Global 1936 A&A Alternate History Scenario (Southern Victory Series Inspired)

  • Global 1936 A&A alternate continuing timeline (Southern Victory)


    Howdy yall!. For starters, this scenario using the HBG Global 1936 map was cooked up by me while watching various alternate history scenarios and reading some books related to the subject and relevant history. As you will no doubt notice, this scenario is quite incomplete, although that is exactly why I am posting what I have so far, (Pls Help). My intention with this scenario is to hone my skills at creating and receiving input from this communinty which I adore. Now right into the scenanrio!

    Diplomatic situation

    The year is 1936, the rising and exspansionist military powers of Germany, Italy, Japan, USSR and the USA intend to destroy the old global order and usher in a new age for their respective countries. The Axis, consisting of the Germany, Italy, Turkey and the USA, first seek to break the back of the British Empire and her Entente. Wether this humbling of Britain will be acomplished by Iron or Blood remains to be seen. Now before we can continue, we must address the elaphant in the room, YES the USA is a member of the Axis in this scenario. Why may you ask? Well to make a long story short, the CSA won the American civil war in 1861 and has managed to survive all the way till the 1930s with the consistent and infuriating backing of the British and French. Much to the dismay of the Union. Now we must discuss Japan. Japan with her ideas of expanding further onto the Asian mainland has placed herself on a collision course with the western European empires. Japan like the USSR will not begin the game as a member of any alliance, preffering to bide her time on the sidelines and strike at the most critical moment.



    UK + British Empire

    Neutral/Non-aligned (can join either alliance and switch alliances if diplomatically allowed)-

    National Objectives (5 Victory Points per nation)


    1-(Atlantic security) possess Denmark, Netherlands, Belgium, Picardia, Normandy, Bordeaux and No enemy warships in the Baltic Sea

    2-(Subjugation of Russia) possess 4 Soviet victory cities and no less than 10 Soviet homeland territories

    2-(Oil Security) posses Romania, Oslo, Eastern Ukraine, Transcaucasia (If Transcaucasia is controlled by Turkey or Italy, that will also fulfill the requirement for this NO)


    1-(Eastern Expansion) possess all 3 territories of Manchuria

    2-(Defend the Union) control all starting Soviet territories

    2-(Spread Communism) possess the 3 Baltic States, all of Poland, all of Finland, all of Romania, Hungary, Bulgaria, Slovakia


    1-(Naval Supremacy) possess the most ships in the Pacific Ocean

    2-(Expand the Empire) possess at least 8 territories in mainland China not possessed at the start of the scenario, also control Indochina, Siam, Honk Kong and Malay

    2-(Pacific Security) possess all starting island territories in the Pacific Ocean and the Philippines, Guam, Wake Island, Midway, New Guinea, Solomon Islands, Sarawak, and all of Indonesia


    1-(Atlantic Security) posses the most ships in the Atlantic Ocean

    2-(Reclaim the South) control all starting CSA territories

    2-(Humble the British Empire) control all of Canada

    UK + British Empire-

    1-(Britannia Rule the Waves) possess the most ships the world

    2-(Defend the Empire) control all of Britain, Gibraltar, Malta, Cairo, Cape Town, Aden, Calcutta, Sydney

    2-(Preserve the Entente) all of mainland France is under French control, no German units in Belgium or the Netherlands


    1-(Punish Germany) at least 3 homeland German are under Entente occupation

    2-(Defend the Republic) control all of mainland France

    2-(Preserve the Empire) possess all African colonies


    1-(Caribbean Expansion) control Cuba, Panama Canal, and Puerto Rico

    2-(Defend the South) possess al starting territories

    2-(Control Mexico) control all of Mexico


    1-(Reclaim Manchuria) control all 3 Manchuria territories

    4-(Defend China) possess at least 10 Chinese territories


    1-(Spanish Question) Nationalist Spain wins the Spanish civil war

    1-(Mediterranean Dominance) possess the most ships in the Mediterranean

    2-(Roman Empire) control Albania, all of Greece, Gibraltar, Malta, and all of Egypt


    1-(Black Sea Security) Crimea is controlled by the Axis and there are no Soviet ships in the Black Sea

    2-(Rebuild the Ottoman Empire) Control Syria, Transjordan, Kuwait, and all of Iraq

    2-(Push Back the Russians) Control Transcaucasia

  • @ButterSurge Nice ! I imagine you’re familiar with this, but in case you’re not, :) Harry Turtledove does a kick ass book series on exactly this. :)

    Love it ! Definitely agree with keeping JPN a Free Agent :)

    Sneaky bast… heh heh

  • @barnee thank you for you’re comment. Yes I am familiar with Harry Turtledove’s southern victory series, in fact this whole scenario draws much of its history from those books in my personal head cannon.😉

  • @ButterSurge this game / topic doesn’t belong here it’s not Global War 36 by Historical Board Gaming

  • @ButterSurge

    Im trying to create a basic framework for the rise of the Axis powers very similar to the one sported by HBGs Global 1936. It is my hope this script will get the ball rolling so to speak. If anyone has any suggestions to improve or expand such a script, please feel free to share.

    The Diplomatic script

    ROUND 1

    Germany annexes Austria
    UK and France incomes increase by 1 IPP each

    Italy annexes Albania

    ROUND 2

    Germany annexes Czechoslavakia
    UK and France incomes increase by 1 IPP each

    Italy may invade Abyasinia
    UK income increases by 1 IPP if Italy occupies Abyasinia

    Japan may invade China
    FEC and ANZAC incomes increase by 1 IPP for every Chinese territory Japan occupies until at war with Japan

    USA may invade Mexico
    CSA income increases by 1 IPP for every Mexican territory the USA occupies until at war with the USA

    ROUND 3

    USA may occupy Cuba
    UK and CSA incomes increase by 1 IPP each

    ROUNDS 4-6

    The status quo continues until global war

    ROUND 7

    WW2 begins, Germany invades Poland and the Entente minus the CSA, declare war on Germany exclusively

    The Molotov-Ribontrop pact is signed, Eastern Europe is divided between Germany and the USSR and the USSR agrees to lend-lease Germany 3 oil and 3 iron ore per turn until they are at war

    If Germany captures Paris, Finland, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, Venazeula, and Argentina become pro-Axis

    Italy and Turkey may join the Axis at their descretion from now on

    ROUND 8

    The USA and Japan may sign the Pacific Mutual Security Pact, stipulating the USA will cede the Phillipines, Guam, Wake and Midway island to Japan and the USA promises to lend-lease Japan 3 oil and 3 iron ore per turn until either power is defeated, the game ends, or if “Japan leaves the Axis”* at a later date. Japan and the USA then must declare war on the Entente jointly. The CSA will then join the Entente and declare war on the USA.

    *Japan may leave the Axis and act as a free-agent after round 12, this allows to Japan to attack any power and make peace on their own without the consent of their allies.

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