Sounds good. I think I’ll go with that.
Thank you all for the input. :-)
Latest posts made by MauserBob
RE: Dutch naval units for ABDA possibilities?
RE: Dutch naval units for ABDA possibilities?
I think that is far too much; sorry.
Okay…I respect that. What if I remove the sub and both artillery, which, in hindsight are Kind of superfluous… leaving:
3 inf on both Java & Sumatra
2 inf on Celebes
1 on Dutch New Guinea…plus the cruiser & destroyer in SZ 42?
I’m not married to the idea of an inf on DNG…so if the above are still a bit too heavy, then maybe only 2 inf on Java & Sumatra, 1 inf on Celebes, and none on DNG. Better?
RE: Dutch naval units for ABDA possibilities?
Wow…a lot of good input here. :-) Thank you so much, guys.
Upon consideration, I think my initial setup will be a cruiser, destroyer, and sub off Java.
Having been persuaded to use some land units after all, I’m going with:
3 inf and 1 artillery on both Sumatra & Java.
2 inf on Celebes.
1 inf on Dutch New Guinea.Reasonable, or maybe 1 inf too many on Sumatra and/or Java?
Dutch naval units for ABDA possibilities?
Good evening, all…I just picked up a small assortment of orange Dutch pieces because I wanted to explore the possibility of adding a couple units to the Java SZ ala’ the short-lived ABDA forces that were historically formed after the initial time frame for Global40. I have no intention of messing with the mechanics of the money islands by proposing adding Dutch ground forces, just a couple naval units. Historically, the Dutch East Indies naval contingent of the ABDA forces was decently substantial in size, but I don’t want to go overboard…maybe just a cruiser and destroyer, just for the fun of having a couple orange ships in the area, perhaps, but maybe to add an interesting little twist to the early part of the game, too. I’m not opposed to tweaking the British and/or ANZAC naval forces to compensate if adding a couple extra Allied ships might alter the balance too much but I’m hoping I won’t have to. One of the things I was considering but haven’t figured out yet was leaving them off the board until a state of war exists between Japan and the ANZACs, so as to avoid unbalancing things by being able to pre-stage them in a more advantageous SZ than off Java, but I’m wondering if this over-complicates things too much.
Anyone have any thoughts on this? Realistic number of units and unit types that might be acceptable? Possible changes to Japanese forces to keep or restore balance? Ideas on when/where to add them? I did look through the forum a bit for ideas/suggestions in past threads but I didn’t scan all 170+ pages; I did find this one helpful:
…but it doesn’t have much to about a Dutch naval aspect so I thought I’d take a shot and see what y’all have to say.
Thank you in advance.
RE: 1st Print/2nd Print differences aesthetically
Ahh, I see. Looked at the other thread by fredrick (and the one about the parts evolution over the years) but only got more confused. My set�s marked 345 pcs, copyrighted 2000…so your turn of the millennium info makes sense now. So the early release Pacific sets with the pale green would be kinda hard to find then, huh? Guess I�ll just have to get lucky. Thank you for the reply and the info. :)
RE: 1st Print/2nd Print differences aesthetically
I got one of these when they first came out and it has the orange/red Japanese pcs…but it also has both khaki AND light (pale) green British pcs.
Been looking for another with the same pale green British pcs included for a while now but have struck out repeatedly. Was this a limited time thing or just an abberation?
RE: Awesome TIE FIGHTER short film (Animated)
Very reminiscent of the animation style of Heavy Metal.
RE: Best German Weapon for the Japanese
Better yet, napalm against those dug-in Maus-es.
Don’t need to be pinpoint with napalm, or even penetrate anything; just send a 4-bird formation of napalm-toting Corsairs against every one of those emplacements. Lather, rinse, & repeat.
RE: Plastic miniatures inventory?
You guys are awesome. Thank you very much. :-D
Plastic miniatures inventory?
I just acquired a pair of these 1940 sets (one each) that were quite a bit discounted because the plastic miniatures were removed, presumably for secondary market resell. I don’t mind that too much since money’s gonna be a little tight in the next few months (Christmas, etc), and also because of the fact that, like the rest of you, I’ve got tons of extra pcs from all of my other duplicate A&A variants (and a few off-brands) that I can use to restock these pretty decently for a minimal $ expenditure. All I need to know is, how many of what do I need, basically. If someone could provide me with either an inventory of all the plastic miniatures for both of these two games (minus chips)…or an online link to same, I’d really appreciate it. Thank you guys.
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