Hi, I’ve managed to get a used Battle of the Bulge game but it’s missing the turn marker. Could someone please get me a high resolution scan of it? Thanks, Rhys
Larger Map
Anyone tried the larger map available at:
Scroll down most of the way to AH Battle of the Bulge.pdf.
Tell me what you think.
I’ve played it a few times, I think IL did a nice job with it. (as usual)
I like how the size of it and as the general scope of the battle becomes bigger, gotta love that. More options are nice with it. Hey, you can actually reach Antwerp–talk about doing better than the Axis originally!
I’ve played it with and without the additional units (the Mechanized INF, different fighters… i forget the details) --when without, we substituted them with different mold tanks or just regular fighters.
I think it was easier to play the original after playing IL’s and the variant took longer to play. but I enjoyed both. He adds some interesting tweaks to the gameplay, with extra rounds if you gain a minor victory, weather variables and such.
If I recall, there was still a learning curve on the allies and they got their butts kicked the first few times, as you can flank the northern cities on both sides, but then the Allies came around and started learning where to fall back to and strike out of. There is more opportunities for breaking through the Axis lines too, as they are made longer. I’ll stop rambling, but if you like the original, why not take the variant for a spin, I wouldn’t be surprised if you like it.
Thanks. I’ve downloaded “House Rules.” At first glance, very different. Which rules did you use? If using standard rules, are there more reinforcements?
Yes download the rules. They allow more pieces because the campaign is modeling the longer struggle. IN the original game its ending by Dec 25 or so, but mine is to 13 turns, plus you can try and trap the British up north which was the goal in the first place.
:-D We meet again, Imperious Leader!
Hey, just how big is your Variant Map? How many 8 1/2 X 11" pieces of paper does it require? I’m trying to calculate how much room I’ll need to store and play. I’d also laminate the assembled map and need max dimensions for that process. When I view in Ie, I get dimensions of ~80" X 73" and that’s huge. When I view a donwloaded file in Acrobat, I can’t tell what I’ll get.
Its basically the original map with 2 rows of hexes further north and 2 rows further west. Thats perhaps just 25% larger than OOB map.
:-) So the hexes are the same size, I take it. Good. I’ll try it. Thanks again. :wink:
slightly larger but very close.
:-o Help! When I print I get a single page and the map is only 5 1/2" X 4"
What’s wrong? :?
Update: By changing Page Scaling to “None” I get the correct size but still only one page, a page including Bastogne. :roll:
Set your printer page size to large format
set printer on poster or print section by section direct from the box on the left that you use to move the artwork and print each section.
The map is not ‘small’ by any means.
:-( Sorry, but I’m not seeing all of those options. By default, the picture comes up in Adobe reader (Version 9.0.0 on my machine–I’ve tried Adobe help and it isn’t) Under Print Setup, Layout, I’ve chosen Layout Type: Poster Printing–has changed nothing. In the Print Setup, paper size doesn’t show a Large Format and I can’t find that anywhere else, either.
I don’t see “large format” anywhere. Moving the map around before selecting the Print menu doesn’t work. The sections jump around and don’t line up.
I’ve looked at it in Paint and it’s a bit small. :cry:
So what’s wrong!? :?
when you get it done, please post a picture of the map during play.
:-D That may require another thread. I tried to post a picture some time ago and got nowhere :|
ok you goto www.mediafire.com and upload the jpeg or whatever.
Then provide a link.
Where exactly is this larger map located? I cannot seem to find it. Thanks.
I looked couldn’t find map or IL rules
found it thanks IL
ok good