Global 1943 Expansion, Revised

  • 2024 '23 '22


    Thank you for responding!

    As you said, it takes quite a while to get used to the rules, and while I might have the time eventually, I have so many different planned games to play (such as playing at least one 1941, 1939, and 1942 game using the 1940 board, as well as one with National Advantages from another topic), it will take a while for me to be ready to play the game, a time that I can’t wait (I am very excited to play a 1943 game).

    Another thing is that whenever I ask people to come up with a new version of the game set in a certain year, I always ask for the game to be historically accurate, not balanced, I just want all the real life units and their dispositions turned into pieces (according to a debatable scale of Axis And Allies), with no play testing needed. This is why I am not that big of a fan of The Captain’s 1943 game, because it involved untrue things such as Fallchirmjager invading Scotland, the Italians at one point taking Cairo, and Germany taking all of the Caucasus and Volgograd (but then again, I understand the last one, because historically, Germany only conquered parts of those territories, so it is hard to accurately show that).

    Finally, the final reason why I don’t want to use The Captain’s 1943 game, is that while it is a great game and the new rules are awesome, some things I think don’t make sense- for example, why would the Soviet Union magically get more resources if Germany launched Operation Barbarossa? Or why could the Waffen SS form an army of their own? The Heer would never have allowed to create such a large units (the 6th SS panzer army was not an official name, it was actually called the 6th panzer army, and the 11th SS panzer army was just an excuse by Himmler to promote certain men to higher positions, and it was admitted that is was only a corps sized formation)!

    Sorry if this feels like a rant, but I really do like your game, I just am too inpatient to learn the the new House Expansion Rules, and I’m just wondering: is it possible to just take away all of the new units in your 1943 setup and just leave the normal units in their same places? Thank you!

    Again, thank you for responding!

  • '22 '21 '20 '19 '18 '17 '16 '15 '14 '13 Customizer

    Really ? You ask for this help but some what demand other stuff. Not trying to get on you but please just relax a bit.

    Try very hard to find another person to test with. Other wise it is what it is.

    We be more than happy to help but up to you to test most of it for your ideas.

    Yes it sucks when you can’t find a player or two.
    But try harder. You’ll find somebody.

  • @gen-manstein

    Let me repeat what I said in a more orderly matter:

    First, I don’t have another player to play with, nor do I want to (I always feel afraid to lose, and when you play by yourself, you don’t have that fear, and I also like to do this because that way, I can control everything and I like to have everything go to plan, so that way I can also orchestrate big battles). This means I can’t do play testing nor do I want to, because I just want it to be as accurate as possible, which the game does not provide, as I show in the examples above.

    Secondly, I am too impatient or excited to learn the new rules even if they are awesome, even if I will play a game using the new rules (well, not all of them), a 1943 game is a higher priority.

    Thirdly, another reason is because I disagree with some rules due to them not making any logical sense (see above).

    Finally, I proposed an idea where we remove all of the new units in the 1943 setup, whilst keeping all of the normal units intact (the 1940 House Expansion Rules are no longer used).

  • @barnee

    We’re still impressed by your dedication and efforts to make it work - so take your time - we are still here:+1: :+1:

  • 2024 '23 '22


    Thank you for responding!

    Can you please send me some links for 1943 setup games that use the 1940 board? I can’t find them. Thank you!

  • @superbattleshipyamato123

    Go to “Search” - write “1943” - scroll down “see more results” - find what you need.

  • 2025

    I think if you want to desgin a 1943 setup on your own, you can let Germany go first with advanced positions in Stalingrad and Caucasus, and to give them the option to either improve their position, or retreat (like captain did in his version). Because I think it’s gonna be hard to design a game to allow Germany to come back in 1943 from a Russian counter attack (like in 1942). These are just ideas, but I am also interested in a OOB 1943 setup, so if you make any progress in designing I will be glad to hear.

  • '22 '21 '20 '19 '18 '17 '16 '15 '14 '13 Customizer

    I posted this in his other thread. But Hey

  • @VictoryFirst


    To avoid confusion with the Global 1943 House Rules Expansion, please move your OOB 1943 post to another thread.


  • '19

    We have played Global 1943 House Rules Expansion several times, since we ended the play testing. All I can say is that never before have I experienced an Axis & Allies setup so realistic and close to History as the Global 1943 House Rules Expansion. It is both fun to play and challenging. I hope that other Axis & Allies players will experience what we’ve experienced…

  • 2024 '23 '22


    Thank you for responding!

    Firstly, your game really does look interesting, and I’m sure it will be quite fun, as a sort of “bonkers” game, where everything is crazy, such as Waffen SS armies.

    Secondly, an interesting idea to add to you rules are Ratte tanks, they probably only move one territory (or maybe even only once every two turns), cannot be loaded on transports, attacks and defends at 5 with 3 dice, takes 3 hits to kill, and costs 12 IPCs. Maybe they can only be placed on Industrial Complexes in the West Germany and Germany territroies.

    Finally, is it possible for you to please send me a link to an accurate 1943 game? I couldn’t really find anything. Thank you!

  • @superbattleshipyamato123

    The Global 1943 House Rules Expansion is the only complete rulebook and setup that I know of, so I’m not able to help you any further in your 1943 search.

    You might want to open your own thread in “Other Axis & Allies variants” to go further, since it doesn’t fit under my thread.

    Good luck & have fun.

  • 2024 '23 '22


    Thank you for responding!

    I actually did create my own topic, which also asks about a 1941, 1942, and a 1944 setup. I already found setups for 1941 and 1942, but not 1944.

  • @sgt-pitbull

    Hi Sergeant,

    Tomorrow is a day that all Axis & Allies players know: 1st September - the day that started it all.

    So, all day we’ll be playing with the Axis & Allies Global 1943 House Rules Expansion - beginning at 05.45 CET.

  • @the-captain said in Global 1943 House Rules Expansion:


    Hi Sergeant,

    Tomorrow is a day that all Axis & Allies players know: 1st September - the day that started it all.

    So, all day we’ll be playing with the Axis & Allies Global 1943 House Rules Expansion - beginning at 05.45 CET.

    Sweet !

  • @gen-manstein

    The first Global 1943 game in the 2021/2022 Axis & Allies Gaming Season.

    Allied economic victory in Late 1945.

  • @the-captain Awesome ! How many Players ?

  • @the-captain

    Too bad, I always root for the Axis… RIP Japan

  • 2024 '23 '22 '21


    Four players - two game boards, each 1 on 1.

    My own game ended with Allied economic victory in Late 1945.

    The other two players didn’t finish their game yet - but it might be an Axis victory. We’ll see this tomorrow, when they finish (2-3 more rounds should do it).

  • 2024 '23 '22 '21


    The second Global 1943 game has now ended.

    As predicted, The Axis won by defeating The Allies economically.

    Eventually it would have ended with a Military Victory - but according to the rules, when The Axis have a combined IPC level at 148 IPC at the Expanded National Production Chart, victory is achieved.

    The War ended after France’s turn in Early 1946 with an Axis IPC level at 151.

    Germany took over Italy in Late 1943, after succesfull Allied landings in northern Africa - and defeat of all Axis forces in Africa.

    A renewed German offensive on the Eastern Front, pushed the Soviets back in disorder.

    In Late 1944 a Soviet Army Group was surronded and cut off in Rostov. It was reinforced by Paratrooper units from Moscow - but stood no chance against the onslaught from a German Army Group and 20 Waffen-SS units supported by 10 German Paratrooper units.

    In Early 1945 the Soviet lines of defense simply collapsed, and German forces - spearheaded by Waffen-SS Panzers & Waffen-SS Panzergrenadiers - drove around Moscow - encircled the Soviet Capital - and attacked deep into Soviet territories behind the Urals and further on.

    By that time, the United States and United Kingdom had landed in Europe - and the Western Front was now on the border to Western Germany.

    In the Pacific, Japan had reinforced the defensive positions on most of the conquered islands - and by a briliant naval strategy, was able to hold back the US Navy long enough to achieve Victory.

    UK controlled Calcutta & New South Wales were still holding out - but as German Panzers pushed on deep into the Middle East, defeat was imminent.

    In Early 1946, the Germans spend all their income, purchasing exclusively U-boats and Me 262 Jetfighter units, in order to defeat the UK and US navies in the Atlantic.

    The War ended before The Second Battle of the Atlantic could begin…

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