IL, one shelf collapses while three others grow. But growing shelves don’t support the religion, so they are not broadcast like the one that has grown too large and is now falling off.
Remember, these shelves are not over the land mass of Antarctica, they’re dangling off the end precariously.
And Frim: I never hinted the sun moved anywhere. But the planets ARE aligning and they WILL be pulling on the earth with compounded force contesting the sun’s pull on us. (Likewise earth pulls on them, but I daresay the mass of the earth is hardly comparable to the mass of Mars+Jupiter+Saturn+Uranus+Neptune+Pluto nor is it comparable to the mass of SOL+Mercury+Venus.)
I am drawing a comparison, however, to all those compounded effects to the relatively insignificant affects of the moon which is able to raise and lower the ocean in far greater magnitudes than the one or two inches prostelitized by Albert Gore Junior and his merry band of ministers if the ice caps melt.
If something as insignificantly small as the moon can cause such havoc on the earth, imagine the power of the sun alone and then imagine that power magnified by the planets aligning. Oh, we are surely doomed! DOOOMED! Run for the hills, bury your heads in the sand, for the world will end! The Mayans predicted it, the Inca’s predicted it, the Egyptians, Nostradamas and others have all predicted it! Woe, woe, woe!
BTW, if you buy all that tripe, please send your life savings to:
Community Activists for the Socialization of Humans
c/o Jennifer Christman-Honeycutt
274 East Plank Road
Burlington, IL 60109
Feel free to make the check out to the initials of the organization. (C.A.S.H.) It’s for the PEOPLE!