needed. Do Not Land or Fly Over Friendly Neutral Territories Activated t....
Trigger Me 109T: buyMe_109T added to productionGermans
Trigger PacificEXP PUsHainan: Changer has 1 1_PU placed in Hainan
Trigger PacificEXP PUsSamoa: Changer has 1 1_PU placed in Samoa
Trigger PacificEXPUK Borneo: British has 1 infantry placed in Borneo
Trigger PacificEXPJPNMarianas: Japanese has 1 infantry placed in Marianas
Trigger PacificEXPUSA Wake: Americans has 1 infantry placed in Wake Island
Trigger PacificEXPUSA HI: Americans has 1 aaGun, 2 infantry and 2 usa_fighters placed in Hawaiian Islands
triggerAttachmen2ndPanzerArmy: Germans has 1 2ndPanzerArmy placed in 2nd Panzer
Trigger PacificEXPJPNFormosa: Japanese has 2 infantry placed in Formosa
Trigger PacificEXP PUsAK: Changer has 1 5_PU placed in Alaska
Trigger PacificEXPUSA Midway: Americans has 1 aaGun and 2 infantry placed in Midway
Trigger PacificEXP PUsNG: Changer has 1 2_PU placed in New Guinea
triggerAttachmen4thWaffenArmy: Germans has 1 4thWaffenArmy placed in 4th Waffen
triggerAttachmen1stUSTank: Americans has 1 1stUSTank placed in 1st USA Tank
triggerAttachmen2ndWaffenArmy: Germans has 1 2ndWaffenArmy placed in 2nd Waffen
triggerAttachmen2ndTankArmy: Russians has 1 2ndTankArmy placed in 2nd Tank
Trigger PacificEXP PUsLine: Changer has 1 1_PU placed in Line Islands
Trigger PacificEXP PUsMarianas: Changer has 1 1_PU placed in Marianas
Trigger PacificEXP PUsMidway: Changer has 1 3_PU placed in Midway
triggerAttachmenArmyGroupSouth: Germans has 1 ArmyGroupActive, 1 ArmyGroupSouth and 1 Army_Group placed in Army Group South
triggerAttachmenArmyGroupNorth: Germans has 1 ArmyGroupActive, 1 ArmyGroupNorth and 1 Army_Group placed in Army Group North
Trigger PacificEXPUSA AK: Americans has 1 aaGun and 3 infantry placed in Alaska
Trigger PacificEXPUK NG: ANZAC has 2 infantry placed in New Guinea
Trigger PacificEXPJPNIwo: Japanese has 1 aaGun and 1 infantry placed in Iwo Jima
Trigger PacificEXP PUsFiji: Changer has 1 1_PU placed in Fiji
Trigger PacificEXPJPNPaulau: Japanese has 1 infantry placed in Paulau Island
triggerAttachmen1stDesertArmy: Germans has 1 DAK placed in 1st Desert
Trigger PacificEXP PUsGilbert: Changer has 1 2_PU placed in Gilbert Islands
triggerAttachmenSZflow: Changer has 1 BoxFctry and 1 SZflow placed in SZflow Sea Zone
triggerAttachmen1stPanzerArmy: Germans has 1 1stPanzerArmy placed in 1st Panzer
triggerAttachmen1stWaffenArmy: Germans has 1 1stWaffenArmy placed in 1st Waffen
Trigger PacificEXP PUsMex: Changer has 1 4_PU placed in Mexico
triggerAttachmenArmyGroupCentre: Germans has 1 ArmyGroupActive, 1 ArmyGroupCentre and 1 Army_Group placed in Army Group Centre
triggerAttachmen3rdWaffenArmy: Germans has 1 3rdWaffenArmy placed in 3rd Waffen
Trigger PacificEXP PUsGuam: Changer has 1 1_PU placed in Guam
Trigger PacificEXP PUsWake: Changer has 1 2_PU placed in Wake Island
triggerAttachmen1stCorps: Russians has 1 1stCorps placed in 1st Corps
Trigger PacificEXP PUsPhil: Changer has 1 5_PU placed in Philippines
Trigger PacificEXPUK Gilbert: British has 2 infantry placed in Gilbert Islands
triggerAttachmen3rdPanzerArmy: Germans has 1 3rdPanzerArmy placed in 3rd Panzer
triggerAttachmen2ndSovietAG: Russians has 1 2ndSovietAG, 1 ArmyGroupActive and 1 Army_Group placed in 2nd Army Group
Trigger PacificEXP PUsCelebes: Changer has 1 4_PU placed in Celebes
triggerAttachmenOverflow2: Changer has 1 BoxFctry and 1 Overflow2 placed in Overflow2
triggerAttachmen1stSovietAG: Russians has 1 1stSovietAG, 1 ArmyGroupActive and 1 Army_Group placed in 1st Army Group
triggerAttachmen2ndCorps: Russians has 1 2ndCorps placed in 2nd Corps
Trigger PacificEXP PUsPaula: Changer has 1 1_PU placed in Paulau Island
Trigger PacificEXP PUsIwo: Changer has 1 2_PU placed in Iwo Jima
Trigger PacificEXP PUsCeylon: Changer has 1 1_PU placed in Ceylon
triggerAttachmenUSADesertArmy: Americans has 1 1stDesertUS placed in USA Desert
Trigger PacificEXPUK Solomon: ANZAC has 1 aaGun and 2 infantry placed in Solomon Islands
triggerAttachmen1stTankArmy: Russians has 1 1stTankArmy placed in 1st Tank
Trigger PacificEXP PUsOkinawa: Changer has 1 2_PU placed in Okinawa
Trigger PacificEXPOkinawaJPN: Japanese has 1 infantry placed in Okinawa
Trigger PacificEXP PUsHI: Changer has 1 4_PU placed in Hawaiian Islands
triggerAttachmen1stUSAG: Americans has 1 1stUSAG, 1 ArmyGroupActive and 1 Army_Group placed in USA Army Group
Trigger PacificEXPUSA Mexico: Americans has 2 infantry placed in Mexico
Trigger PacificEXP PUsCaroline: Changer has 1 3_PU placed in Caroline Islands
Trigger PacificEXP PUsFormosa: Changer has 1 2_PU placed in Formosa
triggerAttachmenOverflow: Changer has 1 BoxFctry and 1 Overflow placed in Overflow
Trigger PacificEXP PUsAleutians: Changer has 1 1_PU placed in Aleutian Islands
triggerAttachmenUKDesertArmy: British has 1 1stDesertUK placed in UK Desert
triggerAttachmen1stUKTank: British has 1 1stUKTank placed in 1st UK Tank
Trigger PacificEXPJPNCaroline: Japanese has 1 aaGun, 2 fighters and 2 infantry placed in Caroline Islands
triggerAttachmen2ndUSTank: Americans has 1 2ndUSTank placed in 2nd USA Tank
Trigger PacificEXPUSA Phil: Americans has 1 aaGun, 2 infantry and 1 usa_fighter placed in Philippines
Trigger PacificEXP PUsDNG: Changer has 1 2_PU placed in Dutch New Guinea
Trigger PacificEXPUSA Guam: Americans has 1 infantry placed in Guam
Trigger PacificEXP PUsSolomon: Changer has 1 2_PU placed in Solomon Islands
triggerAttachmen3rdCorps: Russians has 1 3rdCorps placed in 3rd Corps
Germans buy 3 GermanUBoats, 2 Waffen_Artys, 1 carrier and 2 waffen_infantrys; Remaining resources: 0 PUs;
triggerAttachmen2ndPanzerArmyFctry: Germans has 1 BoxFctry placed in 2nd Panzer
triggerAttachmen3rdWaffenArmyFctry: Germans has 1 BoxFctry placed in 3rd Waffen
triggerAttachmen1stUSAGFctry: Americans has 1 BoxFctry placed in USA Army Group
triggerAttachmen1stUKTankFctry: British has 1 BoxFctry placed in 1st UK Tank
triggerAttachmen1stCorpsFctry: Russians has 1 BoxFctry placed in 1st Corps
triggerAttachmenArmyGroupSouthFctry: Germans has 1 BoxFctry placed in Army Group South
triggerAttachmen1stTankArmyFctry: Russians has 1 BoxFctry placed in 1st Tank
triggerAttachmen2ndSovietAGFctry: Russians has 1 BoxFctry placed in 2nd Army Group
triggerAttachmen1stPanzerArmyFctry: Germans has 1 BoxFctry placed in 1st Panzer
triggerAttachmen3rdPanzerArmyFctry: Germans has 1 BoxFctry placed in 3rd Panzer
triggerAttachmen2ndWaffenArmyFctry: Germans has 1 BoxFctry placed in 2nd Waffen
triggerAttachmenArmyGroupNorthFctry: Germans has 1 BoxFctry placed in Army Group North
triggerAttachmen2ndCorpsFctry: Russians has 1 BoxFctry placed in 2nd Corps
triggerAttachmen2ndTankArmyFctry: Russians has 1 BoxFctry placed in 2nd Tank
triggerAttachmen1stWaffenArmyFctry: Germans has 1 BoxFctry placed in 1st Waffen
triggerAttachmenArmyGroupCentreFctry: Germans has 1 BoxFctry placed in Army Group Centre
triggerAttachmenUSADesertArmyFctry: Americans has 1 BoxFctry placed in USA Desert
triggerAttachmen1stDesertArmyFctry: Germans has 1 BoxFctry placed in 1st Desert
triggerAttachmen2ndUSTankFctry: Americans has 1 BoxFctry placed in 2nd USA Tank
triggerAttachmen3rdCorpsFctry: Russians has 1 BoxFctry placed in 3rd Corps
triggerAttachmen4thWaffenArmyFctry: Germans has 1 BoxFctry placed in 4th Waffen
triggerAttachmen1stUSTankFctry: Americans has 1 BoxFctry placed in 1st USA Tank
triggerAttachmen1stSovietAGFctry: Russians has 1 BoxFctry placed in 1st Army Group
triggerAttachmenUKDesertArmyFctry: British has 1 BoxFctry placed in UK Desert
Place Units - Germans
Units in Germany being upgraded or consumed: 2 artilleries and 2 infantry
2 Waffen_Artys and 2 waffen_infantrys placed in Germany
Combat Move - Germans
Trigger RailMovementAutoPlaceGermans: Germans has 2 Rails placed in Germany
3 infantry moved from Holland Belgium to Normandy Bordeaux
1 armour and 1 artillery moved from Holland Belgium to Normandy Bordeaux
1 mech_infantry moved from Western Germany to Normandy Bordeaux
2 armour, 1 artillery and 1 infantry moved from Holland Belgium to France
1 fighter moved from Holland Belgium to 110 Sea Zone
1 bomber moved from Germany to 93 Sea Zone
1 fighter and 1 tactical_bomber moved from Western Germany to 93 Sea Zone
1 bomber moved from Germany to 110 Sea Zone
1 fighter and 2 tactical_bombers moved from Western Germany to 110 Sea Zone
1 tactical_bomber moved from Germany to 110 Sea Zone
1 artillery and 3 infantry moved from Western Germany to France
2 Waffen_Artys and 2 waffen_infantrys moved from Germany to France
3 armour, 2 artilleries and 6 infantry moved from Greater Southern Germany to Yugoslavia
1 armour and 1 fighter moved from Slovakia Hungary to Yugoslavia
1 armour moved from Romania to Yugoslavia
1 armour and 1 tactical_bomber moved from Poland to Yugoslavia
3 mech_infantrys moved from Western Germany to France
1 battleship moved from 113 Sea Zone to 111 Sea Zone
1 fighter moved from Norway to 111 Sea Zone
1 GermanUBoat moved from 124 Sea Zone to 111 Sea Zone
1 GermanUBoat moved from 118 Sea Zone to 111 Sea Zone
1 GermanUBoat moved from 103 Sea Zone to 110 Sea Zone
1 GermanUBoat moved from 108 Sea Zone to 110 Sea Zone
1 GermanUBoat moved from 117 Sea Zone to 106 Sea Zone
Combat - Germans
British scrambles 1 units out of Scotland to defend against the attack in 111 Sea Zone
Battle in Yugoslavia
Germans attack with 6 armour, 2 artilleries, 1 fighter, 6 infantry and 1 tactical_bomber
Neutral_Allies defend with 5 infantry
Germans roll dice for 6 armour, 2 artilleries, 1 fighter, 6 infantry and 1 tactical_bomber in Yugoslavia, round 2 : 4/16 hits, 6,17 expected hits
Neutral_Allies roll dice for 5 infantry in Yugoslavia, round 2 : 2/5 hits, 1,67 expected hits
2 infantry owned by the Germans lost in Yugoslavia
4 infantry owned by the Neutral_Allies lost in Yugoslavia
1 fighter owned by the Germans and 1 tactical_bomber owned by the Germans retreated
2 artilleries owned by the Germans, 4 infantry owned by the Germans and 6 armour owned by the Germans retreated to Romania
Neutral_Allies win with 1 infantry remaining. Battle score for attacker is 6
Casualties for Germans: 2 infantry
Casualties for Neutral_Allies: 4 infantry
Battle in Normandy Bordeaux
Germans attack with 1 armour, 1 artillery, 3 infantry and 1 mech_infantry
French defend with 1 artillery, 1 factory_minor, 1 harbour and 1 infantry
Germans roll dice for 1 armour, 1 artillery, 3 infantry and 1 mech_infantry in Normandy Bordeaux, round 2 : 2/6 hits, 1,67 expected hits
French roll dice for 1 artillery and 1 infantry in Normandy Bordeaux, round 2 : 0/2 hits, 0,67 expected hits
1 infantry owned by the French and 1 artillery owned by the French lost in Normandy Bordeaux
Germans win, taking Normandy Bordeaux from French with 1 armour, 1 artillery, 3 infantry and 1 mech_infantry remaining. Battle score for attacker is 7
Casualties for French: 1 artillery and 1 infantry
Battle in France
Germans attack with 2 Waffen_Artys, 2 armour, 2 artilleries, 4 infantry, 3 mech_infantrys and 2 waffen_infantrys
British defend with 1 artillery and 1 uk_armour; French defend with 1 aaGun, 1 airfield, 1 armour, 1 artillery, 1 factory_major, 1 fighter and 6 infantry
Germans roll dice for 2 Waffen_Artys, 2 armour, 2 artilleries, 4 infantry, 3 mech_infantrys and 2 waffen_infantrys in France, round 2 : 4/15 hits, 5,17 expected hits
French roll dice for 1 aaGun, 1 armour, 2 artilleries, 1 fighter, 6 infantry and 1 uk_armour in France, round 2 : 3/12 hits, 4,50 expected hits
3 infantry owned by the Germans lost in France
1 aaGun owned by the French and 3 infantry owned by the French lost in France
Germans roll dice for 2 Waffen_Artys, 2 armour, 2 artilleries, 1 infantry, 3 mech_infantrys and 2 waffen_infantrys in France, round 3 : 3/12 hits, 4,67 expected hits
French roll dice for 1 armour, 2 artilleries, 1 fighter, 3 infantry and 1 uk_armour in France, round 3 : 3/8 hits, 3,33 expected hits
1 infantry owned by the Germans and 2 mech_infantrys owned by the Germans lost in France
3 infantry owned by the French lost in France
Germans roll dice for 2 Waffen_Artys, 2 armour, 2 artilleries, 1 mech_infantry and 2 waffen_infantrys in France, round 4 : 4/9 hits, 4,00 expected hits
French roll dice for 1 armour, 2 artilleries, 1 fighter and 1 uk_armour in France, round 4 : 2/5 hits, 2,33 expected hits
2 artilleries owned by the Germans lost in France
1 armour owned by the French, 1 artillery owned by the British, 1 uk_armour owned by the British and 1 artillery owned by the French lost in France
Germans roll dice for 2 Waffen_Artys, 2 armour, 1 mech_infantry and 2 waffen_infantrys in France, round 5 : 3/7 hits, 3,17 expected hits
French roll dice for 1 fighter in France, round 5 : 0/1 hits, 0,67 expected hits
1 fighter owned by the French lost in France
Germans captures 19PUs while taking French capital
Germans converts factory_major into different units
Germans win, taking France from French with 2 Waffen_Artys, 2 armour, 1 mech_infantry and 2 waffen_infantrys remaining. Battle score for attacker is 22
Casualties for Germans: 2 artilleries, 4 infantry and 2 mech_infantrys
Casualties for French: 1 aaGun, 1 armour, 1 artillery, 1 fighter and 6 infantry
Casualties for British: 1 artillery and 1 uk_armour
Battle in 106 Sea Zone
Germans attack with 1 GermanUBoat
British defend with 1 destroyer and 1 transport
Germans roll Wolfpack_Attack dice in 106 Sea Zone : 0/0 hits, 0,00 expected hits
Germans roll dice for 1 GermanUBoat in 106 Sea Zone, round 2 : 0/1 hits, 0,33 expected hits
British roll dice for 1 destroyer and 1 transport in 106 Sea Zone, round 2 : 0/1 hits, 0,33 expected hits
Germans roll dice for 1 GermanUBoat in 106 Sea Zone, round 3 : 1/1 hits, 0,33 expected hits
British roll dice for 1 destroyer and 1 transport in 106 Sea Zone, round 3 : 1/1 hits, 0,33 expected hits
1 GermanUBoat owned by the Germans lost in 106 Sea Zone
1 destroyer owned by the British lost in 106 Sea Zone
British win with 1 transport remaining. Battle score for attacker is 3
Casualties for Germans: 1 GermanUBoat
Casualties for British: 1 destroyer
Battle in 110 Sea Zone
Germans attack with 2 GermanUBoats, 1 bomber, 2 fighters and 3 tactical_bombers
British defend with 1 battleship and 1 cruiser; French defend with 1 cruiser
Germans roll Wolfpack_Attack dice in 110 Sea Zone : 0/0 hits, 0,00 expected hits
Germans roll dice for 2 GermanUBoats in 110 Sea Zone, round 2 : 1/2 hits, 0,67 expected hits
Units damaged: 1 battleship owned by the British
Germans roll dice for 1 bomber, 2 fighters and 3 tactical_bombers in 110 Sea Zone, round 2 : 4/6 hits, 3,50 expected hits
British roll dice for 1 battleship and 2 cruisers in 110 Sea Zone, round 2 : 2/3 hits, 1,67 expected hits
2 GermanUBoats owned by the Germans lost in 110 Sea Zone
1 cruiser owned by the French, 1 cruiser owned by the British and 1 battleship owned by the British lost in 110 Sea Zone
Germans win with 1 bomber, 2 fighters and 3 tactical_bombers remaining. Battle score for attacker is 25
Casualties for Germans: 2 GermanUBoats
Casualties for British: 1 battleship and 1 cruiser
Casualties for French: 1 cruiser
Battle in 111 Sea Zone
Germans attack with 2 GermanUBoats, 1 battleship and 1 fighter
British defend with 1 battleship, 1 cruiser, 1 destroyer and 1 uk_fighter
Germans roll Wolfpack_Attack dice in 111 Sea Zone : 0/0 hits, 0,00 expected hits
Germans roll dice for 2 GermanUBoats in 111 Sea Zone, round 2 : 0/2 hits, 0,67 expected hits
Germans roll dice for 1 battleship and 1 fighter in 111 Sea Zone, round 2 : 2/2 hits, 1,17 expected hits
Units damaged: 1 battleship owned by the British
British roll dice for 1 battleship, 1 cruiser, 1 destroyer and 1 uk_fighter in 111 Sea Zone, round 2 : 2/4 hits, 2,17 expected hits
Units damaged: 1 battleship owned by the Germans
1 GermanUBoat owned by the Germans lost in 111 Sea Zone
1 cruiser owned by the British lost in 111 Sea Zone
1 fighter owned by the Germans retreated
1 battleship owned by the Germans and 1 GermanUBoat owned by the Germans retreated to 112 Sea Zone
British win with 1 battleship, 1 destroyer and 1 uk_fighter remaining. Battle score for attacker is 5
Casualties for Germans: 1 GermanUBoat
Casualties for British: 1 cruiser
Battle in 93 Sea Zone
Germans attack with 1 bomber, 1 fighter and 1 tactical_bomber
French defend with 1 cruiser and 1 destroyer
Germans roll dice for 1 bomber, 1 fighter and 1 tactical_bomber in 93 Sea Zone, round 2 : 2/3 hits, 1,83 expected hits
French roll dice for 1 cruiser and 1 destroyer in 93 Sea Zone, round 2 : 1/2 hits, 0,83 expected hits
1 fighter owned by the Germans lost in 93 Sea Zone
1 destroyer owned by the French and 1 cruiser owned by the French lost in 93 Sea Zone
Germans win with 1 bomber and 1 tactical_bomber remaining. Battle score for attacker is 7
Casualties for Germans: 1 fighter
Casualties for French: 1 cruiser and 1 destroyer
Moving scrambled unit from 111 Sea Zone back to originating territory: Scotland
Trigger Germans Conquer France: Setting switch to true for conditionAttachment_French_1_Liberation_Switch attached to French
Non Combat Move - Germans
Trigger RailMovementAutoPlaceRemoveGermansItalyTakeover: has removed 2 Rails owned by Germans in Slovakia Hungary
1 bomber moved from 93 Sea Zone to Southern Italy
1 tactical_bomber moved from 93 Sea Zone to Southern Italy
1 fighter moved from Yugoslavia to Tobruk
1 tactical_bomber moved from Yugoslavia to Western Germany
1 bomber moved from 110 Sea Zone to Western Germany
2 tactical_bombers moved from 110 Sea Zone to Western Germany
2 fighters moved from 110 Sea Zone to Western Germany
1 fighter moved from 111 Sea Zone to 112 Sea Zone
1 tactical_bomber moved from 110 Sea Zone to 112 Sea Zone
1 cruiser and 1 transport moved from 114 Sea Zone to 112 Sea Zone
2 Rails moved from Germany to Denmark
3 aaGuns, 1 artillery and 9 infantry moved from Germany to Slovakia Hungary
2 Rails and 2 infantry moved from Denmark to Slovakia Hungary
3 infantry moved from Norway to Finland
Germans take Finland from Neutral_Axis
1 infantry moved from Romania to Bulgaria
Germans take Bulgaria from Neutral_Axis
Place Units - Germans
3 GermanUBoats and 1 carrier placed in 112 Sea Zone
Turning on Edit Mode
EDIT: Adding units owned by Germans to 112 Sea Zone: 1 Wolfpack
EDIT: Turning off Edit Mode
Turn Complete - Germans
Germans collect 39 PUs; end with 58 PUs
Trigger Germans AdvancedProduction: Germans met a national objective for an additional 12 PUs; end with 70 PUs
Trigger Germans 5 Swedish Iron Ore: Germans met a national objective for an additional 5 PUs; end with 75 PUs
Objective Germans 1 Trade with Russia: Germans met a national objective for an additional 5 PUs; end with 80 PUs
Combat Hit Differential Summary :
French regular : -3,33
Neutral_Allies regular : 0,33
Germans regular : -3,33
British regular : 0,50
Germans Wolfpack_Attack : 0,00
Round: 1
Purchase Units - Russians
Russians buy 1 Soviet_Commisar, 1 elite, 2 infantry, 7 mine_unarmeds and 4 russian_paras; Remaining resources: 0 PUs; 3 AirLendLease; 3 TankLendLease;
Combat Move - Russians
Trigger RailMovementAutoPlaceRussians: Russians has 1 Europe_Rail and 2 Rails placed in Russia
Combat - Russians
Non Combat Move - Russians
Trigger RailMovementAutoPlaceRemoveRussians: has removed 1 Europe_Rail and 2 Rails owned by Russians in Caucasus
1 armour and 1 mech_infantry moved from Volgograd to Bryansk
1 armour and 1 mech_infantry moved from Russia to Bryansk
2 aaGuns, 1 artillery and 1 infantry moved from Russia to Bryansk
1 fighter and 1 tactical_bomber moved from Russia to Novgorod
1 cruiser moved from 115 Sea Zone to 114 Sea Zone
1 submarine moved from 127 Sea Zone to 124 Sea Zone
6 infantry moved from Novgorod to Belarus
1 infantry moved from Eastern Poland to Western Ukraine
2 infantry moved from Baltic States to Belarus
1 infantry moved from Bessarabia to Western Ukraine
3 infantry moved from Ukraine to Bryansk
1 aaGun moved from Novgorod to Belarus
1 infantry moved from Karelia to Novgorod
2 infantry moved from Vyborg to Novgorod
1 Europe_Rail moved from Russia to Sakha
1 Europe_Rail and 1 aaGun moved from Sakha to Caucasus
2 Rails moved from Russia to Amur
2 Rails and 2 infantry moved from Amur to Caucasus
6 infantry moved from Buryatia to Yakut S.S.R.
2 infantry moved from Amur to Buryatia
1 aaGun moved from Sakha to Amur
6 infantry moved from Sakha to Buryatia
Place Units - Russians
2 infantry placed in Ukraine
1 Soviet_Commisar, 1 elite, 7 mine_unarmeds and 4 russian_paras placed in Russia
Turn Complete - Russians
Russians collect 37 PUs; end with 37 PUs
I am back for the battle. :-)
I had a short notice live game of Global42 yesterday - fantastic version for live games I must say. First time I played it, but we had action right from the beginning.
I got your note about the landmines, but haven´t looked at it completly, but putting the info of against which border LMs defend in the comment log will be the best way to communicate the setup of the LMs. Maybe the colors do the trick as well as a quick overview. I will let you know once I tried it out (haven´t tried LMs that much yet)
Game History
Round: 1
Purchase Units - Japanese
Japanese buy 1 harbour and 2 transports; Remaining resources: 2 PUs; 6 SuicideAttackTokens;
Combat Move - Japanese
Trigger RailMovementAutoPlaceJapanese: Japanese has 2 Rails placed in Kiangsu
1 artillery and 3 infantry moved from Kwangsi to Yunnan
1 fighter and 1 tactical_bomber moved from Kiangsu to Yunnan
2 bombers moved from Japan to Yunnan
1 artillery and 2 infantry moved from Jehol to Chahar
Japanese take Chahar from Chinese
1 artillery and 3 infantry moved from Shantung to Anhwe
Japanese take Anhwe from Chinese
3 infantry moved from Kiangsi to Hunan
2 fighters and 2 tactical_bombers moved from Manchuria to Hunan
1 fighter moved from Formosa to Hunan
Combat - Japanese
Battle in Hunan
Japanese attack with 3 fighters, 3 infantry and 2 tactical_bombers
Chinese defend with 2 infantry
Japanese roll dice for 3 fighters, 3 infantry and 2 tactical_bombers in Hunan, round 2 : 3/8 hits, 3,33 expected hits
Chinese roll dice for 2 infantry in Hunan, round 2 : 0/2 hits, 0,67 expected hits
2 infantry owned by the Chinese lost in Hunan
Japanese win, taking Hunan from Chinese with 3 fighters, 3 infantry and 2 tactical_bombers remaining. Battle score for attacker is 6
Casualties for Chinese: 2 infantry
Battle in Yunnan
Japanese attack with 1 artillery, 2 bombers, 1 fighter, 3 infantry and 1 tactical_bomber
Chinese defend with 4 infantry
Japanese roll dice for 1 artillery, 2 bombers, 1 fighter, 3 infantry and 1 tactical_bomber in Yunnan, round 2 : 2/8 hits, 3,50 expected hits
Chinese roll dice for 4 infantry in Yunnan, round 2 : 1/4 hits, 1,33 expected hits
1 infantry owned by the Japanese lost in Yunnan
2 infantry owned by the Chinese lost in Yunnan
Japanese roll dice for 1 artillery, 2 bombers, 1 fighter, 2 infantry and 1 tactical_bomber in Yunnan, round 3 : 4/7 hits, 3,33 expected hits
Chinese roll dice for 2 infantry in Yunnan, round 3 : 1/2 hits, 0,67 expected hits
1 infantry owned by the Japanese lost in Yunnan
2 infantry owned by the Chinese lost in Yunnan
Japanese win, taking Yunnan from Chinese with 1 artillery, 2 bombers, 1 fighter, 1 infantry and 1 tactical_bomber remaining. Battle score for attacker is 6
Casualties for Japanese: 2 infantry
Casualties for Chinese: 4 infantry
Non Combat Move - Japanese
Trigger RailMovementAutoPlaceRemoveJapanese: has removed 2 Rails owned by Japanese in Kwangsi
2 bombers, 1 fighter and 1 tactical_bomber moved from Yunnan to Kwangsi
3 fighters and 2 tactical_bombers moved from Hunan to Kwangsi
2 Rails, 1 artillery and 1 infantry moved from Kiangsu to Kwangsi
2 infantry moved from Kiangsu to Kiangsi
1 artillery moved from Kiangsi to Kwangsi
2 infantry moved from Formosa to 20 Sea Zone
1 cruiser, 2 infantry and 1 transport moved from 20 Sea Zone to 36 Sea Zone
2 infantry moved from 36 Sea Zone to Kwangsi
2 infantry moved from Okinawa to 19 Sea Zone
1 Japan_destroyer, 1 battleship, 2 infantry, 1 submarine and 1 transport moved from 19 Sea Zone to 36 Sea Zone
2 infantry moved from 36 Sea Zone to Kwangsi
1 fighter moved from Okinawa to Kwangsi
1 mech_infantry moved from Manchuria to Anhwe
1 infantry moved from Manchuria to Jehol
4 infantry moved from Korea to Manchuria
1 fighter moved from Korea to Jehol
2 infantry moved from Japan to 6 Sea Zone
2 infantry moved from 6 Sea Zone to Korea
1 infantry moved from Manchuria to Jehol
Place Units - Japanese
1 harbour placed in Hainan
2 transports placed in 6 Sea Zone
Turn Complete - Japanese
Japanese collect 30 PUs; end with 32 PUs
Trigger Japanese AdvancedProduction: Japanese met a national objective for an additional 8 PUs; end with 40 PUs
Objective Japanese 1 Trade With America: Japanese met a national objective for an additional 10 PUs; end with 50 PUs
Round: 1
Purchase Units - Americans
Americans buy 4 Fortifications, 1 carrier, 1 demo_airfield, 1 demo_harbour, 1 destroyer, 1 elite and 3 submarines; Remaining resources: 0 PUs;
Combat Move - Americans
Trigger RailMovementAutoPlaceAmericans: Americans has 2 Europe_Rails and 6 Rails placed in Eastern United States
Non Combat Move - Americans
Trigger RailMovementAutoPlaceRemoveAmericans: has removed 2 Europe_Rails and 6 Rails owned by Americans in Eastern United States
1 destroyer moved from 35 Sea Zone to 37 Sea Zone
1 submarine moved from 35 Sea Zone to 54 Sea Zone
1 destroyer moved from 26 Sea Zone to 25 Sea Zone
1 aaGun and 1 infantry moved from Western United States to 10 Sea Zone
1 aaGun, 1 infantry and 1 transport moved from 10 Sea Zone to 8 Sea Zone
1 infantry moved from 8 Sea Zone to Aleutian Islands
1 aaGun moved from 8 Sea Zone to Aleutian Islands
1 usa_fighter moved from 10 Sea Zone to Western United States
1 battleship, 1 carrier, 1 cruiser, 1 destroyer and 1 usa_tactical_bomber moved from 10 Sea Zone to 26 Sea Zone
1 usa_fighter moved from Hawaiian Islands to 26 Sea Zone
1 transport moved from 26 Sea Zone to 10 Sea Zone
3 mech_infantrys and 1 usa_armour moved from Central United States to Western United States
1 usa_fighter moved from Western United States to Eastern United States
1 bomber moved from Central United States to Eastern United States
1 artillery moved from Eastern United States to Central United States
2 infantry moved from Mexico to Western United States
Place Units - Americans
Units in Philippines being upgraded or consumed: 1 airfield and 1 harbour
4 Fortifications, 1 demo_airfield and 1 demo_harbour placed in Philippines
1 carrier, 1 destroyer and 1 submarine placed in 101 Sea Zone
1 elite placed in Eastern United States
2 submarines placed in 10 Sea Zone
Turn Complete - Americans
Americans collect 52 PUs; end with 52 PUs
Purchase Units - Chinese
Trigger Chinese Loses Burma Road: Chinese has their production frontier changed to: productionChinese_Burma_Road_Closed
Chinese buy 5 infantry; Remaining resources: 0 PUs;
Combat Move - Chinese
Trigger RailMovementAutoPlaceChinese: Chinese has 2 Rails placed in Kansu
1 fighter and 6 infantry moved from Szechwan to Yunnan
1 infantry moved from Kweichow to Yunnan
Combat - Chinese
Battle in Yunnan
Chinese attack with 1 fighter and 7 infantry
Japanese defend with 1 artillery and 1 infantry
Chinese win, taking Yunnan from Japanese with 1 fighter and 4 infantry remaining. Battle score for attacker is -2
Casualties for Chinese: 3 infantry
Casualties for Japanese: 1 artillery and 1 infantry
Non Combat Move - Chinese
Trigger RailMovementAutoPlaceRemoveChinese: has removed 2 Rails owned by Chinese in Kansu
1 infantry moved from Suiyuyan to Hopei
1 fighter moved from Yunnan to Shensi
Place Units - Chinese
2 infantry placed in Shensi
3 infantry placed in Szechwan
Turn Complete - Chinese
Chinese collect 9 PUs; end with 9 PUs
Objective Chinese 1 Burma Road: Chinese met a national objective for an additional 6 PUs; end with 15 PUs
Objective Advanced Production 1 Infantry: Chinese met a national objective for an additional 3 PUs; end with 18 PUs
Purchase Units - British
Trigger Seafire: buySeafire added to productionBritish
British buy 1 Repair_BB, 1 demo_harbour, 1 elite, 7 infantry, 1 uk_armour and 1 uk_fighter; Remaining resources: 0 PUs;
Place Units - British
1 Repair_BB placed in 111 Sea Zone
Combat Move - British
Trigger RailMovementAutoPlaceBritish: British has 2 Rails placed in Union of South Africa
1 unit repaired.
Trigger British RemoveRepair BB: has removed 1 Repair_BB owned by British in 111 Sea Zone
1 bomber and 2 uk_fighters moved from United Kingdom to 97 Sea Zone
1 uk_fighter moved from Malta to 97 Sea Zone
1 carrier, 1 cruiser, 1 destroyer and 1 uk_tactical_bomber moved from 98 Sea Zone to 97 Sea Zone
1 artillery and 1 uk_armour moved from Alexandria to 98 Sea Zone
1 artillery, 1 transport and 1 uk_armour moved from 98 Sea Zone to 76 Sea Zone
1 cruiser moved from 39 Sea Zone to 76 Sea Zone
1 artillery and 1 uk_armour moved from 76 Sea Zone to Ethiopia
1 infantry moved from Anglo Egyptian Sudan to Ethiopia
1 mech_infantry moved from Egypt to Ethiopia
1 cruiser moved from 91 Sea Zone to 96 Sea Zone
1 uk_fighter moved from Gibraltar to 96 Sea Zone
Combat - British
Battle in Ethiopia
British attack with 1 artillery, 1 infantry, 1 mech_infantry and 1 uk_armour
Italians defend with 1 artillery and 2 infantry
British win, taking Ethiopia from Italians with 1 artillery, 1 infantry, 1 mech_infantry and 1 uk_armour remaining. Battle score for attacker is 10
Casualties for Italians: 1 artillery and 2 infantry
Battle in 96 Sea Zone
British attack with 1 cruiser and 1 uk_fighter
Italians defend with 1 destroyer and 1 transport
British win with 1 cruiser and 1 uk_fighter remaining. Battle score for attacker is 13
Casualties for Italians: 1 destroyer and 1 transport
Battle in 97 Sea Zone
British attack with 1 bomber, 1 carrier, 1 cruiser, 1 destroyer, 3 uk_fighters and 1 uk_tactical_bomber
Italians defend with 1 battleship, 1 cruiser and 1 transport
Units damaged: 1 battleship owned by the Italians
British win, taking 97 Sea Zone from Neutral with 1 bomber, 1 carrier, 1 destroyer, 3 uk_fighters and 1 uk_tactical_bomber remaining. Battle score for attacker is 21
Casualties for British: 1 cruiser
Casualties for Italians: 1 battleship, 1 cruiser and 1 transport
Non Combat Move - British
Trigger RailMovementAutoPlaceRemoveBritish: has removed 2 Rails owned by British in Egypt
1 bomber, 1 uk_fighter and 1 uk_tactical_bomber moved from 97 Sea Zone to Malta
1 uk_fighter moved from 96 Sea Zone to Malta
1 infantry moved from Alexandria to Egypt
1 destroyer moved from 71 Sea Zone to 81 Sea Zone
2 Rails and 2 infantry moved from Union of South Africa to Egypt
1 infantry moved from Burma to Shan State
1 uk_fighter moved from Burma to India
1 infantry moved from West India to Eastern Persia
British take Eastern Persia from Neutral_Allies
1 aaGun and 1 infantry moved from India to 39 Sea Zone
1 aaGun, 1 infantry and 1 transport moved from 39 Sea Zone to 41 Sea Zone
1 aaGun and 1 infantry moved from 41 Sea Zone to Sumatra
British take Sumatra from Dutch
1 battleship moved from 37 Sea Zone to 39 Sea Zone
1 destroyer moved from 39 Sea Zone to 42 Sea Zone
1 artillery and 5 infantry moved from India to Burma
1 aaGun moved from India to Burma
1 aaGun moved from India to Burma
1 aaGun and 1 infantry moved from United Kingdom to 109 Sea Zone
1 aaGun, 1 infantry and 1 transport moved from 109 Sea Zone to 91 Sea Zone
1 aaGun and 1 infantry moved from 91 Sea Zone to Gibraltar
1 battleship moved from 111 Sea Zone to 110 Sea Zone
1 aaGun moved from Scotland to United Kingdom
2 infantry moved from Scotland to United Kingdom
1 uk_fighter moved from Scotland to United Kingdom
1 infantry and 1 uk_armour moved from Quebec to 106 Sea Zone
1 artillery and 1 infantry moved from Ontario to Quebec
1 infantry, 1 transport and 1 uk_armour moved from 106 Sea Zone to 88 Sea Zone
1 infantry and 1 uk_armour moved from 88 Sea Zone to British Guiana
Place Units - British
Units in Malaya being upgraded or consumed: 1 harbour
1 demo_harbour placed in Malaya
5 infantry placed in India
1 infantry and 1 uk_armour placed in Union of South Africa
1 elite, 1 infantry and 1 uk_fighter placed in United Kingdom
Turn Complete - British
British collect 50 PUs; end with 50 PUs
Trigger British AdvancedProduction: British met a national objective for an additional 6 PUs; end with 56 PUs
Objective British 1 Original: British met a national objective for an additional 5 PUs; end with 61 PUs
these Frenchy punks are a pain in the arm…!
Always screwing up plans :P Hehe!
Game History
Round: 1
Purchase Units - Italians
Italians buy 2 Italian_LCVs and 1 artillery; Remaining resources: 0 PUs;
Combat Move - Italians
Trigger Americans DemoHarbour: has removed 1 demo_harbour owned by Americans in Philippines
Trigger British DemoHarbour: has removed 1 demo_harbour owned by British in Malaya
Trigger Americans DemoAirfield: has removed 1 demo_airfield owned by Americans in Philippines
Trigger RailMovementAutoPlaceItalians: Italians has 1 Rail placed in Southern Italy
1 infantry moved from Southern Italy to 95 Sea Zone
1 armour moved from Northern Italy to 95 Sea Zone
1 armour, 1 infantry and 1 transport moved from 95 Sea Zone to 92 Sea Zone
1 armour and 1 infantry moved from 92 Sea Zone to Morocco
1 cruiser, 1 destroyer and 1 submarine moved from 95 Sea Zone to 97 Sea Zone
2 fighters moved from Southern Italy to 97 Sea Zone
1 bomber moved from Northern Italy to 97 Sea Zone
1 armour and 2 infantry moved from Albania to Yugoslavia
2 artilleries and 2 infantry moved from Northern Italy to Southern France
1 artillery and 1 infantry moved from Libya to Tunisia
1 mech_infantry moved from Tobruk to Tunisia
1 infantry moved from Italian Somaliland to Kenya
Italians take Kenya from British
Combat - Italians
Battle in Yugoslavia
Italians attack with 1 armour and 2 infantry
Neutral_Allies defend with 1 infantry
Italians roll dice for 1 armour and 2 infantry in Yugoslavia, round 2 : 1/3 hits, 0,83 expected hits
Neutral_Allies roll dice for 1 infantry in Yugoslavia, round 2 : 1/1 hits, 0,33 expected hits
1 infantry owned by the Italians lost in Yugoslavia
1 infantry owned by the Neutral_Allies lost in Yugoslavia
Italians win, taking Yugoslavia from Neutral_Allies with 1 armour and 1 infantry remaining. Battle score for attacker is 0
Casualties for Italians: 1 infantry
Casualties for Neutral_Allies: 1 infantry
Battle in Morocco
Italians attack with 1 armour and 1 infantry
French defend with 1 infantry
Italians roll dice for 1 armour and 1 infantry in Morocco, round 2 : 0/2 hits, 0,67 expected hits
French roll dice for 1 infantry in Morocco, round 2 : 1/1 hits, 0,33 expected hits
1 infantry owned by the Italians lost in Morocco
Italians roll dice for 1 armour in Morocco, round 3 : 0/1 hits, 0,50 expected hits
French roll dice for 1 infantry in Morocco, round 3 : 0/1 hits, 0,33 expected hits
Italians roll dice for 1 armour in Morocco, round 4 : 1/1 hits, 0,50 expected hits
French roll dice for 1 infantry in Morocco, round 4 : 1/1 hits, 0,33 expected hits
1 armour owned by the Italians lost in Morocco
1 infantry owned by the French lost in Morocco
French win with no units remaining. Battle score for attacker is -5
Casualties for Italians: 1 armour and 1 infantry
Casualties for French: 1 infantry
Battle in Southern France
Italians attack with 2 artilleries and 2 infantry
French defend with 1 artillery, 1 factory_minor, 1 harbour and 1 infantry
Italians roll dice for 2 artilleries and 2 infantry in Southern France, round 2 : 2/4 hits, 1,33 expected hits
French roll dice for 1 artillery and 1 infantry in Southern France, round 2 : 2/2 hits, 0,67 expected hits
2 infantry owned by the Italians lost in Southern France
1 infantry owned by the French and 1 artillery owned by the French lost in Southern France
Italians win, taking Southern France from French with 2 artilleries remaining. Battle score for attacker is 1
Casualties for Italians: 2 infantry
Casualties for French: 1 artillery and 1 infantry
Battle in Tunisia
Italians attack with 1 artillery, 1 infantry and 1 mech_infantry
French defend with 1 infantry
Italians roll dice for 1 artillery, 1 infantry and 1 mech_infantry in Tunisia, round 2 : 0/3 hits, 0,83 expected hits
French roll dice for 1 infantry in Tunisia, round 2 : 0/1 hits, 0,33 expected hits
Italians roll dice for 1 artillery, 1 infantry and 1 mech_infantry in Tunisia, round 3 : 0/3 hits, 0,83 expected hits
French roll dice for 1 infantry in Tunisia, round 3 : 0/1 hits, 0,33 expected hits
Italians roll dice for 1 artillery, 1 infantry and 1 mech_infantry in Tunisia, round 4 : 1/3 hits, 0,83 expected hits
French roll dice for 1 infantry in Tunisia, round 4 : 0/1 hits, 0,33 expected hits
1 infantry owned by the French lost in Tunisia
Italians win, taking Tunisia from French with 1 artillery, 1 infantry and 1 mech_infantry remaining. Battle score for attacker is 3
Casualties for French: 1 infantry
Battle in 97 Sea Zone
Italians attack with 1 bomber, 1 cruiser, 1 destroyer, 2 fighters and 1 submarine
British defend with 1 carrier, 1 destroyer and 2 uk_fighters
Italians roll dice for 1 submarine in 97 Sea Zone, round 2 : 0/1 hits, 0,33 expected hits
Italians roll dice for 1 bomber, 1 cruiser, 1 destroyer and 2 fighters in 97 Sea Zone, round 2 : 3/5 hits, 2,50 expected hits
British roll dice for 1 carrier, 1 destroyer and 2 uk_fighters in 97 Sea Zone, round 2 : 3/4 hits, 2,00 expected hits
1 destroyer owned by the Italians, 1 cruiser owned by the Italians and 1 submarine owned by the Italians lost in 97 Sea Zone
1 destroyer owned by the British and 2 uk_fighters owned by the British lost in 97 Sea Zone
1 bomber owned by the Italians and 2 fighters owned by the Italians retreated
British win with 1 carrier remaining. Battle score for attacker is 3
Casualties for Italians: 1 cruiser, 1 destroyer and 1 submarine
Casualties for British: 1 destroyer and 2 uk_fighters
Non Combat Move - Italians
Trigger RailMovementAutoPlaceRemoveItalians: has removed 1 Rail owned by Italians in Southern Italy
1 bomber and 1 fighter moved from 97 Sea Zone to Normandy Bordeaux
1 fighter moved from 97 Sea Zone to Tobruk
3 infantry moved from Southern Italy to Northern Italy
Place Units - Italians
2 Italian_LCVs and 1 artillery placed in Southern Italy
Turn Complete - Italians
Total Cost from Convoy Blockades: 0
Rolling for Convoy Blockade Damage in 72 Sea Zone. Rolls: 6
Italians collect 16 PUs; end with 16 PUs
Trigger Italians AdvancedProduction: Italians met a national objective for an additional 3 PUs; end with 19 PUs
Combat Hit Differential Summary :
French regular : 1,33
Italians regular : -1,17
Neutral_Allies regular : 0,67
British regular : 1,00
Round: 1
Purchase Units - ANZAC
ANZAC buy 1 artillery and 1 transport; Remaining resources: 0 PUs;
Combat Move - ANZAC
Non Combat Move - ANZAC
1 aaGun and 1 infantry moved from New South Wales to 62 Sea Zone
1 aaGun, 1 infantry and 1 transport moved from 62 Sea Zone to 42 Sea Zone
1 aaGun moved from 42 Sea Zone to Java
ANZAC take Java from Dutch
1 infantry moved from 42 Sea Zone to Java
1 infantry moved from New Guinea to Dutch New Guinea
ANZAC take Dutch New Guinea from Dutch
1 fighter moved from Queensland to Sumatra
1 destroyer moved from 62 Sea Zone to 54 Sea Zone
1 aaGun and 1 infantry moved from New South Wales to Queensland
2 fighters moved from New Zealand to Queensland
1 cruiser moved from 63 Sea Zone to 54 Sea Zone
Place Units - ANZAC
1 artillery placed in New South Wales
1 transport placed in 62 Sea Zone
Turn Complete - ANZAC
ANZAC collect 14 PUs; end with 14 PUs
Trigger ANZAC Liberates DNG Turn1: ANZAC met a national objective for an additional 2 PUs; end with 16 PUs
Combat Move - French
Non Combat Move - French
1 infantry moved from French West Africa to French Central Africa
1 destroyer moved from 72 Sea Zone to 81 Sea Zone
1 infantry moved from Syria to Trans-Jordan
1 infantry moved from Algeria to Morocco
Turn Complete - French
Round: 1
Combat Move - Russians
1 Tank moved from Georgia to Azerbaijan
1 Infantry moved from Astrakhan to Azerbaijan
1 Artillery moved from Uzbekistan to 126 Sea Zone
1 Infantry moved from Chimkent to 126 Sea Zone
1 Artillery and 1 Infantry moved from 126 Sea Zone to Azerbaijan
1 Artillery and 1 Infantry moved from Crimea to 54 Sea Zone
1 Artillery, 1 Destroyer, 1 Infantry, 1 Submarine and 1 Transport moved from 54 Sea Zone to 53 Sea Zone
1 Artillery and 1 Infantry moved from 53 Sea Zone to E.Romania
1 Infantry moved from Odessa to E.Romania
1 Infantry moved from S.Karelia to Vyborg
1 Infantry moved from N.Karelia to Vyborg
1 Fighter moved from Leningrad to Vyborg
2 Infantrys and 1 Tank moved from Arkhangelsk to 6 Sea Zone
2 Infantrys and 1 Tank moved from 6 Sea Zone to Lapland
1 Infantry moved from Murmansk to Lapland
1 Tank moved from Leningrad to Vyborg
1 Infantry moved from Semipalatinsk to Khobdo
1 Infantry moved from Krasnoyarsk to Khobdo
1 Tank moved from Irkutsk to Khobdo
1 Tank moved from Karaganda to Khobdo
1 Bomber moved from Sverdlovsk to Khobdo
Purchase Units - Russians
Russians buy 6 Infantrys; Remaining resources: 0 PUs;
Combat - Russians
Battle in Vyborg
Russians attack with 1 Fighter, 2 Infantrys and 1 Tank
Finns defend with 1 Infantry
Russians roll dice for 1 Fighter, 2 Infantrys and 1 Tank in Vyborg, round 2 : 0/4 hits, 1.17 expected hits
Finns roll dice for 1 Infantry in Vyborg, round 2 : 0/1 hits, 0.33 expected hits
Russians roll dice for 1 Fighter, 2 Infantrys and 1 Tank in Vyborg, round 3 : 1/4 hits, 1.17 expected hits
Finns roll dice for 1 Infantry in Vyborg, round 3 : 0/1 hits, 0.33 expected hits
1 Infantry owned by the Finns lost in Vyborg
Russians win, taking Vyborg from Finns with 1 Fighter, 2 Infantrys and 1 Tank remaining. Battle score for attacker is 2
Casualties for Finns: 1 Infantry
Battle in Lapland
Russians attack with 3 Infantrys and 1 Tank
Finns defend with 1 Artillery and 1 Infantry
Russians roll dice for 3 Infantrys and 1 Tank in Lapland, round 2 : 1/4 hits, 1.00 expected hits
Finns roll dice for 1 Artillery and 1 Infantry in Lapland, round 2 : 1/2 hits, 0.67 expected hits
1 Infantry owned by the Russians lost in Lapland
1 Infantry owned by the Finns lost in Lapland
Russians roll dice for 2 Infantrys and 1 Tank in Lapland, round 3 : 1/3 hits, 0.83 expected hits
Finns roll dice for 1 Artillery in Lapland, round 3 : 1/1 hits, 0.33 expected hits
1 Infantry owned by the Russians lost in Lapland
1 Artillery owned by the Finns lost in Lapland
Russians win, taking Lapland from Finns with 1 Infantry and 1 Tank remaining. Battle score for attacker is 2
Casualties for Russians: 2 Infantrys
Casualties for Finns: 1 Artillery and 1 Infantry
Battle in Khobdo
Russians attack with 1 Bomber, 2 Infantrys and 2 Tanks
Neutral defend with 2 Infantrys
Russians roll dice for 1 Bomber, 2 Infantrys and 2 Tanks in Khobdo, round 2 : 2/5 hits, 2.00 expected hits
Neutral roll dice for 2 Infantrys in Khobdo, round 2 : 1/2 hits, 0.67 expected hits
1 Infantry owned by the Russians lost in Khobdo
2 Infantrys owned by the Neutral lost in Khobdo
Russians loses 0 PUs for violating Khobdos neutrality.
Russians win, taking Khobdo from Neutral with 1 Bomber, 1 Infantry and 2 Tanks remaining. Battle score for attacker is 2
Casualties for Russians: 1 Infantry
Casualties for Neutral: 2 Infantrys
Battle in E.Romania
Russians attack with 1 Artillery and 2 Infantrys
Romanians defend with 1 Infantry
Russians roll dice for 1 Artillery and 2 Infantrys in E.Romania, round 2 : 0/3 hits, 0.83 expected hits
Romanians roll dice for 1 Infantry in E.Romania, round 2 : 0/1 hits, 0.33 expected hits
Russians roll dice for 1 Artillery and 2 Infantrys in E.Romania, round 3 : 0/3 hits, 0.83 expected hits
Romanians roll dice for 1 Infantry in E.Romania, round 3 : 0/1 hits, 0.33 expected hits
Russians roll dice for 1 Artillery and 2 Infantrys in E.Romania, round 4 : 0/3 hits, 0.83 expected hits
Romanians roll dice for 1 Infantry in E.Romania, round 4 : 0/1 hits, 0.33 expected hits
Russians roll dice for 1 Artillery and 2 Infantrys in E.Romania, round 5 : 1/3 hits, 0.83 expected hits
Romanians roll dice for 1 Infantry in E.Romania, round 5 : 0/1 hits, 0.33 expected hits
1 Infantry owned by the Romanians lost in E.Romania
Russians win, taking E.Romania from Romanians with 1 Artillery and 2 Infantrys remaining. Battle score for attacker is 2
Casualties for Romanians: 1 Infantry
Battle in Azerbaijan
Russians attack with 1 Artillery, 2 Infantrys and 1 Tank
Neutral defend with 1 Infantry
Russians roll dice for 1 Artillery, 2 Infantrys and 1 Tank in Azerbaijan, round 2 : 2/4 hits, 1.33 expected hits
Neutral roll dice for 1 Infantry in Azerbaijan, round 2 : 1/1 hits, 0.33 expected hits
1 Infantry owned by the Russians lost in Azerbaijan
1 Infantry owned by the Neutral lost in Azerbaijan
Russians loses 0 PUs for violating Azerbaijans neutrality.
Russians win, taking Azerbaijan from Neutral with 1 Artillery, 1 Infantry and 1 Tank remaining. Battle score for attacker is 0
Casualties for Russians: 1 Infantry
Casualties for Neutral: 1 Infantry
Non Combat Move - Russians
1 Artillery and 2 Infantrys moved from Kursk to Kiev
1 Tank moved from Rostov to Kiev
1 AAGun and 1 Infantry moved from Georgia to Rostov
3 Infantrys moved from Stalingrad to Rostov
1 Infantry moved from Tula to Kursk
1 Infantry moved from Yaroslavl to Kursk
2 Tanks moved from Moscow to Kursk
1 Artillery and 2 Infantrys moved from Moscow to Yaroslavl
1 Infantry moved from Smolensk to S.Karelia
1 Infantry moved from Vologda to S.Karelia
1 Infantry moved from Gorky to Yaroslavl
1 Infantry moved from Novgorod to Leningrad
1 Artillery moved from Lithuania to Minsk
2 Infantrys moved from Estonia to Leningrad
1 Fighter moved from Vyborg to Leningrad
1 Infantry moved from Saratov to Rostov
1 Artillery moved from Kuybyshev to Penza
1 Infantry moved from Kirov to Arkhangelsk
1 Infantry moved from Komi to Arkhangelsk
1 Infantry moved from Perm to Kirov
1 Infantry moved from Ufa to Novosibirsk
1 Artillery and 1 Infantry moved from Novosibirsk to Krasnoyarsk
1 Bomber moved from Khobdo to Chimkent
1 AAGun and 1 Infantry moved from Tashkent to Chimkent
1 Artillery moved from Alma Ata to Semipalatinsk
1 Artillery moved from N.Buryat Mongolia to Ayan
1 Infantry moved from Yakutsk to Ayan
1 Infantry moved from Okhotsk to Ayan
1 Infantry moved from Zhigansk to Yakutsk
1 Infantry moved from Olyokminsk to N.Buryat Mongolia
1 Artillery moved from Bulun to Zhigansk
1 Infantry moved from Khatanga to Zhigansk
1 Infantry moved from Evenkia to Olyokminsk
1 Infantry moved from Bratsk to Olyokminsk
1 Tank moved from Sibirsky to Olyokminsk
1 AAGun and 1 Infantry moved from Sibirsky to Khatanga
1 Infantry moved from Yeniseysk to Khatanga
1 Infantry moved from Salekhard to Khatanga
1 Fighter moved from Sibirsky to N.Buryat Mongolia
1 Fighter moved from Sverdlovsk to S.Karelia
1 Tank moved from Sverdlovsk to Krasnoyarsk
1 Infantry moved from Sverdlovsk to Novosibirsk
1 Infantry moved from Surgut to Yeniseysk
1 Infantry moved from Kolyma to Okhotsk
1 Infantry moved from Koryakia to Kolyma
Place Units - Russians
3 Infantrys placed in Leningrad
2 Infantrys placed in Arkhangelsk
1 Infantry placed in Sibirsky
Turn Complete - Russians
Russians collect 119 PUs; end with 119 PUs
Round: 6
Purchase Units - British
British buy 10 infantry and 2 tanks; Remaining resources: 0 PUs;
Combat Move - British
1 infantry moved from Anglo Egyptian Sudan to Belgian Congo
1 battleship and 1 transport moved from SZ 26 to SZ 29
1 infantry and 1 tank moved from India to SZ 29
1 infantry and 1 tank moved from SZ 29 to Arabia
2 infantry moved from Mesopotamia to Syrian Desert
2 fighters moved from Mesopotamia to Arabia
10 artilleries, 1 fighter and 16 infantry moved from Mesopotamia to Ankara
1 artillery, 6 infantry and 1 tank moved from Persia to Mesopotamia
7 infantry moved from India to Persia
1 infantry moved from Portuguese East Africa to Union of South Africa
2 artilleries and 1 infantry moved from Angola to Union of South Africa
1 infantry moved from Angola to South West Africa
British take South West Africa from Germans
1 transport moved from SZ 24 to SZ 26
1 artillery and 1 infantry moved from Wales to SZ 8
1 artillery, 1 infantry and 1 transport moved from SZ 8 to SZ 14
1 artillery and 1 infantry moved from SZ 14 to Morocco
6 infantry moved from SZ 9 to Belgium
2 infantry moved from London to SZ 9
2 infantry and 1 transport moved from SZ 9 to SZ 7
Combat - British
Battle in Union of South Africa
British attack with 2 artilleries and 2 infantry
Germans defend with 1 artillery and 1 infantry
British roll dice for 2 artilleries and 2 infantry in Union of South Africa, round 2 : 2/4 hits, 2.00 expected hits
Germans roll dice for 1 artillery and 1 infantry in Union of South Africa, round 2 : 1/2 hits, 1.00 expected hits
1 infantry owned by the British lost in Union of South Africa
1 artillery owned by the Germans and 1 infantry owned by the Germans lost in Union of South Africa
British win, taking Union of South Africa from Germans with 2 artilleries and 1 infantry remaining. Battle score for attacker is 4
Casualties for British: 1 infantry
Casualties for Germans: 1 artillery and 1 infantry
Battle in Ankara
British attack with 10 artilleries, 1 fighter and 16 infantry
Ottomans defend with 1 infantry
British roll dice for 10 artilleries, 1 fighter and 16 infantry in Ankara, round 2 : 13/27 hits, 14.00 expected hits
Ottomans roll dice for 1 infantry in Ankara, round 2 : 0/1 hits, 0.50 expected hits
1 infantry owned by the Ottomans lost in Ankara
British win, taking Ankara from Ottomans with 10 artilleries, 1 fighter and 16 infantry remaining. Battle score for attacker is 3
Casualties for Ottomans: 1 infantry
Battle in Syrian Desert
British attack with 2 infantry
Ottomans defend with 1 infantry
British roll dice for 2 infantry in Syrian Desert, round 2 : 1/2 hits, 0.67 expected hits
Ottomans roll dice for 1 infantry in Syrian Desert, round 2 : 1/1 hits, 0.50 expected hits
1 infantry owned by the British lost in Syrian Desert
1 infantry owned by the Ottomans lost in Syrian Desert
British win, taking Syrian Desert from Ottomans with 1 infantry remaining. Battle score for attacker is 0
Casualties for British: 1 infantry
Casualties for Ottomans: 1 infantry
Battle in Arabia
British attack with 2 fighters, 1 infantry and 1 tank
Ottomans defend with 1 infantry
British roll dice for 1 battleship in Arabia, round 2 : 0/1 hits, 0.67 expected hits
British roll dice for 2 fighters, 1 infantry and 1 tank in Arabia, round 2 : 1/4 hits, 1.33 expected hits
Ottomans roll dice for 1 infantry in Arabia, round 2 : 1/1 hits, 0.50 expected hits
Units damaged: 1 tank owned by the British
1 infantry owned by the Ottomans lost in Arabia
British win, taking Arabia from Ottomans with 2 fighters, 1 infantry and 1 tank remaining. Battle score for attacker is 3
Casualties for Ottomans: 1 infantry
Combat Move - British
Place Units - British
10 infantry and 2 tanks placed in India
Turn Complete - British
British collect 43 PUs; end with 43 PUs
Round: 5
Research Technology - Japanese
Japanese spend 5 on tech rolls
Japanese rolls : 0/1 hits, 0,00 expected hits
Purchase Units - Japanese
Japanese buy 1 armour, 1 factory, 1 fighter and 1 infantry; Remaining resources: 1 PUs;
Combat Move - Japanese
1 infantry moved from Manchuria to Yakut S.S.R.
Japanese take Yakut S.S.R. from Russians
1 infantry moved from Sinkiang to Kazakh S.S.R.
Japanese take Kazakh S.S.R. from Russians
1 armour moved from French Indo China to Persia
2 infantry moved from French Indo China to French Indo China Sea Zone
1 battleship, 2 infantry and 1 transport moved from French Indo China Sea Zone to Red Sea Zone
2 infantry moved from Red Sea Zone to Syria Jordan
1 bomber moved from French Indo China to Russia
1 fighter moved from French Indo China to Persia
1 fighter moved from French Indo China to Syria Jordan
1 fighter moved from French Indo China Sea Zone to Syria Jordan
Combat - Japanese
Strategic bombing raid in Russia
Russians roll AA dice in Russia : 0/1 hits, 0,17 expected hits
Bombing raid in Russia rolls: 4 and costs: 4 PUs.
Bombing raid costs 4 PUs
Battle in Syria Jordan
Japanese attack with 2 fighters and 2 infantry
British defend with 2 infantry
Japanese roll dice for 1 battleship in Syria Jordan, round 2 : 1/1 hits, 0,67 expected hits
Japanese roll dice for 2 fighters and 2 infantry in Syria Jordan, round 2 : 1/4 hits, 1,33 expected hits
British roll dice for 2 infantry in Syria Jordan, round 2 : 1/2 hits, 0,67 expected hits
1 infantry owned by the Japanese lost in Syria Jordan
2 infantry owned by the British lost in Syria Jordan
Japanese win, taking Syria Jordan from British with 2 fighters and 1 infantry remaining. Battle score for attacker is 3
Casualties for Japanese: 1 infantry
Casualties for British: 2 infantry
Battle in Persia
Japanese attack with 1 armour and 1 fighter
British defend with 1 infantry
Japanese roll dice for 1 armour and 1 fighter in Persia, round 2 : 0/2 hits, 1,00 expected hits
British roll dice for 1 infantry in Persia, round 2 : 0/1 hits, 0,33 expected hits
Japanese roll dice for 1 armour and 1 fighter in Persia, round 3 : 1/2 hits, 1,00 expected hits
British roll dice for 1 infantry in Persia, round 3 : 0/1 hits, 0,33 expected hits
1 infantry owned by the British lost in Persia
Japanese win, taking Persia from British with 1 armour and 1 fighter remaining. Battle score for attacker is 3
Casualties for British: 1 infantry
Non Combat Move - Japanese
1 carrier moved from French Indo China Sea Zone to Red Sea Zone
1 fighter moved from Persia to French Indo China
2 fighters moved from Syria Jordan to Red Sea Zone
1 infantry moved from French Indo China to Sinkiang
1 submarine moved from French Indo China Sea Zone to Red Sea Zone
1 armour moved from New Zealand to New Zealand Sea Zone
1 armour and 1 transport moved from New Zealand Sea Zone to Borneo Sea Zone
1 transport moved from French Indo China Sea Zone to Borneo Sea Zone
1 infantry moved from Borneo Celebes to Borneo Sea Zone
1 infantry and 1 transport moved from Borneo Sea Zone to French Indo China Sea Zone
1 infantry moved from French Indo China Sea Zone to French Indo China
1 battleship moved from Japan Sea Zone to French Indo China Sea Zone
1 infantry moved from Manchuria to China
2 infantry moved from Japan to Japan Sea Zone
2 infantry moved from Japan Sea Zone to Manchuria
1 bomber moved from Russia to French Indo China
2 fighters moved from Manchuria to French Indo China
Place Units - Japanese
1 factory placed in Manchuria
1 armour, 1 fighter and 1 infantry placed in French Indo China
Japanese undo move 1.
1 factory placed in Kwangtung
Turn Complete - Japanese
Japanese collect 43 PUs; end with 44 PUs
Combat Hit Differential Summary :
Japanese regular : -1,00
Japanese rolls : 0,00
British regular : -0,33
Russians AA : -0,17
Round: 2
Combat Move - Hisaichi
2 Infantrys and 2 Tanks moved from Ayan to Chita
1 Fighter and 2 Infantrys moved from Heilungchiang to Chita
1 Fighter moved from Peking to Chita
1 Artillery and 1 Infantry moved from Chahar to Suiyuan
1 Infantry moved from Chahar to Suiyuan
1 Infantry and 1 Tank moved from Anhwei to Hupeh
2 Fighters moved from 106 Sea Zone to Banjarmasin
1 Bomber moved from Bangkok to Banjarmasin
1 Infantry and 1 Tank moved from Formosa to 93 Sea Zone
1 Artillery moved from Mindanao to 93 Sea Zone
1 Infantry moved from Panay to 93 Sea Zone
1 Artillery, 2 Infantrys, 1 Tank and 2 Transports moved from 93 Sea Zone to 110 Sea Zone
2 Artillerys and 3 Tanks moved from Davao to 107 Sea Zone
4 Infantrys moved from Davao to 107 Sea Zone
1 Infantry moved from Mindanao to 107 Sea Zone
2 Artillerys, 1 Battleship, 5 Infantrys, 3 Tanks and 5 Transports moved from 107 Sea Zone to 110 Sea Zone
3 Artillerys, 7 Infantrys and 4 Tanks moved from 110 Sea Zone to Banjarmasin
Purchase Units - Hisaichi
Hisaichi buy 1 Adv.Fighter, 2 Artillerys, 1 Cruiser, 1 Destroyer, 2 Elites, 4 Infantrys and 1 Transport; Remaining resources: 0 PUs;
Combat - Hisaichi
Battle in Suiyuan
Hisaichi attack with 1 Artillery and 2 Infantrys
Chinese defend with 1 Infantry
Hisaichi roll dice for 1 Artillery and 2 Infantrys in Suiyuan, round 2 : 1/3 hits, 0.83 expected hits
Chinese roll dice for 1 Infantry in Suiyuan, round 2 : 1/1 hits, 0.33 expected hits
1 Infantry owned by the Hisaichi lost in Suiyuan
1 Infantry owned by the Chinese lost in Suiyuan
Hisaichi win, taking Suiyuan from Chinese with 1 Artillery and 1 Infantry remaining. Battle score for attacker is 0
Casualties for Hisaichi: 1 Infantry
Casualties for Chinese: 1 Infantry
Battle in Hupeh
Hisaichi attack with 1 Infantry and 1 Tank
Chinese defend with 1 Infantry
Hisaichi roll dice for 1 Infantry and 1 Tank in Hupeh, round 2 : 0/2 hits, 0.67 expected hits
Chinese roll dice for 1 Infantry in Hupeh, round 2 : 0/1 hits, 0.33 expected hits
Hisaichi roll dice for 1 Infantry and 1 Tank in Hupeh, round 3 : 2/2 hits, 0.67 expected hits
Chinese roll dice for 1 Infantry in Hupeh, round 3 : 0/1 hits, 0.33 expected hits
1 Infantry owned by the Chinese lost in Hupeh
Hisaichi win, taking Hupeh from Chinese with 1 Infantry and 1 Tank remaining. Battle score for attacker is 2
Casualties for Chinese: 1 Infantry
Battle in Chita
Hisaichi attack with 2 Fighters, 4 Infantrys and 2 Tanks
Russians defend with 1 Artillery and 2 Tanks
Hisaichi roll dice for 2 Fighters, 4 Infantrys and 2 Tanks in Chita, round 2 : 2/8 hits, 2.33 expected hits
Russians roll dice for 1 Artillery and 2 Tanks in Chita, round 2 : 0/3 hits, 1.33 expected hits
1 Artillery owned by the Russians and 1 Tank owned by the Russians lost in Chita
Hisaichi roll dice for 2 Fighters, 4 Infantrys and 2 Tanks in Chita, round 3 : 3/8 hits, 2.33 expected hits
Russians roll dice for 1 Tank in Chita, round 3 : 1/1 hits, 0.50 expected hits
1 Infantry owned by the Hisaichi lost in Chita
1 Tank owned by the Russians lost in Chita
Hisaichi win, taking Chita from Russians with 2 Fighters, 3 Infantrys and 2 Tanks remaining. Battle score for attacker is 12
Casualties for Russians: 1 Artillery and 2 Tanks
Casualties for Hisaichi: 1 Infantry
Battle in Banjarmasin
Hisaichi attack with 3 Artillerys, 1 Bomber, 2 Fighters, 7 Infantrys and 4 Tanks
Dutch defend with 1 AAGun, 1 Factory, 1 Fighter, 9 Infantrys and 2 Tanks
Dutch roll AA dice in Banjarmasin : 0/3 hits, 0.50 expected hits
Hisaichi roll dice for 1 Battleship in Banjarmasin, round 2 : 1/1 hits, 0.67 expected hits
1 Infantry owned by the Dutch lost in Banjarmasin
Hisaichi roll dice for 3 Artillerys, 1 Bomber, 2 Fighters, 7 Infantrys and 4 Tanks in Banjarmasin, round 2 : 6/17 hits, 6.00 expected hits
Dutch roll dice for 1 Fighter, 8 Infantrys and 2 Tanks in Banjarmasin, round 2 : 6/11 hits, 4.17 expected hits
6 Infantrys owned by the Hisaichi lost in Banjarmasin
6 Infantrys owned by the Dutch lost in Banjarmasin
Hisaichi roll dice for 3 Artillerys, 1 Bomber, 2 Fighters, 1 Infantry and 4 Tanks in Banjarmasin, round 3 : 5/11 hits, 4.67 expected hits
Dutch roll dice for 1 Fighter, 2 Infantrys and 2 Tanks in Banjarmasin, round 3 : 1/5 hits, 2.17 expected hits
1 Infantry owned by the Hisaichi lost in Banjarmasin
1 Fighter owned by the Dutch, 2 Infantrys owned by the Dutch and 2 Tanks owned by the Dutch lost in Banjarmasin
Hisaichi captures 27PUs while taking Dutch capital
Hisaichi win, taking Banjarmasin from Dutch with 3 Artillerys, 1 Bomber, 2 Fighters and 4 Tanks remaining. Battle score for attacker is 22
Casualties for Dutch: 1 Fighter, 9 Infantrys and 2 Tanks
Casualties for Hisaichi: 7 Infantrys
Non Combat Move - Hisaichi
2 Fighters moved from Banjarmasin to 110 Sea Zone
1 Bomber moved from Banjarmasin to Bangkok
1 Carrier, 1 Destroyer and 1 Submarine moved from 106 Sea Zone to 110 Sea Zone
1 Destroyer and 1 Submarine moved from 93 Sea Zone to 107 Sea Zone
1 T.Boat moved from 93 Sea Zone to 84 Sea Zone
1 AAGun and 1 Infantry moved from Kirin to Heilungchiang
1 Infantry moved from Peking to Chahar
1 Tank moved from Shantung to Peking
1 Infantry moved from Changchun to 84 Sea Zone
1 Infantry moved from 84 Sea Zone to Peking
2 Artillerys and 3 Infantrys moved from Changchun to Kirin
1 Infantry moved from Khabarovsk to Ayan
1 Artillery and 2 Tanks moved from Khabarovsk to Heilungchiang
1 Tank moved from Vladivostok to Heilungchiang
1 Infantry moved from Vladivostok to Khabarovsk
2 Fighters moved from Chita to Heilungchiang
Place Units - Hisaichi
1 Cruiser, 1 Destroyer and 1 Transport placed in 84 Sea Zone
1 Artillery, 1 Elite and 2 Infantrys placed in Liaoning
1 Adv.Fighter, 1 Artillery, 1 Elite and 1 Infantry placed in Davao
1 Infantry placed in Changchun
Turn Complete - Hisaichi
Hisaichi collect 65 PUs; end with 92 PUs
Combat Hit Differential Summary :
Chinese regular : 0.00
Dutch AA : -0.50
Russians regular : -0.83
Dutch regular : 0.67
Hisaichi regular : 1.83
Round: 8
Purchase Units - Japanese
Japanese buy 12 infantry and 1 transport; Remaining resources: 2 PUs;
Combat Move - Japanese
1 bomber moved from Japan to Russia
3 infantry moved from Manchuria to Yakut S.S.R.
1 fighter moved from Manchuria to Yakut S.S.R.
1 fighter moved from India to Syria Jordan
1 fighter moved from India to Persia
2 infantry moved from India to Persia
4 infantry moved from French Indo China to French Indo China Sea Zone
4 infantry and 2 transports moved from French Indo China Sea Zone to Red Sea Zone
4 infantry moved from Red Sea Zone to Syria Jordan
Combat - Japanese
Strategic bombing raid in Russia
Russians roll AA dice in Russia : 0/1 hits, 0.17 expected hits
Bombing raid in Russia rolls: 3 and costs: 3 PUs.
Bombing raid costs 3 PUs
Battle in Persia
Japanese attack with 1 fighter and 2 infantry
Americans defend with 1 armour
Japanese roll dice for 1 fighter and 2 infantry in Persia, round 2 : 3/3 hits, 0.83 expected hits
British roll dice for 1 armour in Persia, round 2 : 1/1 hits, 0.33 expected hits
1 infantry owned by the Japanese lost in Persia
1 armour owned by the Americans lost in Persia
Japanese win, taking Persia from British with 1 fighter and 1 infantry remaining. Battle score for attacker is 2
Casualties for Japanese: 1 infantry
Casualties for Americans: 1 armour
Battle in Syria Jordan
Japanese attack with 1 fighter and 4 infantry
British defend with 3 infantry
Japanese roll dice for 2 battleships in Syria Jordan, round 2 : 2/2 hits, 1.33 expected hits
Japanese roll dice for 1 fighter and 4 infantry in Syria Jordan, round 2 : 1/5 hits, 1.17 expected hits
British roll dice for 3 infantry in Syria Jordan, round 2 : 2/3 hits, 1.00 expected hits
2 infantry owned by the Japanese lost in Syria Jordan
3 infantry owned by the British lost in Syria Jordan
Japanese win, taking Syria Jordan from British with 1 fighter and 2 infantry remaining. Battle score for attacker is 3
Casualties for Japanese: 2 infantry
Casualties for British: 3 infantry
Battle in Yakut S.S.R.
Japanese attack with 1 fighter and 3 infantry
Russians defend with 2 infantry
Japanese roll dice for 1 fighter and 3 infantry in Yakut S.S.R., round 2 : 1/4 hits, 1.00 expected hits
Russians roll dice for 2 infantry in Yakut S.S.R., round 2 : 0/2 hits, 0.67 expected hits
1 infantry owned by the Russians lost in Yakut S.S.R.
Japanese roll dice for 1 fighter and 3 infantry in Yakut S.S.R., round 3 : 1/4 hits, 1.00 expected hits
Russians roll dice for 1 infantry in Yakut S.S.R., round 3 : 1/1 hits, 0.33 expected hits
1 infantry owned by the Japanese lost in Yakut S.S.R.
1 infantry owned by the Russians lost in Yakut S.S.R.
Japanese win, taking Yakut S.S.R. from Russians with 1 fighter and 2 infantry remaining. Battle score for attacker is 3
Casualties for Russians: 2 infantry
Casualties for Japanese: 1 infantry
Non Combat Move - Japanese
1 fighter moved from Yakut S.S.R. to Kazakh S.S.R.
1 bomber moved from Russia to Kazakh S.S.R.
1 fighter moved from Persia to Kazakh S.S.R.
1 fighter moved from Syria Jordan to Kazakh S.S.R.
1 aaGun and 14 infantry moved from Sinkiang to Kazakh S.S.R.
1 armour moved from French Indo China to Kazakh S.S.R.
2 infantry moved from China to Sinkiang
1 infantry moved from Manchuria to China
2 infantry moved from China to French Indo China
4 infantry moved from French Indo China to India
4 infantry moved from Japan to Japan Sea Zone
4 infantry and 2 transports moved from Japan Sea Zone to French Indo China Sea Zone
4 infantry moved from French Indo China Sea Zone to French Indo China
3 transports moved from French Indo China Sea Zone to Japan Sea Zone
6 infantry moved from Japan to Japan Sea Zone
5 infantry moved from Japan Sea Zone to Manchuria
1 infantry moved from Japan Sea Zone to Manchuria
1 transport moved from Red Sea Zone to French Indo China Sea Zone
Place Units - Japanese
12 infantry placed in Japan
1 transport placed in Japan Sea Zone
Turn Complete - Japanese
Japanese collect 45 PUs; end with 47 PUs
Combat Hit Differential Summary :
Japanese regular : 2.67
Russians regular : 0.00
British regular : 1.67
Russians AA : -0.17