• I have been practicing the Allies a lot lately and i find that i am strong on most points except UK pac.  I buy max infantry every turn and I still get rolled by Japan.  I would fly the Anzac fighter there but my opponents are very good and place a fleet off kwangsi and another fleet off the Carolines so i would have to spend 4 blockers to protect Java. I even take Persia round one and factory it round two and build speed units to move toward India.  Does anyone have any good tips for helping UK pac?

  • What turn is Japan attacking the UK?  How are they getting to India?  By sea or by land?

    If by sea, you may not be able to do much except use naval blockers.  You won’t be able to stop a Japan that throws its whole weight at India.  However, Australia, China, Russia, and the US may be able to do something to chip away at Japan.

    -Australia- have at least one transport in Queensland to take back any islands Japan gets but cannot defend well.  Use DD blockers when needed and be aggressive.
    -China- Hold Yunnan at all costs.
    -USA- build up a fleet at Hawaii or Queensland ready to pounce where Japan is weakest.  If Tokyo can be hit Japan won’t be able to send the kitchen sink at India.
    -Russia- Depends on the Europe map.  If they can afford a couple mechs here and there to China they can play huge dividends later.
    -UK India- take Sumatra turn 1 (take Java turn 2 if able).  Retreat Malaya troops to shan state and move all available units (including AA guns) to Burma.  Purchase a mix of units- I prefer a couple mech inf and some inf turn 1, turn 2 a couple art and inf; turn 3 on all inf (adjust as needed).  Essentially, you want to prevent Japan from getting and holding Yunnan/Shan State.  This prevents his aircraft from a landing site if he attacks India by sea.  Use your surface ships as blockers to slow the Japanese fleet down.  Retreat to India before the assault…

    If by land, you have a bit more time, and it is much harder for Japan to commit enough ground forces to take India.  Keep building up your stack and be wary of where the Japanese aircraft are and where they can hit.

    In any case, you can take Sumatra turn 1 with India - and if Japan didn’t attack turn 1, you may be able to get java as well.  That gives you a bit of extra money.  Don’t worry about protecting Sumatra and Java- you won’t be able to.  However, Japan will have to attack these and they won’t be free.

  • My Pacific strategy is as follows:

    • USA is for fighting the major fleet engagements
    • ANZAC is for grabbing the islands and backing up the American fleet
    • India & China are for fighting the land war
    • Russia is for drawing Japanese troops and aircraft north (21 infantry and 2 AA guns can look quite intimidating)

    To this end then UK1 I build four artillery and take Sumatra. I keep the Malayan troops where they are (if Japan takes Malaya easily then I’m in trouble so I prefer to defend it) and then move everything into Burma.

    UK2 I build five mechanised infantry and, if Japan hasn’t declared war yet, I will declare war and move the Burmese army up into Yunnan. If you’re fighting a player going for a J3 DOW then this manoeuvre can occasionally catch them off guard. The artillery I bought UK1 move to Burma and the mech go down. In UK3 the army in Yunnan pushes forward, followed by a new army of 4 artillery and 5 mech one space behind them.

    From there on I try to make little attacks with China and, if successful, immediately throw UK trrops into the newly acquired territory. If America is pulling its weight at sea then Japan finds itself having to decide between winning the war at sea OR the war on land. It can’t do both and it still has to worry about the Russians in the north (withdrawn just far enough to put them out of range of a Japanese combined air & land attack). (Note: the general response there seems to be to keep about 10 infantry in Manchuria or around there. These infantry are going to be desparately needed down in China sooner or later.

    If Japan throws everything at India; navy, air and land… well you aren’t going to win. Your mission instead is to make victory as costly as possible for the Japanese so that the other Allies can clean up afterwards.

  • If Japan goes after India with the intent to take it there is nothing you can do about it. Japan can take out China, India or Anzac with ease if they focus on only one of them, but the key is how you setup the remaining powers to make its life difficult.

  • Thanks for the input guys.  I my games following this post i have been stacking India itself and using Mechs/air to keep Japan from having a landing site in Shan State.  I figure this will make them take it with a exclusively Sea/air landing (which makes it more expensive) or they will have to wait until turn 6+ when they can safely stack Burma.

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