@iwillnevergrowup I’m sorry to hear that you are leaving. You’ve been a great supportor of A&A and a good person. I’ll miss you and your shop.
Hello! I’m A&A: North Africa Lead Game Designer Matt Hyra … a WWII and A&A buff for nearly 40 years. I’ve been working alongside Larry Harris since early March to bring this game to life after it won Renegade’s “You Pick the Battle” contest.
We are ready to invite experienced A&A players who are at least 21 years of age to join the playtest. We are looking for active testers, not preview-seekers. Previews will happen months before the release.
Our playtesting uses the Screentop online game platform, similar to Tabletop Simulator. This platform is free to use (for you - we pay to host our games there). You’ll need to have a microphone and laptop/desktop computer to play.
Click on this link to read more and to join us: Renegade Playtesters
A link there will send you to our Playtest Discord channel where you’ll need to make a free account (if you don’t already have one) and sign an NDA. With that done you’ll soon be able to see the games we have available to playtest and the newest at the bottom is North Africa. Add your name to the list and we’ll send you an application. Real names are required.
You don’t need to remember all this. The links will walk you through it.
Once accepted, there will be new rules to read and debates to join on our private Discord channel. Make your mark on the game by signing up early and playing your first warm-up game very soon!
@matt-hyra Get the Barbarossa 41-45 game finished?
You should hire Kreighund who was Larry Harris’s Second/Adjutant who understands the ins and outs of various rules and how they effect the game design. He also keeps excellent prose in writing rules. PLEASE DONT GO ANY FURTHER UNTIL YOU A LEAST TRY TO GET HIM. Nobody wants another Axis $ Allies: Zombies! Please carry the traditions laid out by LH and Kreighund.
@imperious-leader Thanks, IL. I’m already on board!
Sounds cool! I don’t got a mic or discord, but just wanted to float this idea real quick in case it catches eyes…
New unit type: Agent
So I have a couple ideas here that I think would be worth pursuing, but the basic idea is to create a Spy vs Spy Agent type unit for the major factions. To model in some way things like resistance ops, espionage/sabotage shadow war and the like, but in a way that’s not too complex so it can still service the scale of a theater game. Sort of a catch-all single unit, that could capture that element thematically, and register at a glance.
First I think the game would benefit from have a sculpt that is recognizably a gal. In the box art and the unit sculpts we got a lot of tiny dudes, but really like no women. It’s a bit of a standout I think at this point. Granted this would like the dictionary definition of tokenism, cause I’d really like to see an actual token in the game, a unit sculpt in plastic, but I think it would work and fit the mold.
Especially since North Africa has all those connotations of like Maquis /SIS vs Abwehr, that sort of angle. I really got a visual pegged like Ingrid Bergman/Diane Kruger with a hat and coat hehe. Something Hollywood, with the glitz. A bit cartoonish or a little campy/pulp noir, familiar like that to help to sell it. Becca Scott in the hat more or less, whatever works. Just something with a good pose and the WW2 flick vibe.
I’m not sure how this unit might work mechanically. I have several ideas there that I think might fill a niche, but this is more just like for the brainstorm, so thought I’d just float the gist.
Anyway a quick visual for inspiration hehe
I think it could be fun for a game more on the theater scale like North Africa. Similar to other unit types that first debuted on the tactical boards as proof of concept, but I think it might work in a G40 scale game as well.
Right then, just a quick thought! All the best with the development.
Can’t wait to check it out
No! I’m [not saying my age, but younger than 21], so I can’t participate.
No matter, I’ve never used and am not planning to use that simulator anyway
I wasn’t aware that Larry Harris is coming back. I was under the impression that he was done with Axis and Allies.
@Matt-Hyra I am an avid Axis & Allies player and would love to test the game out.
We are ready and willing to play test the new Axis & Allies North Africa game.
The core of our Axis & Allies Veteran Players are familiar with all Axis & Allies variants.
Concerning the online game platform, I’m not sure if our players have the time to install and use it.
We are all Game Board Players - FTF - Table Top.
All our Axis & Allies Veteran Members are at least 35years of age.
If a copy of the game board is ready for printing and use, we should be able to help you with the playtest.
We have all types of Axis & Allies playing pieces - from the Axis & Allies Global 1940 House Rules Expansion.
Best regards
Danish Axis & Allies Association
@MMFestus Great! Follow the link in my post above.
Hi @Matt-Hyra
Any news and updates on the Axis & Allies North Africa game ?
Is there a picture of the map at this point ?
@The-Captain Hello! We do not have the map to show yet. Not sure when the marketing team will want to release that or have any sort of previews. Certainly won’t be this year.
As to your earlier post (just saw it), things move a little too fast to do print & play testing.
So lucky you get to work with Larry himself.
Hi Matt,
Thanks for your reply.
What is the status on the game developement so far ?
Any news on this forum would be most welcome :+1:
@The-Captain Status is that things are going well!
Awesome! :+1: :+1: :+1:
Hi Matt,
Thanks - we already guessed that.
Naturally, we’re interested in some more details:
And I’m sure that there are several other details players would like to know.
Ofcourse, our interest is intense - after all, we are the players who are going to buy - and play - the game. As well as spread the word out about the new game.
I’m not really authorized to give actual previews, but I can tell you that playtesting has been underway for over 3 months, and continues to this day. This week alone has seen 4 games played.
There are several new rules/mechanisms to cover certain aspects of the theater.
That’s about all I can say. Rest assured that the marketing team with blitz you with info when the time is right.
If there is a sea aspect (simulating the war in the Mediterranean, Malta, etc.), I would imagine it to might include some elements of Guandacanal.