@timothy-gengarella But there is nothing to stop you from added more factories in Manchuria but because Japan has naval supremacy in that region. It is smarted to just shuck with transports from the homeland.
Border Clash Favors Japan?
Japan starts with 7 air units in the 1936 start date. Soviets 3. The Japanese can just land all their planes in Manchuria, border clash and easily win. Doesn’t this unfairly favor Japan?
@mike141500 I guess. But the Soviets can back off the border, and the Japanese often have better things to do with those planes.
Yes and losing one or two of those planes to a lucky roll will greatly cost Japan and handicap other operations with nothing much to show for in compensation.
Russia can just buy and rail an AAA gun and attack with that.
@mike141500 usually it’s the Soviets that can get more units on the Manchuria border more easily without sacrificing units for other activities pre 1939. This is no issue.