• @balungaloaf:

    and it seems to be about money, b/c they arent even sending these guys to jail.  whats up with that?

    That would be because the Statute of Limitations has expired in almost all cases (and in those where it has not, there HAVE been criminal convictions).

    As for one person’s word…
    In most cases it is a MASSIVE number of individuals against a single priest.  There are almost no examples of single incident allegations (which would occur pretty frequently if they were mostly about money).
    Also, in most cases, the Preist admits it.

  • 2007 AAR League

    I just wanted to be the only other person posting in this thread besides you two :wink:

  • It’s hard to prove something like that any way. You can’t easily see emotional scars. I can also see why the accused churches (not just Catholics) would like to just make the problem go away. I would think it’s for the bad publicity. I would think you could get some good publicity out of it if you avidly pursued after these creeps and put them behind bars.

    I wonder if the state thinks it better to just to award money then to take away the clergymen. To some degree I think ‘they’ feel that is the state crossing into church aspect. That’s very touchy for some. So this way is just easier and dollar justice is served.

    Just my thoughts on the matter,


  • For starters, it is a lot easier to win a case in civil court than it is to win in criminal court. In criminal court you have to prove guilt beyond a shadow of a doubt. As an example the families of the victoms in the Simpson killings won in civil court. O.J. was aquitted in criminal court. Secondly, where is your proof that these people are lying? Since we’re on the subject of proving stuff, where is your proof of this grand liberal scheme? I’ll end with saying that I cannot stomach how quickly people take each other to court in today’s America. If it can ever be proven that any of these people lied, they should get life in prison. I also believe that quite a few lawsuits are somewhat silly these days. I cannot believe that the cases are heard, let alone the fact that people win them (for the record, coffee should be hot, and anyone that doesn’t understand that should be shot and not given $5 million). I’ll stop before I really go off on a tangent.

  • 2007 AAR League


    and again, the shakedown continue’s

    anyone want to be a millionare, just lie and say a priest abused you.  it is now the easiest sure-fire way to become a millionare.  to bad the media blitz has already gotten to everyone years ago.  so they cant percieve the epic theft being done.

    hell, i’m broke, i’m even thinking about it……no proof needed…perfect.

  • Yep, let’s just pay out $600 million for the hell of it.

    Goddess forbid they go to trial if they are INNOCENT and pay NOTHING…  :roll:

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator


    I think the Vatican has the cash to spare…

    Who knows, if the corporate hierarchy has to pay for it, perhaps next time they will do a better job of policing their own, instead of just sending them to a knew place with fresh victims to molest…

    Wow.  You sure you arn’t a liberal and anti-capitalist?  That’s almost verbatim right out of the Communist Economic/Market playbook.

    We need MAJOR tort reform in this nation.  If it were not for lawsuits, we’d be able to go see the doctor for $10/hr and get major surgery done for a few hundred bucks instead of tens of thousands of dollars.

  • No dear, that is TOTALLY Capitalist.

    If they have an economic negative occur as a result of failure to apply adequate controls on the performance of their employees while at work, then perhaps they will in the future do a better job of overseeing their employees activities at work.

    That is 100% market driven correction… cash being the encouraging factor to prevent their priests from molesting more little boys.

    I expect my accountant to be honorable, ethical and to be competent at math and tax law.  If he is not, then there is economic sanction (via litigation and lost business) for failure to do what is expected.
    Why should an organized religious leader be held to any less of a standard (especially with how important organized Christian religion is to so many folks in this nation)… Enron is a MINOR entity to be held accountable for their ethics and performance compared to the Catholic Church, and Enron was ONLY cash, not homosexual abuse of minors…

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    You want to impose penalties on business from the government.

    Totally capitalist would say no government intervention, if the consumers dislike the practices, they won’t shop there and the business will go out of business.

    Captialism is punishing Citgo, at least out here.  They’re paying a fortune on advertisements trying to convince Americans here they are a good company to buy for, meanwhile, they are closing up gas stations left and right from the boycott out here.  There’s only 1 out of a dozen + Citgos left on my route.  And none of the affiliates carry their gas anymore.

    That is capitalism at work.

    Governments “punishing” business “on behalf of the people” whether by court or legislation is communism.

  • A law suit is not GOVERNMENT punishment.  It is ARBITRATION.

    A neutral party hears the evidence and issue a ruling based on the law.

    And in this case the Catholic Church is apparently scared shitless of being found guilty, and thus has settled every single lawsuit rather than face a jury (because they know that they did not keep their priests from abusing little boys perhaps?)

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    Who appoints the Judge presiding over the case?
    Who pays the Judge presiding over the case?
    Who enforces the judgement of the Judge presiding over the case?

    It most assuredly IS government intervention into business practices.  Sometimes it might be warranted, sometimes not.  But it is government intervention either way.

  • It is the closest thing to neutral party that we have.

    But, based on your view of the Schiavo case in another thread, as well as your posts in other threads, I understand why you vie wthe judiciary as somthing other than a neutral arbitration entity (though I largely disagree with you on that perception)

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    There are neutral arbiters.  You and the person holding a grudge against you can go out, interview professional arbiters and select one together for a binding resolution.  With that, I’d say you can have a neutral effect from the Government.  They still need government papers, so it is still government intervention into capitalism, but it’s mostly benign at that point.

    However, you believe Judges are fair?  Try to fight a speeding ticket, at least in Cook County.

    a) Your accuser is not present.  Some officer representing all departments in cook county fills in for him.
    b) Even if you manage to convince the judge you were not speeding, you STILL pay the fine.

    Want to make it fair?  Jury trials for every court case, I don’t care if it’s for jay walking.  Judges are limited to determining if evidence is fair and legal and in issuing sentences for convicts.  No more rulings from the bench.

    Until then, the judicial system is a tyrannical wing of the US Government.

  • Sorry, but when the Arch diocese starts apologizing for the “lost innocence” of people that were sexually abused by priests, call that an open and shut case of ADMITTING that they failed to control their employees.


    LOS ANGELES - Cardinal Roger Mahony, leader of the nation’s largest Roman Catholic archdiocese, apologized Sunday to the hundreds of people who will get a share of a $660 million settlement over allegations of clergy sex abuse.

    “There really is no way to go back and give them that innocence that was taken from them. … The one thing I wish I could give the victims, I cannot,” he said.

    “Once again, I apologize to anyone who has been offended, who has been abused. … It should not have happened and should not ever happen again.”

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator


    Sorry, but when the Arch diocese starts apologizing for the “lost innocence” of people that were sexually abused by priests, call that an open and shut case of ADMITTING that they failed to control their employees.

    Oh yea, forgot, in your world the Catholics are ALL christians.  There are no protestants or luthurens or mormons or non-demoninational or episcipalitans or any other sects, JUST catholics.

  • @Jennifer:


    Sorry, but when the Arch diocese starts apologizing for the “lost innocence” of people that were sexually abused by priests, call that an open and shut case of ADMITTING that they failed to control their employees.

    Oh yea, forgot, in your world the Catholics are ALL christians.  There are no protestants or luthurens or mormons or non-demoninational or episcipalitans or any other sects, JUST catholics.

    WTF are you talking about  :?

  • @ncscswitch:

    Yep, let’s just pay out $600 million for the hell of it.

    Goddess forbid they go to trial if they are INNOCENT and pay NOTHING…  :roll:

    That’s what I was going to say.  I’m sure proving you are innocent would cost less than $660 million, but if you are not…

  • 2007 AAR League

    the juries will be from liberal areas anyways.  the people who do this arent dumb.  they will go to were the people already will give the theives their cash to punish the church not for the crime with no evidence, they’ll just punish it b/c they dont agree with its policies towards gays, abortion, etc.  the liberals would salivate at the chance.

    you see how its a lose lose situation.  the church just decided that a priest going to court, getting railroaded, and having the liberal media have a hayday with it isnt worth it.

    and that quote from the cardinal, of course he’ll say something like that.  if he said the truth, he’d be blasted in the press for it.  dont you ever think of that.

  • @balungaloaf:

    the juries will be from liberal areas anyways.  the people who do this arent dumb.  they will go to were the people already will give the theives their cash to punish the church not for the crime with no evidence, they’ll just punish it b/c they dont agree with its policies towards gays, abortion, etc.  the liberals would salivate at the chance.

    you see how its a lose lose situation.  the church just decided that a priest going to court, getting railroaded, and having the liberal media have a hayday with it isnt worth it.

    and that quote from the cardinal, of course he’ll say something like that.  if he said the truth, he’d be blasted in the press for it.  dont you ever think of that.

    unbelievable……truly scary…I’m at a loss for words.

  • Customizer

    You keep saying “there’s no evidence”, but what evidence can there be in cases like this?  Witnesses?

    One of the main causes of the reformation was the sexual deviances of the Catholic priesthood.  Men are sexual beings, priests or not, and allowing them to marry cured their deviances better than anything.  And now the evidence from the dead sea scrolls suggests that Jesus was married, and there’s nothing in the Bible saying priests cannot marry, the best cure for this problem is to ditch the senseless insistence on celebacy in the priesthood.
    If the problem was restricted to one country or one age there might be a case for the defence, but the problem is everywhere there are Catholic priests, and has gone on so long as there have been Catholic priests.  That’s not to say that anything more than a small minority are involved, but that’s still far too many.

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