I like the crane for effect. Besides we know they have built in AA in them.

Latest posts made by U571
RE: Naval/Shipyard
RE: Sired's Map project - Updated- 4/16 - files available see first post
I might have you customize a couple things for me (ie use the swaztica roundel for germans and the russian star). I would gladly pay you for your time. We are already lucky as a community that you are making your file available to us
RE: Sired's Map project - Updated- 4/16 - files available see first post
It looks amazing!!!
I noticed a typo in the spelling of the NORWEGIAN Sea. I know you are a perfectionist so I’m sure you want to correct it.
RE: Sired's Map project - Updated- 4/16 - files available see first post
Speechless!!! I’m chomping at the bit to have it printed out!!! So much cooler than OOB….I like the idea that you have added more city names…I’ve recently purchased all the victory cities and other less important ones on Shapeways.com…Spray painted them in GOLD…As they are ultimately the prize of any war.
RE: Toronto looking for players
You can definately text me at 905-869-0209……I’ve been playing for a long time and am looking to start up a new play group. Met and started a game this week with a gentlemen from Hamilton. Good times!
RE: Hamilton, Ontario Players
Hi guys,
I’ve been playing axis and allies since 1984….I live in Grimsby and would like some new players to play against from time to time.
I have a great new war room for all to enjoy. If interested email me at pleaurichard@gmail.com
RE: Ultimate full global 1940 map file with corrected realistic coastlines and naked
Hi Imperious leader,
Thanks for all you work with the map. Is there anyway I can modify it slightly for my own needs? ex: some added roundels to neutral countries….
I’d love to modify the size of the UK to allow more units to be there…I would be distorting its size but I feel this is needed.
I’d also want to make sub sahara africa even smaller in order to make Europe bigger.
Any chance you can give me advice on how to do this?
RE: Sired's card deck -NOW AVAILABLE-
Hi Sired, I’m a big fan of your creativity and artistic skills in bringing this awesome game to life. I’ve been playing this game since 1984……been followinf this site and various forums for years now but never jumping in and participating. That will change now!
I saw on your videos recently that you were working on a new version of global 40 map. When will you be showing us the fruits of your labour?