Agree, it has to be lost in order to ensure the best, least risky outcome. that’s often what we are debating; what play represents the greatest risk (spreading thin, more battles, need to get lucky more times more consistently) and what play represents the most conservative moves that minimize the role luck will play.
I usually preach that you cannot design an opener, gambit, stratagem etc. that takes exceptional risks early in the game, or requires a series of wins/strafes/blocks all to succeed one after the other. This is partly because of regression to the mean; if you are rolling a ton of dice then you are more likely to have an “average” result, which in this case is to say, you will not get lucky multiple times in a row, or cannot expect your opponent to be unlucky over and over again, but that rather your general luck will be unspectacular (or spectacularly bad at least once!) when you are trying to do 11 combats involving 38 pieces in one turn.
One example of this is the “Rivera” bonus where Italy has to capture all the countries in north Africa. If there is no Taranto (and have 3 TTs somehow), Italy could conceivably gain this bonus on the first turn, but they have to win so many battles in a row, and spread out so much, that $5 couldn’t be worth it, and even if you pull all that off at once, you lose the bonus by Turn 4.
This game is not really won on general luck. Single consistent Infantry retals turn after turn can matter, but they aren’t game changing in the same way as getting great luck in a monumental battle, which can basically win or lose the game.
The game is won by ensuring that luck matters as little as possible to your outcomes.
So, to apply this again to the situation at hand, you might really like that BB later in the game, but since you don’t need it (you can have a fleet in being with 1 cruiser 1 carrier and 1 airbase), it is smarter to use it to reduce the role of luck, make the opener a blowout, and keep them rolling fewer dice (3 vs 6) because they don’t even have the opportunity to scramble against you.
If the first Germany turn ends up being this giant furball where the UK is reducing your airforce without risking a homeland invasion, that’s not favorable for Germany. And if you blow even a single first round of germany rolling against the scrambled planes and ships, you get demolished. If the UK has crap luck or great luck when it doesn’t scramble, its pretty much the same result either way (Germany loses or keeps a few subs, and all the planes survive…not really game changing…things usually go this way).
Same Paris, same all your early moves really. Certain things cannot be left up to luck and dice. You just have to win.
A good example of this is when the germans have, 2 infantry blockers, that if Russia fails to kill and block that territory, that 10-12 german tanks can pour through that square on the next turn. You might commit only 3 infantry, 1 artillery to attack 2 infantry under another circumstance where it doesn’t really matter whether you hold the target territory so much, but if you have to ensure victory with at least 1 survivor, then you might need 4 infantry, 1 artillery, and 1 tank or plane because you absolutely must take that square, you cannot allow luck to stymy the block since losing that small battle could cost you your capital. So this principle also works in reverse; if you force Russia to do several do or die blocking battles, they will have to sacrifice more men and spread mobile units out so thinly, they can’t do any other attacks. There are plenty of times where Russia has just about run out of steam and cannot take or retake key income or blocking squares simply because they have had to make so many spoiling attacks over the course of the whole game.
Dark skies also kind of relies on this principle. If your opponent gets really lucky, he can knock down a few bombers but that doesn’t stop you. Even if you are sort of unlucky with your damage rolls, you can bring so much to bear that eventually, you are doing a game changing amount of damage to Moscow. So, no matter how the luck goes for you (unless it is abysmal and you are losing bombers every round to do 4 damage total), the strategy still works.