@Timothy-Gengarella the lightning war ability only provides an extra combat and non combat phase; Germany doesn’t get a whole second turn.
Border Clash
Do you count the terrain modifier during the Japan/Russia border clash mechanic? In this case a mountain border
@kmtnt I thought I remembered a rule that if you did not cross the border (ie in a border clash), you are not subject to terrain, but I cannot find it. Therefore I would assume that you count the terrain modifiers, and I will tell you if I find anything.
@trig Thank you for taking a look. I can see this making sense both ways, but I am leaning on the side of if the rules don’t say things are different then you just follow the normal attacking procedure. I will take a closer look at the rules in the next day or two and update if I find anything
There are no references in the rules to the mechanics of the border clashes, except to explain the effect of the Japanese-Soviet non-agression Pact (14.3).
The only relevant info is found on the Japan and USSR NRS:
« Japan and the Soviet Union may engage in border clashes. Either side may attack units on the other side of a jointly held land border in 1 round of combat but all units must start in an adjacent zone (aircraft may not be brought in from different zones). Neither side may capture land zones from the other without a declaration of war. Border clashes end if/when the Japanese-Russian non-aggression pact is signed (14.3) »
If you look at the Mountains rule (1.8) it says:
« Units are subject to Mountain rules on the first round of combat when crossing a mountain border and on all combat rounds in a mountain zone. »
Since the clash is described as « 1 round of combat », I see no reason to ignore the terrain of the territory that you are attacking if you are playing with the Mountains optional rule.
Even if you consider that the attacker is not actually crossing the border, the simple fact that the defenders are in a mountain territory would still justify the -1 Attack penalty.
@noneshallpass Thank you. I was leaning this way too. So for my game, for now, I will consider the issue settled. Thanks again for your help
@kmtnt Do they make a 12 page version of the rules? They need too.
@imperious-leader What size font do you want?
@trig 10-12 pt