I think we need a President who will do with Israel what FDR did with England before December 7th, 1941. We’ll sell them equipment and stay out of the bloody way and let Israel conquer the middle east once and for all. Israel’s already proven itself capable of defending itself against three major fronts in a matter of weeks. Why do you think terrorism was born? The regular muslim armies had their butts (and Russian equipment) handed to them in the war!
I think Israel, at this point, has more of a right to exist where they are then any of the other nations in the area now. If they are conquered, we can talk about them having lost that right. However, the ultimate definition of a right to exist as a nation is if you can adequately defend yourself from invasion. If America would get out of the way, they would be more able to defend themselves, not less.
We need a President who understands that and will do it. We also need a president who will move the US Embassy to Jerusalem instead of some backwater town. Everyone else has their embassies there, that’s where business is conducted, that’s where we should be too.
As for Iraq. The Sunnis and Shi’ites want us there. The Kurds are coming our way too. Pulling out now would be horrible! We’d be snatching defeat in the war on terror from the jaws of victory! Though, we do need to start convincing the locals that they should go to their own government to solve their problems, not American officers. Currently our officers are acting like local magistrates and project managers to reconstruct the nation. That’s not really their job. But while the dust settles and the last few pockets of resistance are destroyed, they are doing the job and doing it well.
I don’t trust Hillary to do the job well. There was an article printed in Iraq just recently about her:
“…in which she {Susan Faludi} denounced the proponents of nanny-state big government - ‘Hillary & Co’ prominent among them - for having de-balled American men in the air just as they had on the ground. The airline cabin was ‘the perfect symbol’ of ‘the modern social-democratic state’, she wrote, with a female FAA directory who stripped pilots of their handguns and an oligarchy of flight attendants on every plane whose dictates had to be obeyed.”
That’s how the Islamic world views the American women, especially Mrs. Clinton. That’s not a position of respect. As such, Hillary will find it almost impossible to negotiate and, therefore, we may see an increase in recruiting efforts by the enemies of democracy and America with greater success if she is elected.
As for Barry (Barrack Hussein Obama), he refuses to answer questions as to whether or not he has any nostalgia for islam or for his islamic roots. If he cannot answer a simple question like that, how can we trust him to do more then wag a finger and call for change?
I won’t slam him for his present votes in Illinois. It’s standard practice here to vote present if you neither agree nor disagree with the proposed plan, but rather want to try and refine it a bit more. Most of the country is unaware of that, and I’m sure in the other 49 states, it will be used against him.
Then we get to McCain. Pro-Illegal Immigration. Anti-Tax Cuts. Pro-Universal Health Care. But also pro-American defense.
What we need from him is a very strong conservative. Or at least a moderate conservative. (McCain has called himself a “Progressive, Conservative-Liberal.” In other words, he’s a liberal who has conservative leanings, in his own mind. To balance that we need an Ultra-Right Wing Conservative. Maybe Rush Limbaugh or Sean Hannity should be Vice President. :P
Seriously, however, McCain may be wise to get Romney on board to be Veep. He’s not ultra ultra conservative, but at least he’ll bring 40% of the Republicans with him and they can be added to the 40% McCain has. Then they only have to persuade the other 20% to stick around and get 50% of the democrats who are pissed off their candidate got booted in late August (and cannot run ANY advertisements through October AT ALL due to Campaign Finance Reform) to jump ship.