We only have two games in and so far I would only disagree with one point on this. I don’t think the Allies should try to hold the entire line or keep it smooth. I think they have to give in the middle and pick at the Germans from the sides. Let it bulge and get overextended and chop it off.
It seems to me that the Allies must hold a line from Martelange, Bastogne, Ortheuville and the hex central to Rochefort, Marche, La Roche and Ortheuville. The other key is Liege and Verviers the Germans need to somehow be made to pay dearly for those hexes or kept out entirely.
I’m wondering if it isn’t best to pull everything that lives thru turn one combat back a hex to stall for time to get dug in on the lines I mentioned above?
I think the other key for the Allies is not to leave supplies for the Germans to capture. The bare minimum to shoot at the Germans and that is it. Except for Hexes you are intent on not vacating don’t move any supplies directly to a hex on the front. I think that the best hits for the Allies is on the German supplies. That will slow 'em down more than making them retreat or destroying them (which of course don’t hurt.) “Don’t let 'em have the gas. Burn it. Burn it.”
As for aircraft you have to hit hexes you want to be hit less hard from, cover hexes you don’t want the Germans to weaken and go after the supplies (which as you said is common sense.)
That is my thoughts on two games and some time moving things around on my own. The last game as Germany I pretty much destroyed everything on the first turn attack and rolled to a turn 5 victory. The dice were nice but I think my opponent doesn’t have a feel for this game yet.