@thedesertfox said in Converting to KJF:
I’m not really following here.
4 destroyers, 2 submarines, 4 fighters, 4 tactical bombers, 2 battleships, 2 bombers and a cruiser, all up against 1 sub, 2 destroyers, 2 cruisers, a battleship, and a carrier with a tactical bomber and fighter and I assume the reason you want to use territories such as Wake Island and Guam is for the opportunity to scramble those planes… I hate to be the bearer of bad news but even 3 planes scrambled into the Sea zone isn’t enough (did the math, tested the averages and it doesn’t work).
America at most might clear out all the cannon faughter that the Japanese bring forward which would be their subs and destroyers, leaving all their big heavier ships still alive and undamaged.
I’m not sure if you realize how close Calcutta is to Japan. J2, capture French Indo China J3 put a complex on it whilst capture Malaya since as the British if you’re reinforcing Yunnan with everything you have then you’re going to leave Malaya open to attack by naval forces, J4 put a major industrial complex there then pump out the 10 units and now your southern flank is just as strong if not stronger than you’re northern flank.
As per ‘stacking’ Yunnan, assuming Japan continues to role through China by J2 China is only left with a meager 5 IPC’s, with Japan having overwhelmed Yunnan, and NOT having declared war on the British, preventing them from moving into Yunnan to support the Chinese, (Unless you want to move them in as a declaration of war, keeping the Americans out of the war into turn 4, which I’d welcome).
The reason Japan lost WWII to America is because the United States merely had to let Japan burn themselves out on the Americans, throwing everything they had at them and then moving forward. If that’s what you as the American player do to Japan than a Japanese victory is clear. Japan starts with a bigger navy, a much bigger Airforce than America, and moving your units into the Japanese Sphere of influence like that is pretty much throwing them away. As the player playing japan, I would absolutely welcome America to put the majority of their money in the Pacific.
Like General Hand Grenade said, there’s no magic bullet or secret passage to beating the Germans or the Japanese within the first 3-4 turns, and your especially not going to be getting to the home base of Japan in that time span either simply because of what you said… ships. As Japan, I have the first 3 turns to build as many ships as I please before I start pumping out land units to take Calcutta with my factories on Malaya and French Indo China, ground units aren’t a priority for me until turn 4, leaving me to build up my navy from what it already is, increase the carrier count to 5 aircraft carriers, and if you as the U.S don’t have atleast 3 by then well… you’ve lost the Pacific, because like I said the Sub strategy would be a great idea… if my fighters and tac bombers can’t hit them, but they can as long as theres a destroyer present. Also, assuming you’re talking about strategic bombers in central united states, well they wouldn’t reach since Wake Island would be captured by incoming japanese invasion of transports.
So at the end of the day if I don’t win as Japan, I know Germany will.
While I agree generally that the USA cant rush things and Japan should smash any USA fleet that moves forward so soon, you cant build a major factory on either FIC or Malaya.
The only legal place for a major is Korea.