Anniversary Edition already Obsolete/Superceded?

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator


    well yea, but also because It seemed like a good idea at the time :roll:

    To me AA borders on religion.

    OCD =/ (Does not equal) religion. :P

  • Official Q&A

    But it may = fanaticism.

  • /signed- Fanatic :-D

  • Meh, I’m just going to be sticking with Revised.  A&A is long enough as it is, honestly, and I don’t see enough important (gameplay) changes to merit buying (at least until reviews, play sessions, etc. are released).  Spending $70 on an upgraded version of something I have requires a definite sense of value, and personally I don’t think AA50 is worth spending $70 on as opposed to a new board game or something.  Plus, my main A&A opponent is getting it (he had classic, I got revised, he’s getting AA50- we didn’t plan it like that, but it worked out!) so I will be able to play it (plus whenever Triple A releases something!).

  • oh come on man we are all drinking cool aid. Get on the bandwagen!

  • @Imperious:

    oh come on man we are all drinking cool aid. Get on the bandwagen!

    I think that’s the scary part… the brainwashing that has gone on over the years!  :-o :-(

  • @Imperious:

    oh come on man we are all drinking cool aid. Get on the bandwagen!

    It’s easier to have an addiction when you have money to support it  :oops:

  • Official Q&A


    I think that’s the scary part… the brainwashing that has gone on over the years!   :-o :-(

    But just think how sparkling clean our brains must be!

  • AA Religion = Larrism

    I’m a strict adherent.

  • I am by no means an expert in AA as you all seem to be, but spending much time here and reading about the house rules proposed and about the concerns of many of how “broken” this new AA50 may be, isn’t there some merit to suggest that the most innovative AA out there may be the AA clones, esp the Pegasus Hobbies edition which has already implemented many rules that are discussed here as fixing the “shortcomings” of AARevised and the anticipated AA50?

    It occurs to me that many of the innovative changes to AA Revised were inspired or driven by “alternative” AA’s such as Xeno’s and by Pegasus Hobbies’ editions.

    There are 1939 scenarios, rules about the invasion of neutrals, additions of France and other nations, diplomacy etc etc. Huge solid mapboards too. Perhaps, but I don’t know, the issue of subs has been resolved?

    I mean, what is there to drive the selection of AA50 over The Wargame: WWII by Pegasus Hobbies?

    As far as being obsolete or unbalanced-LOL really, we don’t even have a completed game, yet.  We have speculation and some rules, partial map.  It might be prudent to wait until you have a game or someone has a game.  So we can fill in the missing information.  Then, play the game maybe twenty times.  Then, maybe a statement like this thread, proclaims, would carry weight.  I have enough information to find a favorable review, but would be premature to proclaim it.  Guilty I am of a soft pedal.


    AA Religion = Larrism

    I’m a strict adherent.

    Game Dynamics, offered to young college kids;
    When I was in college mid eighties, the Classic game never rested.  It was in action in some ones Dorm room every night.  It would return to my aparttment for our Saturday night game.  Any other time, I attempted to get it back for a pick up game, someone else, had a group scheduled to play.  It was cheap entertainment and social and often facilitated discussions on History, current political events and personal experiences, ( lots of vets. )

  • AS far as fanaticism is concerned. AA has made me a war lover. I watch Combat! like 3 hrs a day, and all the other movies.

    I got a full dress German field Marshall uniform custom made and have no reason to wear it.

    Constantly looking for an official 1941 Benz Cabriolet in black, so i can ride around in style

    Seriously considering building a Fuhrer Bunker style basement with a custom war room with custom AA table, complete with period furniture.

    I can do all these things, but feel its a bit extravagant.  Except for the Bunker. I need an official playing HQ for these games.

  • @Imperious:

    AS far as fanaticism is concerned. AA has made me a war lover. I watch Combat! like 3 hrs a day, and all the other movies.

    I got a full dress German field Marshall uniform custom made and have no reason to wear it.

    Constantly looking for an official 1941 Benz Cabriolet in black, so i can ride around in style

    Seriously considering building a Fuhrer Bunker style basement with a custom war room with custom AA table, complete with period furniture.

    I can do all these things, but feel its a bit extravagant.  Except for the Bunker. I need an official playing HQ for these games.

    This is funny-LOL.

    I am not laughing at you certainly. It is an evil deep laugh…  standing next to you.
    I can just see you, ready to game, Field Marshall dress, black 41Cabriolet, down to the bunker-par excellent.  You make the rest of us fanatics look like pikers, ja…
    I do seem to be watching and looking for more WWII stuff.  Damn, I better be careful, there’s that evil laugh again…

  • BTW, AA Revised is advertised on the box of AA50 along with the other AA’s

    Guess it will be around for awhile with AA50.

  • @Imperious:

    I got a full dress German field Marshall uniform custom made and have no reason to wear it.

    Constantly looking for an official 1941 Benz Cabriolet in black, so i can ride around in style

    Your search is over:

    and for the Allies:

    I really like the bunker idea.  My FLGS is in an undeground portion of a building… maybe they would let me build a Furher bunker…

  • Ill check up on these prices but i would have to pay alot to get it to the states.

    I think they are overpriced to say the least.

  • @Imperious:

    oh come on man we are all drinking cool aid. Get on the bandwagen!

    I have to say, now that it is finally here, I am quite conflicted.  I’m thinking about selling my copy of revised for about 25 bucks if I can find any takers… 70 - 25 = 45, which is more reasonable.  Still I’m debating the necessity of this seeing how it’s just an expanded version of a game I own… if playtest reports say that JTDTM is dead and there is an actual Pacific struggle, that could tip me into the buy range.  Right now I’m on the fence.

  • Larry made it clear in his introduction to the game that he designed it as a balanced attack for the allies. NO MORE KGF OR KJF… its just kill axis first.

    If you no longer play MB, then having AA50 would do the same thing to AAR…which did the same thing to AAR.

    You must buy AA50. Its awesome!

    just use the AAR pieces as back ups. You will need extra chips for AA50.Use them from AAR

  • @Imperious:

    Larry made it clear in his introduction to the game that he designed it as a balanced attack for the allies. NO MORE KGF OR KJF… its just kill axis first.

    If you no longer play MB, then having AA50 would do the same thing to AAR…which did the same thing to AAR.

    You must buy AA50. Its awesome!

    just use the AAR pieces as back ups. You will need extra chips for AA50.Use them from AAR

    Designers can fall short of their goals, however  :wink:  I’m just a bit skeptical after Revised was a huge KGF game.  After hearing some playtests, I’ll see (yes, I have a will of steel in order to say that!).

  • Of course it would be possible to spend more money against one or the other, but to the extent of which we saw in Revised was clearly going way too far with in many cases NO MONEY SPENT on one theater in the effort to win the other. That was ridiculous from a historical point of view.

    In lots of revised games USA didn’t do jack against japan until Germany was defeated or close …well you know.

  • I have only played appr. 25 games of AAR. With USA I never went after germany directly. I used the bomber for SBR. I would spend 10 IPC usually each round to secure Africa. The rest of my IPCs went into a Pacific war. It was a much better game that way. UK could mostly concentrate on Europe.

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