Hola Welcome to the site :)
In case you aren’t aware of it, you can play online with triplea as well.
Have fun gaming !
@Shannon-B Also from Brisbane doesn’t seem to be too many players around though?
@Hopper1999 - nice to meet you! I have a couple of friends who like to play… could get a game going soon?
@Shannon-B yeah sounds good, got a couple down my way.
@Hopper1999 Great - let’s plan something for the near future…
@djensen My Friends call me Sarge because most of my friends worked with me in a 26 year Law Enforcement career.
I live in Northern Florida (Tallahassee ) and am Retired. I was first introduced and bought my first Axis and Allies in the 1989. Played for about 2 years then life took over my free time. Unfortunately I lost my original Axis and Allies Game.
Fast forward 29 years later and a Grandfather of 6, they are getting to the age that they can enjoy playing the game. I figured it’s time to get back into the game on an epic scale ( global ). I bought Pacific and Europe 1940 second edition. I have started customizing the pieces and adding Marines, Tanks and Corsairs to start.
I even made a YouTube video on DIY Magnetic Paint you can watch here.
I look forward to customizing and playing A&A Global. I have learned a lot from a lot of the people on this Fourm And YouTube. This is an awesome website and am enjoying it and the people on here.
[5_1551385110061_3172F96A-714B-4A1D-B108-33952DBC043A.MOV](Uploading 100%)     
Awesome. Welcome to site !
@Sarge said in Introduce or Re-Introduce Yourself (Jan. 2019):
I live in Northern Florida (Tallahassee ) and am Retired. I was first introduced and bought my first Axis and Allies in the 1989. Played for about 2 years then life took over my free time.
To balance things out, retirement is a great moment where free time allows Axis and Allies to take over from life. :) Welcome back to the A&A game and welcome to the forum!
Hello, all! I’m the CM of Beamdog, and I’m so excited to make your acquaintance.
@SS-GEN thanks
@CWO-Marc thanks, every Hobby can take over life when your retired. I have many. Hahahahaha
@JuliusBorisovBeamdog thanks, I just read an article on the exciting new launch of Axis and Allies online.
That is awesome, Y’all will make a lot of people happy with such an epic online game.
Welcome to the forum! I am looking forward to your software project. :smiley:
Hello from Athens, Greece
My name is Nikolas and Im 45 years old. Im old time gamer from video games to board games. Last summer I bought, mainly for nostalgia reasons, the old time classic Risk in order to play with my 10 year old boy. We had and still have many fun times with this but we (I) wnated something more challenging so the obvious choice was AA. We started with the cheap version of 1941, but the delivered product had missing parts. Anyway as we both agreed that the map was a bit small, we ended up buying the Anniversary edition 2 weeks ago which is great!
We play almost every day in sessions (1-2hours), tonight is the second session of our fifth game…!
We dont use any customizations yet, but what Im looking for are the inclusion of random events. Have anyone compliled a list of random events?
One last questions. Im also looking for a compatible AA50 house rules that are proven to work well for both sides. Can anyone guide me?
Thank you and Im very pleased that I found this place.
Im so glad your playing with your son! teach him history & strategy at the same time. :)
@marnikos Hey Marnikos
These expansion rules are compatible
with most Axis & Allies games. These
expansions have been designed, play
tested, mathematically calculated and
then re-designed since 2006. Some rules
are developed from popular House Rules,
some are partly modified from existing
expansion rules – but most are inspired
World War II History and created by our
veteran members group.
The final outcome of Expansion I is
impressive – even for the veterans
around the World who still have a special
affection for the famous Axis & Allies
game. With the release of Expansion II,
III and IV – there is no need to say that
the game will now be even richer in
historical detail and strategy with more
elaborate naval, air and ground rules
Kind regards
Axis & Allies Club Danmark
You can use expansion 1 alone and then add 2, later 3 and at last 4 when you get familiar with it.
@djensen. Greetings from Colorado. Have been 35 for about 10 or 15 years now. Started playing, and painting since Milton Bradley. Played the Xeno version, with a thick layer of evolving house rules, for quite a few years. Even bought a couple AH games just for pieces, before I knew there were places to buy pieces. Then the G40’s were released.
Economic limits being what they were, I finally could afford one by 2nd ed., think I’ve spent more time painting than playing though. Was shocked to see how close my house rules were, so the transition wasn’t to bad. Except the one about those damn transports, subs and hostile zones! HaHa.
Most of my accessories, blowup boxes, ship damage chips etc. (a lot of epoxy putty) have to be home made. I thought I had nice pieces untill I looked at some here. WOW! Now I hang my head in shame.
Still proud of a couple conversions, M-3 Lee’s out of oob British mechs, 2 Fw-190A’s became a D and a Ta152, t-34 to su-100, yadda, yadda, yadda. Since the wizards Sherman is so bad I’ve tried to make an m-10, so far little success. Whenever I can get my grand-daughter to show me how to share some pictures I will.
Guess I’ll stop prattling and let people get on with their lives. Thanks for the site.
Good evening!
So…I used to be a Heavy Bomber :innocent: or :smiling_imp: (you decide), but life got in the way. My name is Jennifer, I work in I.T. and as a Land Lady.
I was super big back in the AAR and AAR Larry Harris Tournament Rules editions. AA50 and Anniversary was fun, but I was quickly getting eclipsed by the next generation of players. I still play, sometimes, but its been a while.
At one point in time, I put a lot of work into a custom gaming table for AARevised with colored LEDs that would change territory owner, etcetera. Am never doing that again! lol. Cost was insane, didn’t make nearly that much back after ebaying it a few years ago.
A bit about me, I was a math major in college, I continued to get an MBA in IT; veteran of the US Army (enlisted, officers are geeks :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:) and I am now engaged to get married (wedding is set for 15 March, 2019.) I’m too old, but not old enough, I’ve “known” David since it feels like forever (pretty sure I signed up back when Hasbro released their version of Axis and Allies. lol) though we’ve never met IRL.
I am hoping, starting in April (and assuming David as the dicey working, and we can play with TripleA maps again - though battlemap will always be my favorite) to start playing again in April this year. Miss playing for fun, not for tournaments or leagues or anything else, just a few people, together, pointing out mistakes and showing new strategies off, doing weird strategies and seeing what happens. (I was always a HUGE fan of Kill Japan First / Kill America First - which I still say means you neutralize them as a threat on the board, not necessarily take their capitols!)
So that’s me. Well, that and I am super into RPG Crossings where we can play role playing games like D&D, Shadowrun, Pathfinder, etcetera. I use the same name there (Jennifer) because all these aliases and pseudonyms were just nuts - especially when you are trying to keep multiple character personalities straight for your RPGs! lol.
Oh yea, also, I squeeze in SOME time (not much mind you) to play Horde and Alliance on WoW at Argent Dawn Server (Horde - Kaylee; Alliance - Vespe). If you catch me in there (good luck, I think I play 3 hours a week max now adays /sighs…)
The Omni-Radiant
Fleet Killer Extraordinaire
Empress of Transports and Destroyers