And don’t worry about mine, honestly. Thanks again for the offer.
Silhouette for 2018 Sponsor Badge?
The first person to send a vector graphic or silhoutte image with a transparent background of the tank they want, will get first consideration. I can’t guarantee it’ll be picked because sometimes when you shrink it down, it’s not so great.
Would be awesome!!!
To start the transition to mechanized infantry! ;)
Here’s the list of tanks so far:
2017: Soviet IS-2
2016: German Tiger I
2015: UK Matilda II
2014: WWI Tank
2013: Italian M15/42
2012: US Sherman
2011: Russian T-34
2010: ??Maybe the Japanese Type 95 or the ANZAC AC 1 Sentinel?
If one isn’t up by tomorrow morning I will make a Jagdtiger silhouette.
I love you Garg.
That beats my Elefant idea. Hope you can get it to work. -
Actually, in looking a the badge images (Look at CWO Marc’s profile)
I can’t help but notice… the tanks are all different shades of grey/blank, and even the text doesn’t line up lol…
#1. I could fix these and get them all into alignment? and correct shades?
#2. This is an opportunity to open the door if we wanted to make other changes to the shapes?
#3. Whilst we’re at it, why not make the image for 2019. That would get us 10 years of tanks, and we could then start doing planes or OTHER for 2020+ Making 10 aircraft images to get us to 2030 really would not take me that long.
Fortress Tank.
Actually, in looking a the badge images (Look at CWO Marc’s profile)
I can’t help but notice… the tanks are all different shades of grey/blank, and even the text doesn’t line up lol…
#1. I could fix these and get them all into alignment? and correct shades?
#2. This is an opportunity to open the door if we wanted to make other changes to the shapes?
Out of curiosity, I copied-and-pasted my block of badges into Paint then cranked up the magnification. The tanks aren’t really in different shades; the basic colour is black for all of them, but there are greyish pixels in the areas where the pictures (which are very small and low-resolution) are trying to depicit small details. I think this is fine; these total gradations make these small picture look more realistic than a 100% use of pure black would do. And the alignment-with-the-text issue is, I think, just a legitimate reflection of the fact that the tanks have different configurations (such as the height of the gun relative to the hull). If anything, the pictures are actually more uniform than would be the case in reality, given that the various tanks are shown as all being almost exactly the same size, whereas in reality some were much larger than others.
Fortress Tank.
It looks a bit like an Ogre supertank from the game of the same name.
Maybe your computer or phone doesn’t show it as well, but when I look at it… this is what I see.
On the right I slide some of the pieces together to show that the shades are in fact different where they should just be black.
Looks like 2015 is the only year with the text misaligned. It happens.
The man asked for Vector art. You all failed.
The man asked for Vector art. You all failed.
Actually, I asked for either. The vector is preferred but a large-ish image kinda works too.
The badges might be round on the new forums so they’ll all have to be redone.
Let me know the size of roundels you want and I’ll have them made up for you.
The man asked for Vector art. You all failed.
Actually, I asked for either. The vector is preferred but a large-ish image kinda works too.
I think IL “failed to realize” that… ;)
Nope. He did ask for Vector art and nobody provided any. YOU failed again. Fill out your form and submit.
Nope. He did ask for Vector art and nobody provided any. YOU failed again. Fill out your form and submit.
Did you not realize that I deleted your taunts the first time around? This time YOU delete them. (or else).