Because that is so easy to do over there�.
What is so easy to do over there?
it’s not like there isn’t any national interest over there either.
what political interest are you referring? Please don’t say oil�.we currently don’t import any from the middle east…so gas prices world wide would rise�we are currently paying craizy money per day just to bomb the savages now�there isn’t a justifiable fiscal comparison to be made and this doesn’t even take into account the human, american toll such action would have.
We all know isolationism works, just put our heads in the sand�
I don’t believe I advocated that�Perhaps this later point wasn’t clear�.Kill everyone, salt the earth?
while true evil prevails, because good men with the right equipment will do nothing…
It sounds like in your estimation, only “good men” can be found in this country? I don’t agree. There should be good Turks, Saudi’s, Egyptians, Iraqi’s, Jordanians etc�etc…They certainly have the equipment. We bought it for them and gave it to them already.
Utilizing your logic, there shouldn’t be any place in the world where we should not intervene militarily to thwart evil�…This argument is naive and this objective unachievable.
Most middle eastern militaries cannot force project at all. Not to mention how fragile any alliance would be without either the UN or another coalition of the willing to keep everyones eyes on the ball. They lack adequate training and there would be too many conflicting agendas if left to their own devices.
We helped create this mess. We need to help clean it up. It isn’t going away any time soon and there is a very real potential for there to be “splash effect” if we don’t.
The “so easy” comment was about the extermination bit. What you are advocating is genocide. We are supposed to be the good guys, remember. The problem is much more complicated than you are making it out to be and it will require coordination, leadership, and a clear understanding of the ins and outs of the areas. We have been successful at this before with AQI in al anbar circa 2006-2007, the same can be done now. Trust me, veterans of that war are chomping at the bit to right this wrong….myself included.