How Can We Incentivize the US to Split its Effort Between Atlantic and Pacific?

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    You’re not doing nearly enough here to explain your reasoning. I’m interested in discussing whether small changes can be enough to encourage the USA to split its forces, or whether large changes would be needed, but you’re not really discussing that topic – you’re just asserting that large changes are needed and then listing all of the large changes that you’d like to see in a game.

    It’s fine if you personally like the changes you’re proposing, but if you want to have a discussion or debate or whatever then you’ll have to help us understand why you believe that they’re necessary.

    That applies both to the general question of how large the changes would need to be to get the USA to split its forces, and to many of the specific changes you suggest. E.g., why does removing an Australia factory encourage the US to split its forces? Why does making ships cheaper relative to airplanes encourage the US to split its forces? These effects are not obvious to me.

  • @Argothair

    Lets summarize the reasons why USA always goes Atlantic only.

    1. Easier to defeat Germany first and ignore Japan
    2. Easier to mass bombing Germany
    3. Germany initially possesses bigger threat than Japan
    4. Germany has no enogh money for air coverage unlike Japan.
    5. More and easily reachable money via Atlantic rather than Pacific.
    6. USA is almost alone in the Pacific while heavily accompanied by UK in Atlantic
    7. Japan starts with bigger fleet than USA
    8. Ships are expensive, less flexible and don’t bring money. Totally opposite of ground units.
    9. Cheaper option of keeping California with mass infantries.
    10. Japan’s ability to outproduce USA even if USA goes fully Pacific.
    11. Combine power’s superiority over the dispersed ones.

    The tons of solid reasons really cannot be reversed inside of classic A&A rules and costings because they will always outweight and discourage USA to split its forces.

    Assigning 1ipc each of Pacific islands would have no effect to change the course of war. We would still stuck forever to the boring Japanese armour blitz in Central Asia, Germany turns into survival mod to wait Japan rescue by taking Moscow,. USA establishing a pipeline through North Africa.

    -Australia factory isn’t needed, it just turns Japan into “take now or never be able to take” mod. Instead I would suggest making USA closer to Australia. Also its no fun because UK would buy nothing other than infantry and they will be unable to effectively participate Pacific campaigns.

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  • @GEN-MANSTEIN I’ll tell you the same thing I told Navalland, which is that if you want to start an interesting conversation, you have to explain what your rules are supposed to accomplish, and how they accomplish that, and why that’s a good thing to accomplish. Everybody likes their own house rules; if we didn’t like them, we wouldn’t keep using them. But you have to do more than just share your stuff and say “my stuff is best.” Otherwise there’s nothing to talk about.

  • I see that both KGF and KJF can work and what is the need to in some way force the US player to commit to some rule that forces away the player options. I am always for player options and increasing the same.

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  • Much more interesting, thank you! Now I can try to go point-by-point and explain why I disagree.

    1. Easier to defeat Germany first and ignore Japan

    If you add IPCs in the South/Central Pacific, then it’s not as easy to ignore Japan, because Japan can grow more powerful while you’re ignoring it. In theory, you could make it harder to “defeat Germany first” by giving Germany more starting infantry.

    1. Easier to mass bombing Germany

    London is a sort of unsinkable carrier, so it’s easier to bomb Berlin from London, which you already own, than to try to outfight the Japanese Navy, seize, e.g., Iwo Jima, and use that as a base for bombing. I hear you. Part of how you balance this is by setting up opportunities to bomb undefended Japanese transports. If the Japanese are pressured to constantly send transports into the south/central Pacific to take or reinforce valuable islands there, then you can bomb those transports from Australia or Hawaii. It’s not precisely the same thing as bombing Germany’s factories, but it winds up having a similar effect.

    1. Germany initially possesses bigger threat than Japan

    That’s part of why I favor factories in India and Australia. Germany initially poses a bigger threat to Moscow than Japan, which is as it should be; Japan’s initial threat should be to the centers of commonwealth production. As the Allies, you should be worried that Germany will take Moscow, Italy will take Cairo, and Japan will take Calcutta, Sydney, and/or Honolulu. Again, you have to put enough IPCs into India/Australia that the Allies will care about that threat almost as much as they care about the threat to Moscow. This might also mean you have to weaken the rules for capital looting – if you can permanently shut down the entire Russian economy just by taking Moscow, that might not be a threat that any number of valuable islands can compete with.

    1. Germany has no enogh money for air coverage unlike Japan.

    I’m still not sure what this one is getting at – it sounds like a bad setup by whichever game you have in mind. If Germany can’t possibly afford to buy decent fighter coverage, then that’s poor scenario design. In my experience Germany can usually buy plenty of fighters if it wants to, it just sometimes has other priorities, which is fine.

    1. More and easily reachable money via Atlantic rather than Pacific.

    That’s exactly what I’m proposing to change – put some more money in the central/south Pacific, and then it’s easier for the US to reach that money earlier in the fight with Japan.

    1. USA is almost alone in the Pacific while heavily accompanied by UK in Atlantic

    Again, this is part of what I’m proposing to change – give the UK a factory or a good factory site in Australia and/or India, and now the UK can heavily accompany the USA in the Pacific as well.

    1. Japan starts with bigger fleet than USA

    That’s fine as long as it’s realistic for the USA to quickly get to parity or superiority, especially in sea zones that are closer to San Francisco than to Tokyo. The ideal is for both sides to have a ‘sphere of influence.’ If Japan will obviously and always control the entire Pacific Ocean, then, sure, USA should go 100% Kill Germany First. If the USA will obviously and always control the entire Pacific, then I guess USA should go 100% Kill Japan First. The way to get the USA to split its forces between the two theaters is to set things up so that the USA can control a part of the Pacific, but not all of it, at least not right away – so the USA will have an incentive to send its starting transports, infantry, etc. to Guadalcanal and Morocco because that’s about how far away from US factories that the US can reliably protect its transports that early in the game. And then of course that demands that the Solomons, north Africa, and so on are worth a non-trivial amount of cash – just because it’s reasonably safe to go there doesn’t guarantee that it’s worthwhile.

    1. Ships are expensive, less flexible and don’t bring money. Totally opposite of ground units.

    That’s fine, and I don’t mind reducing the price of ships, but I still don’t see what that has to do with getting the USA to split its forces between theaters.

    1. Cheaper option of keeping California with mass infantries.

    This ties into what I was saying on #7, above – sure, if you know you can’t contest any valuable portion of the Pacific, better to just give up and garrison California, but if you have a realistic opportunity to fight for the Solomons, Carolines, New Guinea, etc., and those territories are actually worth serious cash, then garrisoning California is cheaper, but it’s also much less rewarding, so the player faces an interesting choice.

    1. Japan’s ability to outproduce USA even if USA goes fully Pacific.

    That’s just poor design; that needs to be fixed on any map.

    1. Combine power’s superiority over the dispersed ones.

    This is always going to be a factor; it’s always useful to gang up on one opponent at a time. So the trick is to design the game in such a way that it’s rare or impossible to win a quick, total victory against a skilled defender, so that if you try going all out for, e.g., killing Germany on turn 5 then you’re likely to stall out and give Japan a chance to get huge. One option I’m working with in my Midddleweight map is having infantry defend at 3. The World at War series has infantry costing only 2 IPCs, instead. Either change tend to make it harder to quickly bowl over any given opponent.

  • @GEN-MANSTEIN You ignored my request to explain what you’re trying to accomplish with your house rules, and instead you just posted more pictures of your house rules. I’m glad you like your game, but you’re not adding anything to this conversation.

  • Well one suggestion was Use Victory city’s worth points to force US to have to spend more of a 50-50 40-60 But I guess Ill just get out of this convo since my game is way bigger then the normal AA games and probably looking for baby changes. I will remove my posts in a bit.

  • @GEN-MANSTEIN Thank, you Gen. Manstein; I appreciate that. And I do like your game and I think there are some really cool ideas in there that I would love to discuss! Go ahead and start your own thread and tag me on it, and I’ll join you there. :)

  • @Argothair

    -Assigning 1ipc values to the Pacific Islands would certainly help and encourage Japan to invade them but I doubt USA will try to retake them. For balance purpose, Japan has to start with significantly bigger fleet than the Allies. It requires minimum 15 ipc (transport+destroyer) just to invade one of the island with a protection. Even if Japan lose some of them, she is still capable of compensating these loses with another conquests. While if USA just ignores Japan, the huge Japanese fleet lose its all combat value suddenly for a long time.

    -Yes, the capital rule does not make sense. Nations should be able to collect income and mobilize units even if their capitals are fallen. Also no losing all of incomes when capital is lost.

    -That’s why I think Germany is too weak and Japan is absurdly too strong in A&A games which should have been the other way around and it results Germany just spamming infantry and waiting Japan ro rescue. It makes no sense. Historically by far the strongest Axis country should not have badly needed Japan’s and Italy’s helps to just stay even alive. This aspects also encourage USA to go only one front since if Uk-Russia is strong enough to defeat Germany-Italy. USA could choose to go Pacific only to just secure the British colonies but still no two ocean going USA unfortunately.

    -Ipc vaules are known very abstract but still it would look very weird if these Pacific islands worth more than 1 except Hawaii. For example Australia was obviously a lot more than twice valuable than Guinea yet having Australia just twice valuable than Guinea is somewhat justifiable for playability but Australia cannot be same with Guinea. It would totally negate all WWII feelings as much as the Japanese tanks storming Moscow.
    If Guinea becomes 2 then Australia should be minimum 4, India 5 or 6, South Africa 3, Egypt 3, Hawaii 2 etc.

    -Having both Indian and Australian factories can actually help Japan more then Allies since if Japan concantrated southwest Pacific with East Indies Factories, UK might find itself spending more money than Japan in this area to just defend these factories because the Japanese units will be in range in both factories simultaneously considering USA needs 2 rounds to reinforce Australia.That’s why I’am fine with Indian factory but not with Australian factory.

    -A solid way preventing USA going Pacific only is making UK-Russia doomed to fall without strong US assist in Europe. Preventing USA going only Atlantic is uhm… well I do believe not possible in A&A maps with its rules and cost structures. Totally needs redrawings, revaluings, new rules and costings.

    -Expensive ships discourage naval investments for both sides when fighters just do well better than them with similar costs. Destroyer is too expensive for even mimic infantry abilities on sea such as blocking, baiting, deadzoning etc. Of course reducing ship costs do not magically create two ocean going USA, it is just one of the indispensible condition to achieve that. The expensive ships also reason too why Germany and Russia don’t build navy either.

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