@MGregersen said in G40 Redesign (currently taking suggestions):
@baron-Münchhausen Does a definite document with these interesting changes exist so that it could be applied to the G40 board version?
Hi everyone!
I’m pretty busy during lock down.
Just a few minutes to say hello.
Especially to a new member, Mr Gregersen.
I’ve got a lot of various of Word doc for different games and roster. But no definite. The most useful way to find what suit your game is to pick a few House rule from Barney’s TripleA development. And see what you feel working.
IMO, there is so much fun to tweak a few things to see if it improves the flow of the game according to your taste and of your friends.
For my parts, I like boats and naval battle a lot. So I tend to increase ships building with lower cost.
But to what extend can you play while affecting balance somehow.
Barney is the one which play test the beast more intensively. He can surely give a bit of advice about what worth a try.
If you want some Word file to tweak with I can share one.
Have fun and take care all of you.
There is a nasty virus outside, be safe everyone.