Hello from Dallas,
I am a new member from Dallas as of yesterday.
@MrMorbid Welcome to the forum :-)
Hi Morbid
I don’t see a steam thread but I’ve heard it mentioned. It might have just been for Global War 36 though. Anyway, try making a new topic here for steam players. https://www.axisandallies.org/forums/category/65/play-online-axis-allies
Also, you can play online with triplea https://www.axisandallies.org/forums/topic/17147/gargantua-s-k-i-s-s-triplea-instructions/30
Which version of the game do you prefer ?
Have Fun Gaming
@MrMorbid said in đź‘‹ Introduce or Re-Introduce Yourself (Current):
I’m playing Axis & Allies online on Steam.
Here is the respective forum category to discuss the game itself:
Of course you can play the TripleA-variant, too, as @barnee said.
Oh I didn’t know the 42online was a steam thing :) I’m not real familiar with steam :)
Well cool you got him dialed in :)
@Privatefirstclass hi there! I love g40 as well. Whereabout upstate are you? I am on Long Island.
Greetings all! My name is Rob and I am from Suffolk County, NY. Looking for people to play with in person. My favorite version of the game is Global 1940 2nd ed. That being said I have recently expanded beyond 1942 on Steam (mostly thanks to TripleA).
I am amenable to a few hours travel to play, as well as offering to host (later this year as I have a baby arriving soon). I see there are a few people in upstate NY here, hopefully some closer! Would love to join you all in person!
Hi doc
Welcome to the site ! Congrats on the soon arriving new family member :)
Since you enjoy Global and play triplea as well, I think you would like @The-Captain 's G 40 mod
There’s a half dozen or so of us that play on triplea and The Captain’s Group from Denmark has over 100 members for in person play.
Although Long Island is closer than most of the US to Denmark, probably still too far to tarvel for a weekend game :)
Have fun gaming
Hi all!
I’ve played A&A for years, but sparingly as time opportunity presents itself.
I’ve just started playing the online game again, and a Pacific version. I also do miniature wargaming and various sports.
@Glamorboy Welcome to the forum :-)
@Glamorboy Welcome from a fellow newer member. Enjoy yourself.