Frohe Weihnachten und gesegnete Feiertage!
Merry Christmas.
With growth and profits down will most NEWSPRINT papers become extinct?
Will the largest and one of the oldest(NYT) papers be the lone dinosaur crying in the comet’s aftermath?
I get the local small town paper…
cheap with almost exclusively local news…
a quick eight(yes, I said 8) page read.
I recently got a flyer for the Big City Newspaper(The Cincinnati Enquirer.) Â It was $1.50 for Sundays only, but has cut the price to $1.00 to get customers to keep getting the paper. Â I know I’m gonna get it for the winter…starting the Sunday before Thanksgiving (as this will get a free Turkey Day, Christmas[Can I say that here?] and New Years Day papers. Â I am a cheap bastard!