RedLeg: do ISIS really have T55s and T62s and Artillery?
Yes, they have heavy weapons.
wich scale? 1:35?
Only in Tamiya or Dragon brands. If you want anything else it has to be in 1/72nd…
Lets not forget that beauty does not last. EVery human is bond to die. Beauty goes away with ages, intelligence stay pretty much with the person until death (unless alzheimer or some other disease)
Lets not forget that beauty does not last. EVery human is bond to die. Beauty goes away with ages, intelligence stay pretty much with the person until death (unless alzheimer or some other disease)
Yep, I agree with both your posts, Omega!
Fun topic, though!
Pretty much the same reason everyone else has listed.
What if the education level on the looks catagory was raised to 8th grade?
With brains you can make enough money to buy good looks or good looking women. :-D
I mean, beauty is pleasant. I suppose as a guy, I enjoy the beautiful women. But when I think about it : What would we do everyday? What would we talk about? If the beautiful woman only has a 5th grade mind, I personally would be bored dead. (Especially if by 5th grade mind, we want to depict the caricature girl that is only interested in reading magazines, paparazzi, reality shows, makeups)
I enjoy literature and philosophy as well as ethical and political affairs. If that lady isn’t interested in any of those domains, I don’t see how long I could stay with her -.-
Now, I’d like to point out that beautiful and smart girls are very rare. So rare in fact that all of the girls I know ( and I dare to say they are all smart) are already “taken”. So much for me, I’m going to be the next 40 years old single. ;p
Omega, I think the question is about which we would rather have, for ourselves personally, not in our women.
Heck, if it was what we wanted in our women, I’d go for looks in a heartbeat! But for myself? Brains!!
Omega, I think the question is about which we would rather have, for ourselves personally, not in our women.
Heck, if it was what we wanted in our women, I’d go for looks in a heartbeat! But for myself? Brains!!
Yeah our women just have to be good looking unless you plan on hanging out with them.
On second thoughts, if ugly is really ugly, so bad that you could not get near a girl before she hids behind something, I would not be able to bear that.
I like my brains, but I prefer girls and having a place in the world.
If it was an option, I would spit it. I don’t need to be the best looking person on the planet, neither the best looking so I am happy how I am.
So far I haven’t had problems with girls. Most of them consider me as a friend who has strange thoughts. So I never had the problem of actually meeting someone brain-stimulatiing but with physical appearance problem -.- Its not like I was a supermodel neither, so I can’t really start asking for the best right?
"Omega, I think the question is about which we would rather have, for ourselves personally, not in our women.
Heck, if it was what we wanted in our women, I’d go for looks in a heartbeat! But for myself? Brains!!"
It really depends on our conception of lives, maybe. Like I said, I do enjoy the beautiful women (probably not in the way you might have in mind, but I do enjoy watching them. I personally like their hairstyle and face above all other body part. I like hair so much that I once let them grew very long. Longer than some of my cousins. In the end, it was so ugly that I had to cut them -.-).
But if I had to pick someone, say to form a couple, I’d much rather go with the brain.
Definition of Hell : Put two persons with a completely different mind/opinions in the same room and you have hell.
Ugly women just don’t do it for me.
We are arguing over pure concept of beauty and ugly. No one can really define them. I think it is safe that one person will never fall for an ugly person. One will always love a beautiful person. But then, beautiful is subjective. What is beautiful for me may not be for you
I agree that beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but the question was brains vs. beauty and I assumed the question was personal. And this would mean that you would be sacrificing what you thought was beauty (not me)
I agree that beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but the question was brains vs. beauty and I assumed the question was personal. And this would mean that you would be sacrificing what you thought was beauty (not me)
Yes, looking back at the question it does seem a bit ambiguous. However, judging by the poll results, I’d say most felt it was about us personally, so the vast majority chose brains.
Yes I choose brains for me and beauty for my partners before I kick them to the curb.
“All warfare is based on deception.”
You can always convince women you’re brilliant.
Ugly speaks for itself.
“All warfare is based on deception.”
You can always convince women you’re brilliant.
Ugly speaks for itself.
Yes, if beauty is only skin deep, then ugly cuts to the bone.
I thought a flash back topic was on the menu today. Here is a fun topic.
When I read the title of the thread in the list of topics (before I opened it to find out the details of what it was about), I imagined that it was going to ask whether we’d prefer an A&A game with great rules but poor-quality components vs. an A&A game with great-looking components but poorly thought-out rules. (As a piece junkie, I’d go for the second option – but I can totally understand that this wouldn’t be everyone’s priority.)
I’m OK with my self!
It is the world wich is ugly and not really smart right now.