Its at HBG.
GEN’S Advanced Global 40 Game
General 6 Stars '22 '21 '20 '19 '18 '17 '16 '15 '14 '13 Customizerlast edited by General 6 Stars Apr 24, 2021, 12:51 PM Mar 5, 2021, 2:27 PM
Well since got a few moments with this cov-19 stuff I want to try some of my stuff I have in my 41 game to G40 game. I’ll post piece values now and most changes in a list with a few still left out yet.
Any feed back welcome. Go easy. LolInf C3 A1-2 D2 M1
Para trooper C4 A3 D1 all rounds
Mech C4 A1-2 D2 M2 can tow a art or aa gun 2 spaces in non combat only.
Art C4 A2 D2 M1-2 +1 to att for inf & mech. 1-1
L. Tank C5 A2 D1 M2
M. Tank C6 A3 D2 M2
H. Tank C7 A4 D3 M1 All 3 can blitz
SPA C6 A2 D2 M2 roll a 1 pick target each rd.
AA Gun C5 A0 D1/2 D1 at 3 planes round 1 only
Then D2 against ground units rest of rounds.
Fig C10 A3 D4 M4 escort/intercept @2
Tac C10 A3 D3 M4 roll a 1 pick target.
Can SBR Air/naval bases and oil derricks.
Escort/intercept @1. Can also do single attacks on an aa gun or surfaced sub @2 first round only. Unless sub stays surfaced.
Stg. B C12 A4 D1 M6 can air transport I para only in combat. Up to 4 spaces only. 5 with an airbase. Can transport 1 inf, art or aa gun in non combat. Escort @1. SBR 1d6 +1
H. Bomber C14 A4 D2 M7 SBR 1d6 +2. Escort 1
BB C16 A4 D4 M2 2 hits. 1 dam AD@3. Shore @4
BCR C0 A4 D4 M2 Shore @4. Cant be built. Some in setup.
CR C10 A3 D3 M2 if roll is a 1 get a bonus aa plane kill too. Shore @3. If aa bonus to strong could go with for each BB and CR get a aa bonus plane kill on CR roll of a 1.
DD C8 A2 D2 M2 Depth charge subs @2. Blocks sub movement 1-1 only not 1 DD blocking 20 subs.
SS C7 A2 D1 M2 can pick target. Can leave a sz if DD present on its next turn.
AC C14 A1 D1 M2 2 hits. Roll that 1 and get a bonus aa plane kill too. 1 dam only 1 plane can leave or return.
TR C7 A0 D1 plane only. M2. Can take 3 transports as 1 casualty. Otherwise last.This is some rule changes list.
- 1 ship blocks 3. Maybe no blocking at all.
- No allies allowed in Russian territories for whole game.
- Lend lease chart for Russia to receive 1 or possible 2 pieces per turn.
- Only a move of 1 for motorized units in Asia and parts of Siberia.
- Mag and seigf lines in game. They will absorb hits before casualties taken.
- Siberian railroad. Can move 2 pieces 3 spaces from each territory that has railroad.
- Tankograd can build 2 tanks a turn for price of 4 icps.
- Less Russian inf in Mongolia and moved to front or spread out in Siberia and can return on railroad.
- Japan attacks any Russian territory it acures a icp penalty and all Mongolia becomes Russian. and a possibly inf pop up.
- Russian can activate Mongolia based on being Pro-Russia.
- Russia attacks Japan then they lose all of Mongolia and pop up inf.
- Russia CANNOT go into India or its territories east.
- China can go into Burma and HK and FIC.
- 2 National Advantages at start of game.
- Tech. Use G40 list.
- My event cards ? Maybe.
- Generals and admirals in game that give a few pieces rerolls if they miss on first round only.
- Strict neutral influence chart.
- Naval planes ? Probably not.
- Few more VCs and axis bonus points for resources and income.
- Russian KVs in setup.
- SS panthers too in setup.
- Italy neutral till turn 2. Uk cannot attack them turn 1 or I add a BB to Italy setup.
- More wolf pack action in Atlantic.
- Minor factories destroyed on capture. Majors reduced to minors. Minor factory builds only. Territories worth 2 or more only.
- No air or naval base builds. Some will be added to setup.
- Some kind of Vichy FF stuff hopefully.
- Bonus pieces on Frances first time liberated.
- Little harder sea lion for Germany.
- London falls or Moscow will have new capitals.
- A 10 turn game with axis needs so many VCs or Victory points.
There’s a few more but this is for starters for now.
@gen-manstein sweet how much does the aaGun cost ?
General 6 Stars '22 '21 '20 '19 '18 '17 '16 '15 '14 '13 Customizerlast edited by Mar 6, 2021, 12:01 PM
How is the starting setup and IPC level for each Nation?
General 6 Stars '22 '21 '20 '19 '18 '17 '16 '15 '14 '13 Customizerlast edited by Apr 24, 2021, 10:02 AM
@the-captain said in GEN’S Advanced Global 40 Game:
How is the starting setup and IPC level for each Nation?
Ha, Haven’t got that far yet. Been busy and besides I ran across your rules in the mean time and now was thinking of not doing it. But I would like to try it with rules from my 41 game.