If AH released a more up-to-date FAQ, lead me too it! Kreighund’s link takes me to a designer site - not an official Avalon Hill source.
AFAIK this proposed errata was never published by the producers of the game; who have the final only “official” word.
That thread (not even a PDF anymore) is about as official as LHTR for Revised. These are fine option for so inclined tournament organisers, but they do not supplant the official rules.
As I said, the publisher has dropped support for out-of-print games, so the designer’s site is the only official source of information for them that currently exists (save for disconnected web pages). In any case, the FAQs that AH publishes come from the designer, and the ones on his site are the same as the ones that are (or used to be) on the publisher’s site.