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Post League Game Results Here
@ghostglider said in Post League Game Results Here:
Axis-dominion win over Ghostglider
L21 BM3 Ghostglider (axis) vs axis-dominion (allied+18)I had a great game going, but misjudged the pac situation (which is rare for me to do :). So ghost capitalized on that error and all I had left was a prayer in defending NSW with only about 18% odds of surviving. So I got really lucky, or my prayer was answered!
@Colt45554 (Axis) wins vs bolasgod (Allies + 14) OOB -
L21 BM3 Surfer (Allies +5) vs Dawgoneit (Axis)
L21 BM3 Surfer (Allies +5) Wins -
L21 BM3 tanios (L+18) vs AetV (X)
Tanios over AetV
Axis Dominion (allies +21) wins vs ksmckay (axis)
AD wins again with a save at NSW. My 90% odds attack failed spectacularly. Wasnt necessarily game over for allies if attack succeeded but would have been interesting for sure.
@ksmckay said in Post League Game Results Here:
Axis Dominion (allies +21) wins vs ksmckay (axis)
AD wins again with a save at NSW. My 90% odds attack failed spectacularly. Wasnt necessarily game over for allies if attack succeeded but would have been interesting for sure.
Sorry, here is thread.
HypoAF Allies +16 -VS- dawgoneit Axis
HypoAF Allies +16 Wins.
Mainah (Allies +16) over Snigg (x) BM3 couldn’t make up the early losses in G1, leaving too much pressure on Japan.
simon over aagamerz13 ptv
Ghostglider Allies Vs dawgoneit Axis. No Bid. PTV
Ghostglider Allies Wins -
Dawg reported 2 losses to me, but we’ve only played once. He reported the same game twice.
@hypoaf you are rite. just planning for the future. Lol
@dawgoneit lol
L21 Martin (Axis) -vs- dawgoneit (Allies +20) - OOB low luck
L21 Martin (Axis) Wins -
@dawgoneit axis dominion over aagamerz13 BM3
Giallo(allies) over Onestevo BM + 14
3 bumps no reaction
L21 BM3 Colt45554 (L+20) vs AetV (X)
Colt over AetV
wheatbeer (Allies +24) over onesteveo (Axis)
No response over 14 days (4 bumps issued)
^ a BM3 game (sorry, forgot to note)