@Undercover-Rabbit me and my friend play via whatts app just like in the youtube wars, we play anniversary, if you are interested ill give you my cellphone number
Looking for Global players in Chicago
I’m in north Chicago looking to host Axis & Allies g40 games. Text me at 614-625-3405 if you’re interested in setting something up.
@u-boat-commander I certainly will be contacting you very soon, particularly since I also live in the North side!!!
@nolimit Alright sounds great!!
@nolimit I’ve been working on a set of house rules (wolfpacks, paratroopers, etc), but I would be up to do OOB rules too - either or.
I am in Chicago frequently, originally from Rockford. Can I text you next time I’m in town? Love to hear about your house rules.Robin
General 6 Stars '22 '21 '20 '19 '18 '17 '16 '15 '14 '13 Customizerlast edited by Apr 11, 2022, 1:42 PM
No Limit ?
@general-6-stars Yes?
General 6 Stars '22 '21 '20 '19 '18 '17 '16 '15 '14 '13 Customizerlast edited by Apr 11, 2022, 4:27 PM
I don’t play g40.
@robin-bielefeldt hey Robin, I’m actually moving to Columbus OH next week. Otherwise would be up to play!
@u-boat-commander I’ll be in Columbus 4/25 to 4/29!
Let me know if you want to game -
I’m gathering a list of players willing to travel to St. Louis or Kansas City from Chicago to play. I also have a database of Chicago players. DM me or reply with your contact information if you play Global or Global variants and I can connect you
I’m in lockport. New to G40.
Hello, I live in oak lawn so I’m looking for south and southwest suburban players myself. I’ve got the global 40 game and have ideas for some house rules and added wrinkles to give a little more depth to the game. -
Sounds good, we run a BBR/G40 league out of Chicago, I have a FB group that explains all the rules, events and questions.
Madman is the tournament coordinator, he has 7 local guys who are ready to play in suburban CHI
What’s the Facebook groups name and I’ll check it out. Also do you guys do just tournaments or do you have get togethers for regular gameplay? -
BBR is a variant with a new map and new rules, not as complex as GW36. I think that people who have played 2 games of G40 and 2 games of BBR would be familiar with whats going on.
We have 2 (soon 3-4) yearly tournaments around the country. I also host a live play League where you face other members in your area, and we travel to meet members of other Divisions.
Further, there are Youtube games and 1 day meetups in STL where we play one-off.
All the best, Jon
You should check out The Captain’s Global 1940 House Rules Collection.
Guaranteed that you’ll find it interesting - just ask nolimit:muscle:
@bastardtanker753 hey. I was just contacted by a group looking for more players. Are you still looking for people to play with? We played last weekend and they’re looking to get together regularly for games. Would you be interested?
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