Presidential Election (as a current event- watch the tone or it's gone)

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    I agree she is the most cheated on woman in America.

    But honestly, she really WAS the President from 1992-2000.  Bill had to sign stuff, but Hillary’s who told him WHAT to sign and WHEN to sign it.

    It’s actually a smooth move.  She’s been President for 8 years, and now, can be president again for 8 more years for a total of 16 years!

  • @Cmdr:

    I think we need a President who will do with Israel what FDR did with England before December 7th, 1941.  We’ll sell them equipment and stay out of the bloody way and let Israel conquer the middle east once and for all.  Israel’s already proven itself capable of defending itself against three major fronts in a matter of weeks.  Why do you think terrorism was born?  The regular muslim armies had their butts (and Russian equipment) handed to them in the war!

    Why would Israel ever conquer the middle east?  We shouldnt give a nation weapons to make more wars, we should give them weapons to defend themselves against our mutual enemies.  Im still against the idea of Israel as a state and I dont think its creation was a good move, but now that its happened we need to figure out a way to less hostilities towards them.  Its much like the situaton in Iraq - going in may have been a bad move, but thats the past and we need to look at the current situation.

    I think Israel, at this point, has more of a right to exist where they are then any of the other nations in the area now.  If they are conquered, we can talk about them having lost that right.  However, the ultimate definition of a right to exist as a nation is if you can adequately defend yourself from invasion.  If America would get out of the way, they would be more able to defend themselves, not less.

    I dont think there should be a definiton for a countries right to exist.  If it has borders and most of the world recognizes them, they are country.  I wouldnt say Israel has more of a right to be there than any other coutnry in the middle east.

    We need a President who understands that and will do it.  We also need a president who will move the US Embassy to Jerusalem instead of some backwater town.  Everyone else has their embassies there, that’s where business is conducted, that’s where we should be too.

    Wheres the embassy now?  I always assumed it was in Jerusalem, its kind of silly that it isnt.

    As for Iraq.  The Sunnis and Shi’ites want us there.  The Kurds are coming our way too.  Pulling out now would be horrible!  We’d be snatching defeat in the war on terror from the jaws of victory!  Though, we do need to start convincing the locals that they should go to their own government to solve their problems, not American officers.  Currently our officers are acting like local magistrates and project managers to reconstruct the nation.  That’s not really their job.  But while the dust settles and the last few pockets of resistance are destroyed, they are doing the job and doing it well.

    Again, I dont agree with us being there in the first place, but now that we’re in we have to do this right.  Set a timetable for withdrawl that cannot be taken back under any circumstances (or perhaps that could be taken back but only under a unanimous vote from senate).  If we dont leave under conditions like this, Iraq will continue to demand US support.  Setting up a timetable makes them get their shit in line and run their country.

    That’s how the Islamic world views the American women, especially Mrs. Clinton.  That’s not a position of respect.  As such, Hillary will find it almost impossible to negotiate and, therefore, we may see an increase in recruiting efforts by the enemies of democracy and America with greater success if she is elected.

    Radical Islam has no respect for any woman, Hilary is no different.

    I also believe that the candidate most terrorists would like to see nominated would be McCain.  The longer the USA stay in the middle east, the more fuel terrorists have against us, ‘the infidels’, who are in their land.

    As for Barry (Barrack Hussein Obama), he refuses to answer questions as to whether or not he has any nostalgia for islam or for his islamic roots.  If he cannot answer a simple question like that, how can we trust him to do more then wag a finger and call for change?

    I feel like saying that last sentence is a bit unfair.  If he were to come out and say that he respects his Islamic heritage, everyone would criticize him for either bringing religion into the campaign or they wouldnt trust him with the enemy.  If he denies it, people would say he cant stick up for himself.  Apparently saying nothing at all means we cant trust him.  Ugh.

    I won’t slam him for his present votes in Illinois.  It’s standard practice here to vote present if you neither agree nor disagree with the proposed plan, but rather want to try and refine it a bit more.  Most of the country is unaware of that, and I’m sure in the other 49 states, it will be used against him.

    Agreed, I cant attack him for voting present.  Its also true that the average american thinks that means he cant make up his mind or hes indecisive.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    In case anyone wonders WHY taxes are so important, here’s a local story:,0,2753998.story

    Todd Stroger, possibly one of the most corrupt men in the government today, has strong armed a bill to double Cook County Taxes, making Cook County and Chicago the HIGHEST TAXES AREA IN THE COUNTRY.

    The tax is not even in effect yet, and people who have jobs and incomes are streaming across the borders to Lake, Will and DuPage counties to avoid the taxes.  I’ve long done my grocery and gas shopping in DeKalb County because the taxes are much less there and it was on my route.

    Increased taxes, NO MATTER WHERE YOU INCREASE THEM, are regressive.  There are no such things as progressive taxes.  Don’t let Obama and Clinton lie to you.  A tax, ANY tax, hurts the poor the most.

    What do you think is going to happen in Cook County when everyone who can afford to leave, leaves?  We have entire cities seceding and creating a new county.  Not little poor cities, these are THE cities that have historically provided the lion’s share of revenue for the county.  One county official, on WLS AM 890 this morning, said that if Palatine, Barrington(s), Hoffman Estates, Schaumburg, etc leave to make their own county; then Cook County will have to shut down county sheriff departments, county medical clinics, and many PACE bus lines (which is funny since they just had to raise taxes to keep them running.)

    The problem is, you raise taxes, and the middle class gets pissed the f off and leaves.  You lower taxes, and the middle class goes to your town to open their businesses in an attempt to become rich.

    We can see that very clearly today.  If NW Cook County secedes (and that would include my home, thank goodness!) our taxes will stay closer to home improving OUR medical clinics, OUR sheriff offices and OUR schools and the City of Chicago will fall off the cliff into oblivion.  Soup Kitchens and children so uneducated they cannot figure out simple arithmetic nor be able to read street signs will be the norm.  (Okay, it’s a dramatization, but you get the idea.  They can’t fund things NOW and the NW provides almost 60% of their budget, without us they’d have to fund things with 40% of what they normally have - what the Feds and State will give us instead of them.  They’ll basically become unemployed and have to live on life support.)

    This is NOT boding well for any candidate who calls to let the Bush tax cuts “sunset” (or in plain English - Raise Taxes!)

    Hmm, oh, wait, we’re screwed.  McCain wants to raise taxes.  Hillary wants to raise taxes.  Obama wants to raise taxes.  Never mind.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    The US Embassy in Israel is currently 50 miles outside of Jerusalem.  Sure, you can drive it in an hour, assuming the roads aren’t bombed out by Hezbolla extremists, but common, every other self respecting nation has their embassy inside the city limits of the capitol of Israel.

    We cannot set a formal time table in Iraq.  To do so would invite our enemies to sit back, bide their time, wait for us to leave, then take over and murder anyone who worked with us.

    Saddam Hussein did that once already.  President Bush (the first) called for Iraqis to rise up against their dictator and we would come help.  We did not come help.  Those who rose up where mercilessly slaughtered.

    If we say we’ll leave in, for instance, December 2010, then Al Queda and Iran will wait until January 2011 and kill anyone who worked with America or the new Iraqi government, reimpose their dictatorship and everything we have done will be wasted.

    Better to say, if Al Queda is defeated soundly, if Iraq has demonstrated an ability to handle all functions of government, including security and enforcement of the boarders, has enacted similar policies we required of Germany and has waited 50 years - we will leave. (Hell, we’re STILL not out of Japan NOR Germany!  Maybe we should withdraw from those two nations BEFORE we withdraw from Iraq and Afghanistan?)

    And saying he does or does not respect his heritage does not mean he’ll be using his religion to make presidential decisions.  Just like Romney wouldn’t use religion nor did JFK.  Religion is not a good way to attack a candidate.

    However, if he says he fully embraces the Islamic religion and respects his fore-fathers, he can show he won’t turn on his heritage and he might have a bargaining chip for negotiating with islamic nations.  Two strong points in his favor.

    but cowering and crying foul everytime someone picks on him, or states a fact about his life just screams that he’s a little girl who needs a good spanking and sent to her room without dinner.  He strikes me more like the young Oliver saying “Please sir, may I have another” then a president when he cowers from questions about his past or cries when someone uses his middle name, or pokes fun at his ears.

  • @Cmdr:

    The US Embassy in Israel is currently 50 miles outside of Jerusalem.  Sure, you can drive it in an hour, assuming the roads aren’t bombed out by Hezbolla extremists, but common, every other self respecting nation has their embassy inside the city limits of the capitol of Israel.

    Do you know why it is not in Jerusalem?

    We cannot set a formal time table in Iraq.  To do so would invite our enemies to sit back, bide their time, wait for us to leave, then take over and murder anyone who worked with us.

    Saddam Hussein did that once already.  President Bush (the first) called for Iraqis to rise up against their dictator and we would come help.  We did not come help.  Those who rose up where mercilessly slaughtered.

    If we say we’ll leave in, for instance, December 2010, then Al Queda and Iran will wait until January 2011 and kill anyone who worked with America or the new Iraqi government, reimpose their dictatorship and everything we have done will be wasted.

    Better to say, if Al Queda is defeated soundly, if Iraq has demonstrated an ability to handle all functions of government, including security and enforcement of the boarders, has enacted similar policies we required of Germany and has waited 50 years - we will leave. (Hell, we’re STILL not out of Japan NOR Germany!  Maybe we should withdraw from those two nations BEFORE we withdraw from Iraq and Afghanistan?)

    Well I dont think we should have troops in Germany or Japan still either.

    Even if Al Qaeda is defeated, you simply cannot defeat terrorism.  New groups are constantly arising.  Even if we establish Iraq as a democratic state and they do set up their own government and military, terrorism will persist and corruption will run through the country.  Any efforts to stay in the country past the near future will be futile.  I think a timetable will force them to set up a government strong enough to resist attacks from terrorist groups and to defend themselves instead of relying on us.

    And saying he does or does not respect his heritage does not mean he’ll be using his religion to make presidential decisions.  Just like Romney wouldn’t use religion nor did JFK.  Religion is not a good way to attack a candidate.

    However, if he says he fully embraces the Islamic religion and respects his fore-fathers, he can show he won’t turn on his heritage and he might have a bargaining chip for negotiating with islamic nations.  Two strong points in his favor.

    nonono, I think I should have worded my post better.  I meant that if he were to come out and say he has nostalgia towards his roots, all of the conservatives that dont know how to think for themselves would attack him and would come up with more crazy theories like the one about him being a terrorist sent to attack the USA from the inside out.  I personally dont think his religion will affect his policies (like JFK and Romney, as you have said, didnt use religion), but too many people are too thick to see past his middle name or his muslim roots.

    but cowering and crying foul everytime someone picks on him, or states a fact about his life just screams that he’s a little girl who needs a good spanking and sent to her room without dinner.  He strikes me more like the young Oliver saying “Please sir, may I have another” then a president when he cowers from questions about his past or cries when someone uses his middle name, or pokes fun at his ears.

    I wouldnt say hes ‘cowering in fear’ from questions about his past, but that he just knows that no matter how he answers hes going to get attacked, although from different angles.

    I didnt know he had said anything about the use of his middle name though, I thought that was just his supporters.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    Yes, our embassy is not in Jerusalem right now because we were the first ones to build an Embassy in Israel after its creation and, at that time, it was believed that Jerusalem would not be their capitol.

    But it has been their capitol for over 50 years.  Perhaps it is time for us to move to their capitol like every other good little nation?  Do we keep the Israeli Embassy in New York?  Sure, you can get from New York to Washington DC in a few hours, but it’s not conducive to maintaining good relations and expedient communications.  If we’re going to do everything over the phone, I submit that President Bush has a cell phone, he can do so just fine without wasting time and money on ambassadors who are 50 miles away from where they are supposed to be stationed.

    As for Obama, he is cowering though.  He ran away from reporter questions and scurried aboard his plane just the other day.  He’s refused face to face interviews, instead asking for all questions to be submitted to his office where he can answer them. (or if the answer turns out to be bad, claim it was written by a staffer who was fired or just misunderstood the senator.)

    That’s cower dace. He’s running for President of the United States of America, not president of the Parent Teacher Association.

  • @Cmdr:

    Yes, our embassy is not in Jerusalem right now because we were the first ones to build an Embassy in Israel after its creation and, at that time, it was believed that Jerusalem would not be their capitol.

    But it has been their capitol for over 50 years.  Perhaps it is time for us to move to their capitol like every other good little nation?  Do we keep the Israeli Embassy in New York?  Sure, you can get from New York to Washington DC in a few hours, but it’s not conducive to maintaining good relations and expedient communications.  If we’re going to do everything over the phone, I submit that President Bush has a cell phone, he can do so just fine without wasting time and money on ambassadors who are 50 miles away from where they are supposed to be stationed.

    Yeah, its about time we move it into Jerusalem.

    As for Obama, he is cowering though.  He ran away from reporter questions and scurried aboard his plane just the other day.  He’s refused face to face interviews, instead asking for all questions to be submitted to his office where he can answer them. (or if the answer turns out to be bad, claim it was written by a staffer who was fired or just misunderstood the senator.)

    That’s cower dace. He’s running for President of the United States of America, not president of the Parent Teacher Association.

    Okay well yes that is dodgy.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    Look, I’ll carry Barry’s water for him, but he’s gunna have to help. :P  Seriously.

    As for Hillary, I hope she finds her way into a retirement home where she can have nurses look after her all day long, and I hope those nurses are not forced to work inside a government system so they can provide her the adequate care she so desperately needs.

    As for John, honestly, I don’t wish the man ill.  I just want him to pick a real conservative as a running mate, then retire after 25 months of service so we can have a real conservative for up to 10 years without a break.  It’s only been 16 years since we had a real conservative in the office, and he was kinda a washed down version at that.  (20 years if you look back to a real strong conservative.)

  • Then, maybe GW Bush is a commie?  :lol: Of course, you may want one even more conservative than Bush but still he is very conservative.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator


    Then, maybe GW Bush is a commie?  :lol: Of course, you may want one even more conservative than Bush but still he is very conservative.

    I’ll agree he is very “conservative” when it comes to foreign policy.

    I’ll disagree vehemently that he is at all conservative domestically or fiscally.

    Just because you believe in God does not make you a conservative.  Just like disbelief in God prevents you from being conservative.

    So let’s see what he’s supported:

    Increased Federal Spending on Domestic programs resulting in higher deficit spending - Liberal
    Pro Amnesty Programs - Liberal
    No Progress on Right to Life - Liberal
    Anti-Law Enforcement (put border control agents in general population for doing their job) - Liberal
    Funding Stem-Cell Research - Liberal
    Funding Wind-Farms and Opening the Doors to Carbon Taxes - Liberal

    Honestly, other then prosecuting the war on terror, what, exactly, has the current President done that’s “conservative”?  Okay, the tax cuts in 2001 which was almost a decade ago.  But since then!?!

  • 2007 AAR League

    obama has to get a clue sometime here.

    after saying after he’d withdraw from iraq, he’d go back in to attack al-qaeda(even though al-qaeda is already there :roll:)

    it gets worse……

    now he says that Bush is the reason for iran hating america.

    did he just simply forget the “deaths to america” from 1979 and before.  i guess those were bush’s fault to.

    the left has become so absurd that blaming anything and everything on bush is shown gratitude by lefties, especially when they know its not true.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    Iranians in power have hated us since we helped Iraq stop their invasion.  That’s Reagan’s fault, not Bush’s fault.

    Anyway, Obama’s got a lot of problems.  People are starting to call on him to describe just HOW he plans to bring change to government, not just take him on face value.

    My only hope is that Barry and Hilly don’t join forces in September after the DNC.

  • @JWW:

    Look at who’s doing it.  It’s obvious it’s a low blow

    If you don’t realize that the far right or far left aren’t going to do things such as this you are living in Neverland. Your expectations are whacked.
    I expect it from FOX.  Doesn’t make it tactful, though.  I’m just pointing it out.

    They aren’t doing ANY painting. They are accurately stating his middle name and reminding everyone that he has middle eastern lineage. There is nothing false, wrong or accusatory about this. It is what it is. Now if you are upset that this impact’s some peoples feelings about the candidate then that is another issue.

    Yes they are, because you’ve bought right into it.  How does he have ANY middle eastern “heritage?”
    His mom is American, his dad is Kenyan, and he was born in Hawaii.  He’s clearly an American but you guys are more hung up on his middle name.  That’s a terrible skew if I’ve ever seen one.  I’m just asking why other candidates middle names aren’t mentioned?  That makes the reason clear.  And yes, I pointed out in my FIRST POST that is to elicit a reaction of most people who don’t even know any better.

    if there were any possibility of political gain by either the right or left they certainly would. To believe otherwise is simply naive.

    Like I pointed out, you never hear Slick willie’s middle name because it has a positive connotation.

    Nope, it’s simply politics

    Pathetic, at that.

    And the unfortunate thing is it might actually effect people but that is the America we live in today. Reality bites, huh brother?

    So instead of asking for change, some credibility, and a little bit of critical thinking, you’d rather just roll over and take it?  Now I see why this country is going in the toilet.

    Maybe I should care when I see so much ignorance on these threads.  It’s like you guys are TRYING to be stupid and obtuse.

  • @Jermofoot:

    Yes they are, because you’ve bought right into it.  How does he have ANY middle eastern “heritage?”

    I meant to write Islamic not middle eastern.


    I’m just asking why other candidates middle names aren’t mentioned?

    Because it will not have the same impact as the right saying “Hussein” It’s simple actually and probably effective.


    Like I pointed out, you never hear Slick willie’s middle name because it has a positive connotation.

    So now I’m confused. If you understand it why are you getting all worked up?


    So instead of asking for change, some credibility, and a little bit of critical thinking, you’d rather just roll over and take it?  Now I see why this country is going in the toilet. Maybe I should care when I see so much ignorance on these threads.  It’s like you guys are TRYING to be stupid and obtuse.

    Dude, if you are going to get worked up over something this minuscule you will have quite the hard long slog! There are perhaps, a trillion more important political, cultural, educational etc……issues to work towards positive change. This is simply a 3rd grade playground issue where the big stupid bully is calling a smaller kid names. The majority of the playground children understands who the arse is in this situation.

    I’d get more upset about candidate’s, their surrogates, campaign managers, supporters etc. outright lying to the public versus the above group simply using a persons given name in a few speeches etc…

  • @balungaloaf:

    obama has to get a clue sometime here.

    after saying after he’d withdraw from iraq, he’d go back in to attack al-qaeda(even though al-qaeda is already there :roll:)

    Agreed. This comment on his position is quite absurd. It is obvious he is grasping at straws. And the fact is the USA will be in Iraq for a LONG time. No different than S.Korea, Germany, Japan, Cuba, Balkans, Philippines (did we get out of there yet? I think so)

    Hopefully our presence in Iraq will contribute to this country’s future success and prosperity.

  • unless i’m mistaken, wasn’t it Clinton that made the biggest stinks over his haratage and background?
    Clintons dug up the dirt on his schooling in what is now an extreamist school but may or may not have been at the time of his study there when much younger.
    i think the Clintons also brought up the middle name thing first.
    i’m not saying it was or is right, although the school is a consern because we don’t know if it was readical at the time, it needs some seriouse looking into IMO. any way right and left have used the name, accusing just the right of it is not right.

  • Dude, if you are going to get worked up over something this minuscule you will have quite the hard long slog! There are perhaps, a trillion more important political, cultural, educational etc……issues to work towards positive change. This is simply a 3rd grade playground issue where the big stupid bully is calling a smaller kid names. The majority of the playground children understands who the arse is in this situation

    hes not upset about the names, hes upset about shallow ideas based off of something like name or skin color.  Most Americans need to grow up and not make assumptions about a persons ability to lead the country based off of their name and skin color.  The issue of Obama’s middle name isnt as one dimensional and stupid as it seems, it ties into the far larger issue of racism.

    I actually agree with him: if somebody is going to base their opinion of Obama off of his middle name, then that person is a prejudiced idiot that should stay home on election day.

  • Moderator



    obama has to get a clue sometime here.

    after saying after he’d withdraw from iraq, he’d go back in to attack al-qaeda(even though al-qaeda is already there :roll:)

    Agreed. This comment on his position is quite absurd. It is obvious he is grasping at straws. And the fact is the USA will be in Iraq for a LONG time. No different than S.Korea, Germany, Japan, Cuba, Balkans, Philippines (did we get out of there yet? I think so)

    Hopefully our presence in Iraq will contribute to this country’s future success and prosperity.

    Yeah, of course your forgetting the fact that Al Queida is also in Pakistan, Lybia, Iran, Syria, and Most likely in Saudi Arabia… And some of the best terrorist recruiting grounds are in Indonesia? Did I mention that I am going to get drafted? Or how much it is going to cost us just to prop up other governments to fight home grown terrorism?

    Personally I think none of the major candidates really know what this conflict requires…


  • or people should stay home if they are bassing there vote on color, age, or gender as well. but that would hurt the demacratic party a lot. i hear more “I am going to vote for O/H because they are black/woman” then i hear “I won’t vote for them because of black/woman” although i do hear it and that is sad.
    i don’t care for eather but it’s not because of race or gender. it’s polacy and if we could atleast get people to vote on that alone the whole system would be better.

  • @Cmdr:

    Iranians in power have hated us since we helped Iraq stop their invasion.  That’s Reagan’s fault, not Bush’s fault.

    There was the Shah before that. weve been meddling in the MIddle East long before Reagan.

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