1914 NML - Total Annihilation

  • @captainwalker said in 1914 NML - Total Annihilation:

    I really wanted to wait another round to attack Mecca but ,given the current situation , I figured it wouldn’t matter much if I didn’t take it this turn and lost everything.

    Ah yes, talk and DESPERATION as British tentacles close in on your empire! In the pitch yet pointless battle in Mecca.

    Britian scores -8.83 in dice differential and the best part is that it doesn’t even matter :) Scores of imperial troops will continue to storm your Central power shores! Whilst my allies toil and hold their lines. KNOW that the British empire will not stop, and the sun will never set on this great empire!

    Actually - Britain and Turkey have a pretty cool fight coming. Turks with Control of the air, but Britain with control of the sea. Front lines at Egypt and India. It will be all about how much britian decides to dedicate Between Germany, and Turkey that will decide.

    Main factor preventing the CP from a chance of recovery this game? No naval presence on the board - period.

    What’s going to END this game? The moment Britain gets Industry tech.

  • Liaison TripleA '11 '10

    $169 = British Income
    $314 = CP income

    169/314 = 53%

  • '23 '21 '20 '19 '17 '16 '15 '13

    the sands of Arabia will be red with British blood and the ocean floor will be littered with the hulls of British ships!

  • TripleA Turn Summary: Russia round 8

    TripleA Turn Summary for game: Domination 1914 No Man’s Land, version: 1.0

    Game History

    Round: 8
        Research Technology - Russia
                Russia rolls : 1/1 hits, 0.00 expected hits
            Russia removing all Technology Tokens after successful research.
            Russia discover propaganda
        Combat Move - Russia
            2 conscripts moved from Belarus to Odessa
            1 fighter moved from Belarus to Odessa
            1 conscript moved from Belarus to Dnieper
            1 infantry moved from Crimea to Dnieper
            2 infantry moved from Latvia to Lithuania
            1 field_gun moved from Latvia to Lithuania
            1 fighter moved from Belarus to Lithuania
            1 fighter moved from Moscow to Caucasus
            1 field_gun moved from Don to Caucasus
            1 conscript moved from Don to Caucasus
            2 infantry moved from Don to Caucasus
            1 fighter moved from Belarus to Volgograd
            6 cavalrys moved from Don to Dnieper
            2 cavalrys moved from Smolensk to Dnieper
            1 field_gun moved from Don to Dnieper
            1 conscript moved from Ryazan to Volgograd
            1 infantry moved from Don to Volgograd
            1 field_gun moved from Don to Volgograd
        Purchase Units - Russia
            Russia buy 14 conscripts, 1 field_gun, 1 fighter, 2 infantry and 4 trenchs; Remaining resources: 6 PUs; 0 techTokens; 
        Combat - Russia
            Battle in Dnieper
                Russia attack with 8 cavalrys, 1 conscript, 1 field_gun and 1 infantry
                Austria defend with 1 field_gun
                    Russia roll dice for 8 cavalrys, 1 conscript, 1 field_gun and 1 infantry in Dnieper, round 2 : 3/11 hits, 2.00 expected hits
                    Austria roll dice for 1 field_gun in Dnieper, round 2 : 0/1 hits, 0.33 expected hits
                    1 field_gun owned by the Austria lost in Dnieper
                Russia win, taking Dnieper from Austria with 8 cavalrys, 1 conscript, 1 field_gun and 1 infantry remaining. Battle score for attacker is 4
                Casualties for Austria: 1 field_gun
            Battle in Odessa
                Russia attack with 2 conscripts and 1 fighter
                Austria defend with 1 infantry
                    Russia roll dice for 2 conscripts and 1 fighter in Odessa, round 2 : 0/2 hits, 0.50 expected hits
                    Austria roll dice for 1 infantry in Odessa, round 2 : 1/1 hits, 0.33 expected hits
                    1 conscript owned by the Russia lost in Odessa
                    Russia roll dice for 1 conscript and 1 fighter in Odessa, round 3 : 0/2 hits, 0.50 expected hits
                    Austria roll dice for 1 infantry in Odessa, round 3 : 0/1 hits, 0.33 expected hits
                    Russia roll dice for 1 conscript and 1 fighter in Odessa, round 4 : 1/2 hits, 0.50 expected hits
                    Austria roll dice for 1 infantry in Odessa, round 4 : 0/1 hits, 0.33 expected hits
                    1 infantry owned by the Austria lost in Odessa
                Russia win, taking Odessa from Austria with 1 conscript and 1 fighter remaining. Battle score for attacker is 1
                Casualties for Russia: 1 conscript
                Casualties for Austria: 1 infantry
            Battle in Lithuania
                Russia attack with 1 field_gun, 1 fighter and 2 infantry
                Germany defend with 1 field_gun and 1 infantry
                    Russia roll dice for 1 field_gun, 1 fighter and 2 infantry in Lithuania, round 2 : 0/4 hits, 1.33 expected hits
                    Germany roll dice for 1 field_gun and 1 infantry in Lithuania, round 2 : 1/2 hits, 0.67 expected hits
                    1 infantry owned by the Russia lost in Lithuania
                    Russia roll dice for 1 field_gun, 1 fighter and 1 infantry in Lithuania, round 3 : 2/3 hits, 1.00 expected hits
                    Germany roll dice for 1 field_gun and 1 infantry in Lithuania, round 3 : 2/2 hits, 0.67 expected hits
                    1 field_gun owned by the Germany, 1 infantry owned by the Germany, 1 field_gun owned by the Russia and 1 infantry owned by the Russia lost in Lithuania
                Russia win with 1 fighter remaining. Battle score for attacker is -3
                Casualties for Russia: 1 field_gun and 2 infantry
                Casualties for Germany: 1 field_gun and 1 infantry
            Battle in Caucasus
                Russia attack with 1 conscript, 1 field_gun, 1 fighter and 2 infantry
                Turkey defend with 1 heavy_gun and 2 infantry
                    Russia roll dice for 1 conscript, 1 field_gun, 1 fighter and 2 infantry in Caucasus, round 2 : 0/5 hits, 1.33 expected hits
                    Turkey roll dice for 1 heavy_gun and 2 infantry in Caucasus, round 2 : 2/3 hits, 1.33 expected hits
                    1 infantry owned by the Russia and 1 conscript owned by the Russia lost in Caucasus
                    Russia roll dice for 1 field_gun, 1 fighter and 1 infantry in Caucasus, round 3 : 2/3 hits, 1.00 expected hits
                    Turkey roll dice for 1 heavy_gun and 2 infantry in Caucasus, round 3 : 1/3 hits, 1.33 expected hits
                    1 infantry owned by the Russia and 2 infantry owned by the Turkey lost in Caucasus
                    Russia roll dice for 1 field_gun and 1 fighter in Caucasus, round 4 : 2/2 hits, 0.67 expected hits
                    Turkey roll dice for 1 heavy_gun in Caucasus, round 4 : 0/1 hits, 0.67 expected hits
                    1 heavy_gun owned by the Turkey lost in Caucasus
                Russia win, taking Caucasus from Turkey with 1 field_gun and 1 fighter remaining. Battle score for attacker is 3
                Casualties for Russia: 1 conscript and 2 infantry
                Casualties for Turkey: 1 heavy_gun and 2 infantry
            Battle in Volgograd
                Russia attack with 1 conscript, 1 field_gun, 1 fighter and 1 infantry
                Communists defend with 1 conscript, 1 field_gun and 1 infantry
                    Russia roll dice for 1 conscript, 1 field_gun, 1 fighter and 1 infantry in Volgograd, round 2 : 1/4 hits, 1.17 expected hits
                    Communists roll dice for 1 conscript, 1 field_gun and 1 infantry in Volgograd, round 2 : 0/3 hits, 0.83 expected hits
                    1 conscript owned by the Communists lost in Volgograd
                    Russia roll dice for 1 conscript, 1 field_gun, 1 fighter and 1 infantry in Volgograd, round 3 : 1/4 hits, 1.17 expected hits
                    Communists roll dice for 1 field_gun and 1 infantry in Volgograd, round 3 : 0/2 hits, 0.67 expected hits
                    1 infantry owned by the Communists lost in Volgograd
                    Russia roll dice for 1 conscript, 1 field_gun, 1 fighter and 1 infantry in Volgograd, round 4 : 1/4 hits, 1.17 expected hits
                    Communists roll dice for 1 field_gun in Volgograd, round 4 : 0/1 hits, 0.33 expected hits
                    1 field_gun owned by the Communists lost in Volgograd
                Russia win, taking Volgograd from Communists with 1 conscript, 1 field_gun, 1 fighter and 1 infantry remaining. Battle score for attacker is 9
                Casualties for Communists: 1 conscript, 1 field_gun and 1 infantry
        Non Combat Move - Russia
            1 fighter moved from Caucasus to Don
            1 fighter moved from Volgograd to Don
            1 conscript moved from Moscow to Ryazan
            4 conscripts moved from Moscow to Don
            6 conscripts moved from Minsk to Belarus
            1 fighter moved from Odessa to Don
            1 fighter moved from Lithuania to Don
            1 conscript moved from Pskov to Latvia
            1 conscript moved from Pskov to Smolensk
            1 infantry moved from Novgorod to Archangelsk
            2 infantry moved from Novgorod to Tver
            2 field_guns moved from Novgorod to Tver
            1 infantry moved from Novgorod to Tver
            1 field_gun moved from Primorsky to Khabarovsk
            2 conscripts moved from Primorsky to Khabarovsk
            3 conscripts moved from Vladivostok to Primorsky
            1 conscript moved from Magadan to Khabarovsk
        Place Units - Russia
            2 trenchs placed in Belarus
            3 conscripts, 1 field_gun, 1 infantry and 2 trenchs placed in Irkutsk
            3 conscripts placed in Vladivostok
            6 conscripts placed in Minsk
            2 conscripts, 1 fighter and 1 infantry placed in Moscow
        Activate Technology - Russia
            Russia activating propaganda
            Trigger RussiaP: Russia has 3 infantry placed in St. Petersburg
        Turn Complete - Russia
            Russia collect 60 PUs; end with 66 PUs

    Combat Hit Differential Summary :

    Austria : -0.33
    Turkey : -0.33
    Russia rolls : : 1.00
    Communists : -1.83
    Germany : 1.67
    Russia : 0.67

    Territory Summary for Russia :

    Amur : 1 conscript
    Archangelsk : 1 conscript, 1 infantry and 1 trench
    Belarus : 6 conscripts, 9 field_guns, 5 infantry and 11 trenchs
    Caucasus : 1 field_gun
    Dnieper : 8 cavalrys, 1 conscript, 1 field_gun and 1 infantry
    Don : 4 conscripts, 2 field_guns and 4 fighters
    Irkutsk : 1 Factory, 15 conscripts, 5 field_guns, 1 heavy_gun, 9 infantry and 6 trenchs
    Khabarovsk : 11 conscripts, 5 field_guns and 7 infantry
    Koryak : 2 trenchs
    Latvia : 1 conscript
    Minsk : 1 Factory and 6 conscripts
    Novgorod : 2 conscripts and 1 infantry
    Odessa : 1 conscript
    Primorsky : 3 conscripts
    Ryazan : 1 conscript and 1 trench
    Smolensk : 1 conscript
    St. Petersburg : 1 Factory, 3 infantry and 4 trenchs
    Tver : 1 conscript, 2 field_guns, 3 infantry and 1 trench
    Vladivostok : 1 Factory, 3 conscripts and 3 trenchs
    Volgograd : 1 conscript, 1 field_gun and 1 infantry
    Moscow : 1 flag, 1 Factory, 2 conscripts, 1 fighter and 1 infantry
    Sea Zone 64 Sea of Azov : 1 battlecruiser
    Sea Zone 65 Caspian Sea : 1 transport


  • Tsarist Russia survives another turn while its allies win this game! :face_with_head_bandage:

  • Liaison TripleA '11 '10

    with complete and unimpeded access to your Capital now, Britain can entirely assure you that no harm will come to your nations most prestigious city!

    Keep fighting on!

  • TripleA

    TripleA Turn Summary: Communists round 8

    TripleA Turn Summary for game: Domination 1914 No Man’s Land, version: 1.0

    Game History

    Round: 8
        Research Technology - Communists
            Communists spend 5 on tech rolls
                Communists roll 6,6 and gets 2 hits
            Communists removing all Technology Tokens after successful research.
            Communists discover workingWomen
        Combat Move - Communists
            1 cavalry, 1 conscript and 2 field_guns moved from Kazakhstan to Volgograd
            1 field_gun moved from Kazakhstan to Volgograd
            1 late_fighter moved from Yakutsk to Amur
            2 conscripts moved from Aldan to Amur
        Purchase Units - Communists
            Communists buy 8 conscripts and 7 field_guns; Remaining resources: 0 PUs; 0 techTokens; 
        Combat - Communists
            Battle in Amur
                Communists attack with 2 conscripts and 1 late_fighter
                Russia defend with 1 conscript
                    Communists roll dice for 2 conscripts and 1 late_fighter in Amur, round 2 : 1/2 hits, 0.67 expected hits
                    Russia roll dice for 1 conscript in Amur, round 2 : 0/1 hits, 0.17 expected hits
                    1 conscript owned by the Russia lost in Amur
                Communists win, taking Amur from Russia with 2 conscripts and 1 late_fighter remaining. Battle score for attacker is 2
                Casualties for Russia: 1 conscript
            Battle in Volgograd
                Communists attack with 1 cavalry, 1 conscript and 3 field_guns
                Russia defend with 1 conscript, 1 field_gun and 1 infantry
                    Communists roll dice for 1 cavalry, 1 conscript and 3 field_guns in Volgograd, round 2 : 1/5 hits, 1.50 expected hits
                    Russia roll dice for 1 conscript, 1 field_gun and 1 infantry in Volgograd, round 2 : 0/3 hits, 0.83 expected hits
                    1 conscript owned by the Russia lost in Volgograd
                    Communists roll dice for 1 cavalry, 1 conscript and 3 field_guns in Volgograd, round 3 : 2/5 hits, 1.50 expected hits
                    Russia roll dice for 1 field_gun and 1 infantry in Volgograd, round 3 : 0/2 hits, 0.67 expected hits
                    1 field_gun owned by the Russia and 1 infantry owned by the Russia lost in Volgograd
                Communists win, taking Volgograd from Russia with 1 cavalry, 1 conscript and 3 field_guns remaining. Battle score for attacker is 9
                Casualties for Russia: 1 conscript, 1 field_gun and 1 infantry
        Non Combat Move - Communists
            1 conscript and 1 field_gun moved from Omsk to Kazakhstan
            4 cavalrys moved from Novosibirsk to Kazakhstan
            1 late_fighter moved from Amur to Aldan
            1 conscript and 1 field_gun moved from Sakhe to Aldan
            4 conscripts, 4 field_guns and 3 infantry moved from Yakutsk to Aldan
            6 field_guns moved from Aldan to Bratsk
            4 infantry moved from Aldan to Bratsk
        Place Units - Communists
            1 conscript and 1 field_gun placed in Omsk
            7 conscripts and 6 field_guns placed in Yakutsk
        Activate Technology - Communists
            Communists activating workingWomen
            Trigger CommunistsT1: buyfield_gun_w added to productionCommunists
            Trigger CommunistsT1: buyheavy_gun_w added to productionCommunists
            Trigger CommunistsT1: buyfield_gun removed from productionCommunists
            Trigger CommunistsT1: buyheavy_gun removed from productionCommunists
            Trigger CommunistsT1: buygas_w added to productionCommunists
            Trigger CommunistsT1: buyfighter_w added to productionCommunists
            Trigger CommunistsT1: buygas removed from productionCommunists
            Trigger CommunistsT1: buyfighter removed from productionCommunists
            Trigger CommunistsP: Communists has 3 infantry placed in Yakutsk
        Turn Complete - Communists
            Communists collect 50 PUs; end with 50 PUs

    Combat Hit Differential Summary :

    Communists : 0.33
    Russia : -1.67


  • TripleA Turn Summary: USA round 8

    TripleA Turn Summary for game: Domination 1914 No Man’s Land, version: 1.0

    Game History

    Round: 8
        Research Technology - USA
            USA spend 5 on tech rolls
                USA roll 6,3,6,2,4,4 and gets 2 hits
            USA removing all Technology Tokens after successful research.
            USA discover fleetaction
        Combat Move - USA
            2 cavalrys moved from Chukotka to Sakhe
            1 field_gun moved from Chukotka to Sakhe
            4 field_guns and 3 infantry moved from Morocco to Sea Zone 53 Mid Atlantic
            4 field_guns, 3 infantry and 4 transports moved from Sea Zone 53 Mid Atlantic to Sea Zone 33 Mid Atlantic
            1 field_gun moved from Andalusia to Algarve
            4 field_guns and 3 infantry moved from Sea Zone 33 Mid Atlantic to Algarve
        Purchase Units - USA
            USA buy 2 Factorys, 2 field_guns, 6 infantry and 1 transport; Remaining resources: 0 PUs; 0 techTokens; 
        Combat - USA
            Battle in Sakhe
                USA attack with 2 cavalrys and 1 field_gun
                Communists defend with 1 conscript
                    USA roll dice for 2 cavalrys and 1 field_gun in Sakhe, round 2 : 1/3 hits, 0.83 expected hits
                    Communists roll dice for 1 conscript in Sakhe, round 2 : 0/1 hits, 0.17 expected hits
                    1 conscript owned by the Communists lost in Sakhe
                USA win, taking Sakhe from Communists with 2 cavalrys and 1 field_gun remaining. Battle score for attacker is 2
                Casualties for Communists: 1 conscript
            Battle in Algarve
                USA attack with 5 field_guns and 3 infantry
                Neutral defend with 6 infantry
                    USA roll dice for 5 field_guns and 3 infantry in Algarve, round 2 : 2/8 hits, 2.67 expected hits
                    Neutral roll dice for 6 infantry in Algarve, round 2 : 1/6 hits, 2.00 expected hits
                    2 infantry owned by the Neutral and 1 infantry owned by the USA lost in Algarve
                    USA roll dice for 5 field_guns and 2 infantry in Algarve, round 3 : 3/7 hits, 2.33 expected hits
                    Neutral roll dice for 4 infantry in Algarve, round 3 : 3/4 hits, 1.33 expected hits
                    3 infantry owned by the Neutral, 1 field_gun owned by the USA and 2 infantry owned by the USA lost in Algarve
                    USA roll dice for 4 field_guns in Algarve, round 4 : 0/4 hits, 1.33 expected hits
                    Neutral roll dice for 1 infantry in Algarve, round 4 : 0/1 hits, 0.33 expected hits
                    USA roll dice for 4 field_guns in Algarve, round 5 : 1/4 hits, 1.33 expected hits
                    Neutral roll dice for 1 infantry in Algarve, round 5 : 0/1 hits, 0.33 expected hits
                    1 infantry owned by the Neutral lost in Algarve
                USA loses 0 PUs for violating Algarves neutrality.
                USA win, taking Algarve from Neutral with 4 field_guns remaining. Battle score for attacker is 5
                Casualties for USA: 1 field_gun and 3 infantry
                Casualties for Neutral: 6 infantry
        Non Combat Move - USA
            1 field_gun, 1 infantry and 1 transport moved from Sea Zone 34 Mid Atlantic to Sea Zone 33 Mid Atlantic
            1 field_gun and 1 infantry moved from Sea Zone 33 Mid Atlantic to Algarve
            1 field_gun and 1 infantry moved from Charleston to Sea Zone 30 Mid Atlantic
            1 field_gun and 1 infantry moved from New York to Sea Zone 29 Mid Atlantic
            1 field_gun, 1 infantry and 1 transport moved from Sea Zone 29 Mid Atlantic to Sea Zone 32 Sargasso Sea
            1 field_gun, 1 infantry and 1 transport moved from Sea Zone 30 Mid Atlantic to Sea Zone 32 Sargasso Sea
            2 field_guns moved from San Francisco to Sea Zone 153 Pacific Ocean
            1 cavalry moved from San Francisco to Sea Zone 153 Pacific Ocean
            2 infantry moved from San Francisco to Sea Zone 153 Pacific Ocean
            1 infantry moved from California to Sea Zone 153 Pacific Ocean
            1 cavalry, 2 field_guns, 3 infantry and 3 transports moved from Sea Zone 153 Pacific Ocean to Sea Zone 151 Bering Sea
            3 transports moved from Sea Zone 151 Bering Sea to Sea Zone 153 Pacific Ocean
            1 fighter moved from Oregon to Aleutian Islands
            3 infantry moved from Chukotka to Magadan
            1 cavalry, 2 field_guns and 3 infantry moved from Sea Zone 151 Bering Sea to Chukotka
            1 transport moved from Sea Zone 140 Sea of Okhotsk to Sea Zone 139 Sea of Okhotsk
            1 field_gun and 1 infantry moved from Tohoku to Sea Zone 139 Sea of Okhotsk
            1 field_gun, 1 infantry and 1 transport moved from Sea Zone 139 Sea of Okhotsk to Sea Zone 140 Sea of Okhotsk
            1 field_gun and 1 infantry moved from Sea Zone 140 Sea of Okhotsk to Magadan
            1 field_gun and 1 infantry moved from Manila to Sea Zone 130 Philippine Sea
            1 field_gun, 1 infantry and 1 transport moved from Sea Zone 130 Philippine Sea to Sea Zone 142 Pacific Ocean
            1 transport moved from Sea Zone 142 Pacific Ocean to Sea Zone 130 Philippine Sea
            1 field_gun and 1 infantry moved from Sea Zone 142 Pacific Ocean to Tohoku
            2 destroyers moved from Sea Zone 145 Pacific Ocean to Sea Zone 134 Pacific Ocean
            4 destroyers moved from Sea Zone 46 Caribbean Sea to Sea Zone 108 Pacific Ocean
        Place Units - USA
            1 Factory placed in Honolulu
            1 field_gun and 1 infantry placed in Manila
            1 transport placed in Sea Zone 153 Pacific Ocean
            4 infantry placed in San Francisco
            1 field_gun and 1 infantry placed in California
            1 Factory placed in Andalusia
        Activate Technology - USA
            USA activating fleetaction
        Turn Complete - USA
            USA collect 81 PUs; end with 81 PUs

    Combat Hit Differential Summary :

    Neutral : 0.00
    USA : -1.50
    Communists : -0.17


  • '20 '18 '17 '15

    TripleA Turn Summary: Germany round 9

    TripleA Turn Summary for game: Domination 1914 No Man’s Land, version: 1.0

    Game History

    Round: 9
        Research Technology - Germany
            Germany spend 10 on tech rolls
                Germany roll 3,3,5 and gets 0 hits
        Combat Move - Germany
            7 infantry moved from West Prussia to Pomerania
            8 infantry moved from Bavaria to Nassau
            2 fighters and 3 infantry moved from Wurttemburg to Alsace
            2 field_guns and 7 infantry moved from Mecklenburg to Hanover
            2 stormtruppens moved from Saxony to Hanover
            3 infantry and 1 stormtruppen moved from Berlin to Saxony
            5 infantry moved from Saxony to Hanover
            9 infantry moved from Holstein to Denmark
            2 infantry moved from Eastern Poland to Lithuania
            1 cavalry moved from Congo to Gabon
                  Germany take Gabon from France
            1 cavalry moved from Gabon to Congo
            3 infantry moved from Uganda to Western Sudan
                  Germany take Western Sudan from Britain
            1 cavalry moved from British East Africa to British Somaliland
                  Germany take British Somaliland from Britain
            1 infantry moved from German East Africa to British East Africa
            2 infantry moved from Dar es Salaam to German East Africa
            1 infantry moved from German East Africa to Northern Rhodesia
            1 cavalry and 1 infantry moved from Congo to Northern Rhodesia
            1 infantry moved from Dar es Salaam to German East Africa
        Purchase Units - Germany
            Germany buy 4 field_guns, 23 infantry, 1 stormtruppen and 6 trenchs; Remaining resources: 1 PUs; 3 techTokens; 
        Combat - Germany
            Battle in Hanover
                Germany attack with 2 field_guns, 12 infantry and 2 stormtruppens
                Britain defend with 3 field_guns and 6 heavy_guns
                    Germany roll dice for 2 field_guns, 12 infantry and 2 stormtruppens in Hanover, round 2 : 3/16 hits, 3.67 expected hits
                    Britain roll dice for 3 field_guns and 6 heavy_guns in Hanover, round 2 : 6/9 hits, 5.00 expected hits
                    6 infantry owned by the Germany and 3 field_guns owned by the Britain lost in Hanover
                    Germany roll dice for 2 field_guns, 6 infantry and 2 stormtruppens in Hanover, round 3 : 4/10 hits, 2.67 expected hits
                    Britain roll dice for 6 heavy_guns in Hanover, round 3 : 4/6 hits, 4.00 expected hits
                    4 infantry owned by the Germany and 4 heavy_guns owned by the Britain lost in Hanover
                    Germany roll dice for 2 field_guns, 2 infantry and 2 stormtruppens in Hanover, round 4 : 3/6 hits, 2.00 expected hits
                    Britain roll dice for 2 heavy_guns in Hanover, round 4 : 2/2 hits, 1.33 expected hits
                    2 infantry owned by the Germany and 2 heavy_guns owned by the Britain lost in Hanover
                Germany win, taking Hanover from Britain with 2 field_guns and 2 stormtruppens remaining. Battle score for attacker is 6
                Casualties for Germany: 12 infantry
                Casualties for Britain: 3 field_guns and 6 heavy_guns
            Battle in Alsace
                Germany attack with 2 fighters and 3 infantry
                France defend with 1 field_gun and 1 infantry
                    Germany roll dice for 2 fighters and 3 infantry in Alsace, round 2 : 2/5 hits, 1.50 expected hits
                    France roll dice for 1 field_gun and 1 infantry in Alsace, round 2 : 0/2 hits, 0.67 expected hits
                    1 field_gun owned by the France and 1 infantry owned by the France lost in Alsace
                Germany win, taking Alsace from France with 2 fighters and 3 infantry remaining. Battle score for attacker is 7
                Casualties for France: 1 field_gun and 1 infantry
            Battle in Denmark
                Germany attack with 9 infantry
                Britain defend with 1 field_gun and 1 infantry
                    Germany roll dice for 9 infantry in Denmark, round 2 : 3/9 hits, 1.50 expected hits
                    Britain roll dice for 1 field_gun and 1 infantry in Denmark, round 2 : 0/2 hits, 0.67 expected hits
                    1 infantry owned by the Britain and 1 field_gun owned by the Britain lost in Denmark
                Germany win, taking Denmark from Britain with 9 infantry remaining. Battle score for attacker is 7
                Casualties for Britain: 1 field_gun and 1 infantry
            Battle in Nassau
                Germany attack with 8 infantry
                France defend with 2 field_guns
                    Germany roll dice for 8 infantry in Nassau, round 2 : 1/8 hits, 1.33 expected hits
                    France roll dice for 2 field_guns in Nassau, round 2 : 0/2 hits, 0.67 expected hits
                    1 field_gun owned by the France lost in Nassau
                    Germany roll dice for 8 infantry in Nassau, round 3 : 2/8 hits, 1.33 expected hits
                    France roll dice for 1 field_gun in Nassau, round 3 : 1/1 hits, 0.33 expected hits
                    1 infantry owned by the Germany and 1 field_gun owned by the France lost in Nassau
                Germany win, taking Nassau from France with 7 infantry remaining. Battle score for attacker is 5
                Casualties for France: 2 field_guns
                Casualties for Germany: 1 infantry
            Battle in Pomerania
                Germany attack with 7 infantry
                Britain defend with 1 field_gun and 1 infantry
                    Germany roll dice for 7 infantry in Pomerania, round 2 : 3/7 hits, 1.17 expected hits
                    Britain roll dice for 1 field_gun and 1 infantry in Pomerania, round 2 : 1/2 hits, 0.67 expected hits
                    1 infantry owned by the Germany, 1 infantry owned by the Britain and 1 field_gun owned by the Britain lost in Pomerania
                Germany win, taking Pomerania from Britain with 6 infantry remaining. Battle score for attacker is 4
                Casualties for Germany: 1 infantry
                Casualties for Britain: 1 field_gun and 1 infantry
        Non Combat Move - Germany
            2 fighters moved from Alsace to Wurttemburg
        Place Units - Germany
            1 field_gun, 6 infantry and 3 trenchs placed in West Prussia
            2 field_guns, 7 infantry and 1 trench placed in Mecklenburg
            2 trenchs placed in Wurttemburg
            1 field_gun and 8 infantry placed in Bavaria
            2 infantry placed in Warsaw
            1 stormtruppen placed in Berlin
            Germany undo move 5.
            2 infantry placed in Dar es Salaam
        Activate Technology - Germany
            Trigger GermanyP: Germany has 3 infantry placed in Berlin
        Turn Complete - Germany
            Germany collect 111 PUs; end with 112 PUs

    Combat Hit Differential Summary :

    Britain : 1.33
    France : -0.67
    Germany : 5.83


  • TripleA Turn Summary: France round 9

    TripleA Turn Summary for game: Domination 1914 No Man’s Land, version: 1.0

    Game History

    Round: 9
        Research Technology - France
                France roll 3,6,6,2 and gets 2 hits
            France removing all Technology Tokens after successful research.
            France discover creepingBarage
        Combat Move - France
            1 field_gun and 2 infantry moved from Champagne to Alsace
            1 cavalry moved from Paris to Alsace
            1 cavalry moved from Paris to Alsace
            1 infantry moved from Belgium to Rhine
            1 infantry moved from Belgium to Rhine
            1 infantry moved from Paris to Champagne
            1 transport moved from Sea Zone 15 English Channel to Sea Zone 25 Mid Atlantic
            1 infantry moved from Brittany to Sea Zone 25 Mid Atlantic
            1 infantry moved from Brittany to Sea Zone 25 Mid Atlantic
            2 infantry and 1 transport moved from Sea Zone 25 Mid Atlantic to Sea Zone 15 English Channel
            2 infantry moved from Sea Zone 15 English Channel to Amsterdam
            1 colonial moved from Tuscany to Venice
            1 colonial moved from Tuscany to Venice
            1 transport moved from Sea Zone 57 Ligurian Sea to Sea Zone 55 Western Mediterranean
            1 colonial moved from Algiers to Sea Zone 55 Western Mediterranean
            1 colonial moved from Algiers to Sea Zone 55 Western Mediterranean
            2 colonials and 1 transport moved from Sea Zone 55 Western Mediterranean to Sea Zone 57 Ligurian Sea
            1 colonial moved from Sea Zone 57 Ligurian Sea to Tuscany
            1 colonial moved from Sea Zone 57 Ligurian Sea to Tuscany
            1 colonial moved from Bosnia to Baranya
            3 colonials moved from Croatia to Baranya
            1 transport moved from Sea Zone 79 Arabian Sea to Sea Zone 81 Bay of Bengal
            1 colonial moved from Westphalia to Nassau
            1 field_gun moved from Westphalia to Nassau
            1 gas moved from Paris to Nassau
            1 gas moved from Paris to Nassau
            1 gas moved from Paris to Nassau
            1 field_gun moved from Rhine to Nassau
            1 cavalry moved from Rhine to Nassau
            1 field_gun moved from Westphalia to Nassau
            1 cavalry moved from Rhine to Nassau
            1 cavalry moved from Rhine to Nassau
            1 cavalry moved from Paris to Rhine
            1 cavalry moved from Paris to Rhine
            1 fighter moved from Westphalia to Nassau
            1 fighter moved from Rhine to Alsace
        Purchase Units - France
            France buy 3 cavalrys, 4 colonials, 2 field_guns, 8 gass, 6 infantry and 4 trenchs; Remaining resources: 0 PUs; 0 techTokens; 
        Combat - France
            Battle in Nassau
                France attack with 3 cavalrys, 1 colonial, 3 field_guns, 1 fighter and 3 gass
                Germany defend with 7 infantry
                    France roll dice for 3 gass in Nassau, round 2 : 1/3 hits, 2.00 expected hits
                    1 infantry owned by the Germany lost in Nassau
                    3 gass owned by the France lost in Nassau
                    France roll dice for 3 cavalrys, 1 colonial, 3 field_guns and 1 fighter in Nassau, round 2 : 4/8 hits, 2.83 expected hits
                    Germany roll dice for 6 infantry in Nassau, round 2 : 1/6 hits, 2.00 expected hits
                    4 infantry owned by the Germany and 1 cavalry owned by the France lost in Nassau
                    France roll dice for 2 cavalrys, 1 colonial, 3 field_guns and 1 fighter in Nassau, round 3 : 7/7 hits, 2.50 expected hits
                    Germany roll dice for 2 infantry in Nassau, round 3 : 1/2 hits, 0.67 expected hits
                    2 infantry owned by the Germany and 1 cavalry owned by the France lost in Nassau
                France win, taking Nassau from Germany with 1 cavalry, 1 colonial, 3 field_guns and 1 fighter remaining. Battle score for attacker is 1
                Casualties for Germany: 7 infantry
                Casualties for France: 2 cavalrys and 3 gass
            Battle in Baranya
                France attack with 4 colonials
                Austria defend with 1 cavalry and 2 infantry
                    France roll dice for 4 colonials in Baranya, round 2 : 2/4 hits, 1.33 expected hits
                    Austria roll dice for 1 cavalry and 2 infantry in Baranya, round 2 : 2/3 hits, 0.83 expected hits
                    1 cavalry owned by the Austria, 1 infantry owned by the Austria and 2 colonials owned by the France lost in Baranya
                    France roll dice for 2 colonials in Baranya, round 3 : 2/2 hits, 0.67 expected hits
                    Austria roll dice for 1 infantry in Baranya, round 3 : 0/1 hits, 0.33 expected hits
                    1 infantry owned by the Austria lost in Baranya
                France win, taking Baranya from Austria with 2 colonials remaining. Battle score for attacker is 4
                Casualties for France: 2 colonials
                Casualties for Austria: 1 cavalry and 2 infantry
            Battle in Alsace
                France attack with 2 cavalrys, 1 field_gun, 1 fighter and 2 infantry
                Germany defend with 3 infantry
                    France roll dice for 2 cavalrys, 1 field_gun, 1 fighter and 2 infantry in Alsace, round 2 : 1/6 hits, 1.67 expected hits
                    Germany roll dice for 3 infantry in Alsace, round 2 : 0/3 hits, 1.00 expected hits
                    1 infantry owned by the Germany lost in Alsace
                    France roll dice for 2 cavalrys, 1 field_gun, 1 fighter and 2 infantry in Alsace, round 3 : 2/6 hits, 1.67 expected hits
                    Germany roll dice for 2 infantry in Alsace, round 3 : 1/2 hits, 0.67 expected hits
                    2 infantry owned by the Germany and 1 cavalry owned by the France lost in Alsace
                France win, taking Alsace from Germany with 1 cavalry, 1 field_gun, 1 fighter and 2 infantry remaining. Battle score for attacker is 5
                Casualties for Germany: 3 infantry
                Casualties for France: 1 cavalry
        Non Combat Move - France
            1 fighter moved from Nassau to Westphalia
            1 cavalry moved from Rhine to Westphalia
            1 cavalry moved from Rhine to Westphalia
            1 fighter moved from Alsace to Westphalia
            1 cavalry moved from Rhine to Westphalia
            1 cavalry moved from Rhine to Westphalia
            1 cavalry moved from Rhine to Westphalia
            1 colonial moved from Tobruk to Sea Zone 60 Central Mediterranean
            1 colonial moved from Tobruk to Sea Zone 60 Central Mediterranean
            2 colonials and 1 transport moved from Sea Zone 60 Central Mediterranean to Sea Zone 62 Adriatic Sea
            1 colonial moved from Sea Zone 62 Adriatic Sea to Croatia
            1 colonial moved from Sea Zone 62 Adriatic Sea to Croatia
            1 transport moved from Sea Zone 62 Adriatic Sea to Sea Zone 60 Central Mediterranean
            1 colonial moved from Albania to Serbia
            1 colonial moved from Albania to Serbia
        Place Units - France
            3 trenchs placed in Westphalia
            1 trench placed in Croatia
            2 colonials placed in Algiers
            2 colonials placed in Tobruk
            8 gass placed in Paris
            3 infantry placed in Rhine
            2 field_guns and 1 infantry placed in Champagne
            3 cavalrys placed in Marseilles
            2 infantry placed in Brittany
        Activate Technology - France
            France activating creepingBarage
        Turn Complete - France
            France collect 94 PUs; end with 94 PUs

    Combat Hit Differential Summary :

    Austria : 0.83
    France : 6.33
    Germany : -1.33

    Territory Summary for France :

    Alsace : 1 flag, 1 cavalry, 1 field_gun and 2 infantry
    Nassau : 1 flag, 1 cavalry, 1 colonial and 3 field_guns
    Palau : 1 flag
    Rhine : 1 flag, 1 Factory, 2 cavalrys, 15 field_guns, 3 gass, 1 heavy_gun, 12 infantry and 3 trenchs
    Shanghai 1 : 1 flag
    Westphalia : 1 flag, 11 cavalrys, 1 field_gun, 2 fighters and 6 trenchs
    Algiers : 1 Factory and 2 colonials
    Brittany : 1 Factory and 2 infantry
    Champagne : 1 Factory, 2 field_guns, 2 infantry and 1 trench
    Marseilles : 1 Factory and 3 cavalrys
    Paris : 1 Factory and 8 gass
    Tobruk : 1 Factory, 2 colonials and 1 trench
    Yanaon : 1 Factory
    Serbia : 2 colonials
    Baranya : 1 flag, 2 colonials
    Bosnia : 1 flag
    Croatia : 1 flag, 2 colonials and 1 trench
    Tuscany : 2 colonials
    Venice : 3 colonials and 2 infantry
    Cyprus : 1 flag
    Southern Rhodesia : 1 infantry
    Finland : 2 infantry
    Khabarovsk : 2 colonials
    Sea Zone 14 Helgoland Bight : 1 battlecruiser, 1 cruiser and 1 destroyer
    Sea Zone 15 English Channel : 1 transport
    Sea Zone 57 Ligurian Sea : 1 transport
    Sea Zone 60 Central Mediterranean : 1 cruiser, 1 destroyer, 1 submarine and 1 transport
    Sea Zone 62 Adriatic Sea : 1 battlecruiser, 1 battleship, 2 cruisers and 1 transport
    Sea Zone 81 Bay of Bengal : 1 transport
    Sea Zone 137 Yellow Sea : 1 transport
    Sea Zone 143 Pacific Ocean : 1 cruiser
    Amsterdam : 2 infantry

    Production/PUs Summary :

    Germany : 105 / 112
    France : 94 / 94
    Serbia : 19 / 23
    Austria : 61 / 74
    Italy : 34 / 36
    Arabia : 1 / 0
    Turkey : 63 / 76
    Britain : 150 / 169
    Russia : 56 / 66
    Communists : 49 / 50
    USA : 81 / 81


  • TripleA Turn Summary: Serbia round 9

    TripleA Turn Summary for game: Domination 1914 No Man’s Land, version: 1.0

    Game History

    Round: 9
        Combat Move - Serbia
            Turning on Edit Mode
            EDIT: Removing units owned by France from Sea Zone 62 Adriatic Sea: 1 battlecruiser and 1 battleship
            EDIT: Adding units owned by France to Sea Zone 60 Central Mediterranean: 1 battlecruiser and 1 battleship
            EDIT: Turning off Edit Mode
            3 field_guns, 2 heavy_guns and 1 infantry moved from Belgrade to Bulgaria
            1 field_gun moved from Serbia to Bulgaria
            3 field_guns and 2 infantry moved from Macedonia to Bulgaria
        Purchase Units - Serbia
            Serbia buy 1 heavy_gun, 5 infantry and 1 trench; Remaining resources: 0 PUs; 0 techTokens; 
        Combat - Serbia
            Battle in Bulgaria
                Serbia attack with 7 field_guns, 2 heavy_guns and 3 infantry
                Austria defend with 1 infantry and 2 trenchs; Turkey defend with 1 heavy_gun, 4 infantry and 1 late_fighter
                    Serbia roll dice for 7 field_guns, 2 heavy_guns and 3 infantry in Bulgaria, round 2 : 4/12 hits, 5.17 expected hits
                    Austria roll dice for 1 heavy_gun, 5 infantry, 1 late_fighter and 2 trenchs in Bulgaria, round 2 : 4/9 hits, 3.33 expected hits
                    1 heavy_gun owned by the Serbia, 3 infantry owned by the Serbia and 2 trenchs owned by the Austria lost in Bulgaria
                    Serbia roll dice for 7 field_guns and 1 heavy_gun in Bulgaria, round 3 : 5/8 hits, 3.83 expected hits
                    Austria roll dice for 1 heavy_gun, 5 infantry and 1 late_fighter in Bulgaria, round 3 : 2/7 hits, 3.00 expected hits
                    1 heavy_gun owned by the Serbia, 1 field_gun owned by the Serbia, 4 infantry owned by the Turkey and 1 infantry owned by the Austria lost in Bulgaria
                    Serbia roll dice for 6 field_guns in Bulgaria, round 4 : 2/6 hits, 3.00 expected hits
                    Austria roll dice for 1 heavy_gun and 1 late_fighter in Bulgaria, round 4 : 2/2 hits, 1.33 expected hits
                    2 field_guns owned by the Serbia, 1 late_fighter owned by the Turkey and 1 heavy_gun owned by the Turkey lost in Bulgaria
                Serbia win, taking Bulgaria from Austria with 4 field_guns remaining. Battle score for attacker is 5
                Casualties for Serbia: 3 field_guns, 2 heavy_guns and 3 infantry
                Casualties for Austria: 1 infantry and 2 trenchs
                Casualties for Turkey: 1 heavy_gun, 4 infantry and 1 late_fighter
        Non Combat Move - Serbia
        Place Units - Serbia
            1 heavy_gun, 3 infantry and 1 trench placed in Belgrade
            2 infantry placed in Greece
        Turn Complete - Serbia
            Serbia collect 21 PUs; end with 21 PUs

    Combat Hit Differential Summary :

    Austria : 0.33
    Serbia : -1.00

    Territory Summary for Serbia :

    Belgrade : 1 Factory, 1 heavy_gun, 3 infantry and 2 trenchs
    Greece : 1 Factory, 2 infantry and 2 trenchs
    Macedonia : 1 trench
    Bulgaria : 1 flag, 4 field_guns

    Production/PUs Summary :

    Germany : 105 / 112
    France : 94 / 94
    Serbia : 21 / 21
    Austria : 59 / 74
    Italy : 34 / 36
    Arabia : 1 / 0
    Turkey : 63 / 76
    Britain : 150 / 169
    Russia : 56 / 66
    Communists : 49 / 50
    USA : 81 / 81


  • TripleA Turn Summary: Austria round 9

    TripleA Turn Summary for game: Domination 1914 No Man’s Land, version: 1.0

    Game History

    Round: 9
        Research Technology - Austria
            Austria spend 0 on tech rolls
                Austria roll 6,5,1 and gets 1 hit
            Austria removing all Technology Tokens after successful research.
            Austria discover armour
        Combat Move - Austria
            1 field_gun and 1 infantry moved from Tyrol to Carinthia
            2 infantry moved from Austria to Carinthia
            1 fighter moved from Galicia to Baranya
            1 cavalry moved from Hungary to Baranya
            2 infantry moved from Hungary to Baranya
            1 infantry moved from Hungary to Baranya
            1 infantry moved from Galicia to Odessa
            1 infantry moved from Galicia to Odessa
        Purchase Units - Austria
            Austria buy 1 field_gun, 2 heavy_guns, 13 infantry and 7 trenchs; Remaining resources: 0 PUs; 0 techTokens; 
        Combat - Austria
            Battle in Odessa
                Austria attack with 2 infantry
                Russia defend with 1 conscript
                    Austria roll dice for 2 infantry in Odessa, round 2 : 0/2 hits, 0,33 expected hits
                    Russia roll dice for 1 conscript in Odessa, round 2 : 0/1 hits, 0,17 expected hits
                    Austria roll dice for 2 infantry in Odessa, round 3 : 1/2 hits, 0,33 expected hits
                    Russia roll dice for 1 conscript in Odessa, round 3 : 1/1 hits, 0,17 expected hits
                    1 conscript owned by the Russia and 1 infantry owned by the Austria lost in Odessa
                Austria win, taking Odessa from Russia with 1 infantry remaining. Battle score for attacker is -1
                Casualties for Austria: 1 infantry
                Casualties for Russia: 1 conscript
            Battle in Carinthia
                Austria attack with 1 field_gun and 3 infantry
                Italy defend with 3 field_guns
                    Austria roll dice for 1 field_gun and 3 infantry in Carinthia, round 2 : 1/4 hits, 1,00 expected hits
                    Italy roll dice for 3 field_guns in Carinthia, round 2 : 1/3 hits, 1,00 expected hits
                    1 infantry owned by the Austria and 1 field_gun owned by the Italy lost in Carinthia
                    Austria roll dice for 1 field_gun and 2 infantry in Carinthia, round 3 : 2/3 hits, 0,83 expected hits
                    Italy roll dice for 2 field_guns in Carinthia, round 3 : 1/2 hits, 0,67 expected hits
                    1 infantry owned by the Austria and 2 field_guns owned by the Italy lost in Carinthia
                Austria win, taking Carinthia from Italy with 1 field_gun and 1 infantry remaining. Battle score for attacker is 6
                Casualties for Austria: 2 infantry
                Casualties for Italy: 3 field_guns
            Battle in Baranya
                Austria attack with 1 cavalry, 1 fighter and 3 infantry
                France defend with 2 colonials
                    Austria roll dice for 1 cavalry, 1 fighter and 3 infantry in Baranya, round 2 : 1/5 hits, 1,17 expected hits
                    France roll dice for 2 colonials in Baranya, round 2 : 1/2 hits, 0,67 expected hits
                    1 infantry owned by the Austria and 1 colonial owned by the France lost in Baranya
                    Austria roll dice for 1 cavalry, 1 fighter and 2 infantry in Baranya, round 3 : 0/4 hits, 1,00 expected hits
                    France roll dice for 1 colonial in Baranya, round 3 : 1/1 hits, 0,33 expected hits
                    1 infantry owned by the Austria lost in Baranya
                    Austria roll dice for 1 cavalry, 1 fighter and 1 infantry in Baranya, round 4 : 0/3 hits, 0,83 expected hits
                    France roll dice for 1 colonial in Baranya, round 4 : 0/1 hits, 0,33 expected hits
                    Austria roll dice for 1 cavalry, 1 fighter and 1 infantry in Baranya, round 5 : 0/3 hits, 0,83 expected hits
                    France roll dice for 1 colonial in Baranya, round 5 : 1/1 hits, 0,33 expected hits
                    1 infantry owned by the Austria lost in Baranya
                    Austria roll dice for 1 cavalry and 1 fighter in Baranya, round 6 : 2/2 hits, 0,67 expected hits
                    France roll dice for 1 colonial in Baranya, round 6 : 1/1 hits, 0,33 expected hits
                    1 cavalry owned by the Austria and 1 colonial owned by the France lost in Baranya
                Austria win with 1 fighter remaining. Battle score for attacker is -7
                Casualties for Austria: 1 cavalry and 3 infantry
                Casualties for France: 2 colonials
        Non Combat Move - Austria
            1 fighter moved from Baranya to Transylvania
            1 infantry moved from Hungary to Austria
            1 heavy_gun moved from Hungary to Austria
            2 infantry moved from Galicia to Transylvania
            1 infantry moved from Trieste to Carinthia
        Place Units - Austria
            2 trenchs placed in Trieste
            1 trench placed in Tyrol
            1 trench placed in Kiev
            1 trench placed in Hungary
            1 trench placed in Transylvania
            1 trench placed in Galicia
            1 heavy_gun and 5 infantry placed in Hungary
            1 heavy_gun and 3 infantry placed in Trieste
            2 infantry placed in Kiev
            2 infantry placed in Galicia
            1 field_gun and 1 infantry placed in Vienna
        Activate Technology - Austria
            Austria activating armour
            Trigger AustriaT5: buytank added to productionAustria
        Turn Complete - Austria
            Austria collect 65 PUs; end with 65 PUs

    Combat Hit Differential Summary :

    Austria : 0,00
    Italy : 0,33
    France : 2,00
    Russia : 0,67


  • '20 '19 '18 '17 '16

    TripleA Turn Summary: Italy round 9

    TripleA Turn Summary for game: Domination 1914 No Man’s Land, version: 1.0

    Game History

    Round: 9
        Research Technology - Italy
            Italy spend 0 on tech rolls
                Italy rolls : 0/1 hits, 0.00 expected hits
        Combat Move - Italy
            1 field_gun and 3 infantry moved from Venice to Carinthia
            1 infantry moved from Venice to Carinthia
        Purchase Units - Italy
            Italy buy 1 cavalry, 2 field_guns, 3 gass, 2 infantry and 2 trenchs; Remaining resources: 0 PUs; 1 techTokens; 
        Combat - Italy
            Battle in Carinthia
                Italy attack with 1 field_gun and 4 infantry
                Austria defend with 1 field_gun and 2 infantry
                    Italy roll dice for 1 field_gun and 4 infantry in Carinthia, round 2 : 1/5 hits, 1.17 expected hits
                    Austria roll dice for 1 field_gun and 2 infantry in Carinthia, round 2 : 1/3 hits, 1.00 expected hits
                    1 infantry owned by the Italy and 1 infantry owned by the Austria lost in Carinthia
                    Italy roll dice for 1 field_gun and 3 infantry in Carinthia, round 3 : 1/4 hits, 1.00 expected hits
                    Austria roll dice for 1 field_gun and 1 infantry in Carinthia, round 3 : 0/2 hits, 0.67 expected hits
                    1 infantry owned by the Austria lost in Carinthia
                    Italy roll dice for 1 field_gun and 3 infantry in Carinthia, round 4 : 2/4 hits, 1.00 expected hits
                    Austria roll dice for 1 field_gun in Carinthia, round 4 : 0/1 hits, 0.33 expected hits
                    1 field_gun owned by the Austria lost in Carinthia
                Italy win, taking Carinthia from Austria with 1 field_gun and 3 infantry remaining. Battle score for attacker is 7
                Casualties for Italy: 1 infantry
                Casualties for Austria: 1 field_gun and 2 infantry
        Non Combat Move - Italy
            3 infantry moved from Tuscany to Venice
            2 infantry moved from Latium to Sea Zone 62 Adriatic Sea
            2 infantry moved from Sea Zone 62 Adriatic Sea to Venice
            2 infantry moved from Latium to Tuscany
            3 infantry moved from Rome to Latium
            1 field_gun and 1 infantry moved from Chad to Kamerun
        Place Units - Italy
            2 field_guns, 2 infantry and 2 trenchs placed in Venice
            3 gass placed in Piedmont
            1 cavalry placed in Rome
        Activate Technology - Italy
            Trigger ItalyT5: buytank added to productionItaly
            Trigger ItalyP: Italy has 3 infantry placed in Rome
        Turn Complete - Italy
            Italy collect 34 PUs; end with 34 PUs

    Combat Hit Differential Summary :

    Italy rolls : : 0.00
    Austria : -1.00
    Italy : 0.83

    Production/PUs Summary :

    Germany : 105 / 112
    France : 94 / 94
    Serbia : 21 / 21
    Austria : 62 / 65
    Italy : 34 / 34
    Arabia : 1 / 0
    Turkey : 63 / 76
    Britain : 150 / 169
    Russia : 53 / 66
    Communists : 49 / 50
    USA : 81 / 81


  • '23 '21 '20 '19 '17 '16 '15 '13

    I’ve updated my map for this game and now the current game is reflecting the updates…not sure how this is going to work if some of the players haven’t updated.

  • @captainwalker my fault . I just thought I could download your filled and I would have te map.
    Could someone send me a link and we will see if I ha r njt messed things up too much.

  • I have done it too.

  • TripleA

    @captainwalker @Wittmann You should be fine. You’ll have the graphical improvements but the rest of the changes won’t take effect in existing save games.

  • @redrum okay. Makes sense.

  • '20 '18 '17 '15

    I’m playing the new update with dawg. Beyond the graphics, they also updated the Technology. They’re all still in there, but divided into more groups of fewer Techs, each of the 6 groups containing only 3 Tech, which makes it more targeted.

    The other difference I’ve noticed is that the INDUSTRY tech now only adds 2 additional deployment (down from 3) for territories worth 2 or more.

    All other techs are the same.

  • TripleA

    @Whackamatt The other tech change is:

    • Change merchant marine tech movement increase to 3 instead of 4 and impact battle cruisers instead of transports

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